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One of the greatest difficulties in MMO's is when your 9hour raid ends you've got terrible blood pressure, cholesterol through the roof and you need to push your desk away in order to get up. So i've decided to provide this self help way of maintaining a solid 6 pack and firm buttocks while raiding and eating doritoes with a refrigerator nearby.
First things first... throw out the chair. No one really needs a chair when your at your comp, without the chair you'll be forced to do squats. This helps the lower back muscles out, provided you maintain good posture.
Secondly rewire your mouse to 250+ volt wire and conduit. This will allow your arm to develope well and give your fore-arm a good work out. You'll never notice, especially when your a healer and the raid gets real intense, after 3hrs you'll notice your right arm is more developed then your left (provided your using the right hand on the mouse). For added benefit you can change the mouse buttons to switches. This will work out your fingers.
Third turn your volume on your mic near off, this will give your lungs a much needed workout while you are yelling into the mic to coordinate your raid. Maintain good posture and proper breathing to make this work effectively.
Fourth: Most computers are connected to a surge bar which you have plugged into your 120v outlet and your comp receives power through this system. A great way to work the legs out is to get an exercise bike, set it to the most difficult setting then run the wheel on a 3phase motor to generate current. I'm not real big on electricity but somewhere you may need a converter so consult your electrician before going with this. Thus now you will be able to generate your own power for your computer, this will really pay off when a raid gets intense, you'll need to give it all you got to power up your system and you won't even notice the great workout your legs are getting.
Fifth make sure you stay well hydrated, for those who consume large amounts of beer, your not ok... You'll need even more water. Keep salty things away.
Hopefully this will have many folks feeling better and being over all more healthy thus able to communicate better and the general mentallity within MMO communities will improve. It's win-win.
Funny read! Kudos to you
I was just going to say don't play all the time and exercise when you are not playing, but you completely beat my idea.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
USB treadmill to move your avatar around the virtual world. Wii remote technology for swinging your sword.
The best way for any gamer to get fit is P90X.,2,21
I'm telling you, these are the most awesome workout dvd's around. My body went from "skinny-fat" to "brad pitt jr." All you need are some old dumbells & a pull-up bar (12-15 bucks at Walmart). You will actually notice a HUGE difference in less than a month. I know this is a little off the whole USB / joking around exercise post, but man... the results will get you so excited.
Just do pushups and situps while waiting for the healers to rez you.
If you're a healer, move the chair back and jog in place while wating for mana regen / drinking between rezzes.
If your a mage, because you only hit 1 button over and over during boss fights, attach one of those little water-dipping bird things to hit the macro buttons for you, and do jumping jacks while you fight.
If you're a rogue you probably already have highly developed thumbs from hitting the spacebar to jump every 1.2 seconds.
If you are a raid leader, set up a punching bag by your PC so after wipes you can beat up on something other then the noobs that f-d up the pull
but yeah, the OP had some very funny ideas. /congrats
You won't get guns running :P
Drink Beer, it burns fat.... that and use a karate gripper!
What would be a good supplement is a PC DDR pad that is programable to be various keys. For visual movement a modified Wii controller.
Or anyone remember Track and Field?
Haha, I love it. I'm going to begin my routine tonight.
The best way to lose weight while playing a MMO is to fit yourself a saunasuite [its basically a bodysuite thats insulated and heated], Meanwhile stand on a treadmill set to respond to your avitars walking speed. So if your avitar is walking the tradmill moves at walking speed, If its running then it moves at running speed.
Also fit a heavy weight to your mouse so its heavy to move. Now you have a way of losing weight while palaying a MMO.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
Funny post, hehe.
On a serious note though, I have a few suggestions for anyone who is actually interested.
1. Fitness ball and base. You can hop a bit while you play, or during any type of downtime, and get a bit of leg and gluteal exercise. I believe this also can increase general trunk (stomach and back muscles) strength, since there isn't much back support. Consult your doctor first, however.
2. Fitness bands. Just an elongated rectangular piece of rubber that you can stretch out to get some chest and arm exercise. You can keep one beside your keyboard, or just near it on your desk. They take up very little space. Just grab it during a flight or while waiting on a group, and stretch away.
3. Compact leg exercise equipment, or exercise chair.
Oh, and I'm not endorsing any of these products, nor can I attest to their quality. I merely provided links to show what I am talking about. Again, consult your doctor.
Perception is Reality.
i would recommend swim for about 20-30 mins, when i say swim i really mean swim!! not just standing in the swimming pool....
OOH good idea [Writes it down in his notebook].
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
OOH good idea [Writes it down in his notebook].
I_tried_it_today_since_it_is_sweltering_out_figured_this_would_be_great,_now_my_22inch_flat_screen_looks_like_a _super-lava-lamp_and_my_spacebar_doesn't_work_anymore._In_addition_to_this_i_fried_myself_with_120_directcurrent.
How do you keep the tower out of the water?
How do you keep the tower out of the water?
It seems you dont.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
I swear I'm about to give away a million dollar idea here.
Exercise Bike + Desk Chair = Muscles of Win
You could easily make a stool with a back support which had a simple bike pedal system. You could then pedal constantly while playing your mmorpg. You could alway put a resistance system on it which could be controlled via an armrest knob. This could easily be used while raiding, grouping, or solo play. This could also be used as a controller for a bike game. There is currently a stationary bike at my university's gym which has a vid screen that plays a simulation of a bike race.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
Sixth: don't play MMOs with long raids.