To the OP: Your forum topic seems designed to simply incite flame and get the flocks of WoW-Haters here.... seriously if you think WoW is that awful why the hell did you even play it? WoW is a great game, it uses tried and true formulas but refine those into a distinctive artful style and design. While WoW will not please everyone (no game ever has) it is a great game that is loads of fun to play. I am not sure why these people that come here and proclaim outrageous bullshit and expect everyone to agree with them.
My point about WoW is that its design allows for a nasty, immature, and mindless community. It also allows for THOUSANDS (millions?) of bots to be in the game. It is that easy, it is that mindless, it is that silly.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
My point about WoW is that its design allows for a nasty, immature, and mindless community. It also allows for THOUSANDS (millions?) of bots to be in the game. It is that easy, it is that mindless, it is that silly.
Your theories are flawed. A community is what the players made of it, it has ABSOLUTELY no connection whatever to game mechanics or how fun a game is. Take note that during the time that WoW was designed (2001-2002) botting and RMT hasn't reached the epidemic proportions that it has become, so minimal security precautions were undertaken in implementing measure in eliminating botters/exploiters. In fact the security system implemented by Blizzard called Warden was tacked on later in the game when the game was out for a while and RMT/Botting was on the rise. It is due to WoW's popularity that attracted all sorts of gamers and these "nasty, immature, and mindless" community that you've depicted is proportional to the amount of subscribers that a game has. Then again these are all based on your personal point of view, in fact the server where I play on has a thriving mature community where everyone is respectful and cordial to each other. Of course there are a few jackasses here and there but you simply cannot designate a whole community as rotten to the core (thereby condemning yourself too as you're part of the community right?). Blizzard has been doing a lot in curbing botters, in fact due to the ease on obtaining a WoW account (cost only $20 bucks) botters will eventually come back if their accounts got banned (and due to prepaid cards) it is just too easy to get a new anonymous account. In fact during the 2005-2006 period is when botting reached massive critical proportions and after Blizzard announced bannings of massive amount of accounts (100,000 accounts so far) there has been a significant decrease of botters (sure they are out there but the smart ones no longer bot with impunity).
My point is that the design of WoW allows for an immature, nasty, and rather mindless community. You can be 12 years old and become "uber" in the game with all its cartoony graphics and puerile humor.
It is a child's game, but mostly Asians and bots play it today.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
My point is that the design of WoW allows for an immature, nasty, and rather mindless community. You can be 12 years old and become "uber" in the game with all its cartoony graphics and puerile humor.
It is a child's game, but mostly Asians and bots play it today.
The guy has not eveb played WoW.. leave him be... OP search youtube for EQ2 bots, OU bots and DAoC bots... just as many.
I absolutely did play WoW, as my original post points out. It is the only game in which I quit and felt RELIEVED for having quit.
When I quit EQ 1, and have returned off an on, after a while I always sensed I was missing something. WoW was a blessing to leave.
I returned to WoW briefly after quitting Vanguard, although I have since returned, and the community was just downright horrid. I did run into a few bots and many Asians whose English skills were lacking. The community is Asians, bots, and children.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
WoW is designed for a different sort of player I have never become used to. I still do not like this type of player. My background? I played WoW on the first day of its release. I formed a guild with several years-long friends of mine from EQ 1. Our guild ultimately collapsed in a short amount of time. I was an Officer. I then formed a guild on my own, with EQ 1 friends and some people on our server. It would become the second most powerful and effective raiding guild on our server. I would abdicate in 7 months or so to study abroad, but I remained an Officer. Upon return to the states, I decided to resign my Officership, quit WoW, and sold my account. I played EQ 1 again and then Vanguard. I quit Vanguard, due to performance issues, and returned to WoW. Edit: I got my old account that I sold back. The WoW community had become even worse. The drama of the me, me, me WoW player was widespread and not limited to guilds but throughout the entire chat channel. I am going to attempt to answer these claims in the most reasonable way possible. Although I think the first paragraph negates the rest, I will still give you the benefit of the doubt.
It is for an immature player: the challenge of the game. Its graphics. Its humor. ALL of it makes it obvious = it was made for kiddies. And now the "uber" kiddies rule the game! The style that Warcraft has has been around for a long time. The "cartoony" graphics are part of the feel to the game and help people with slower computers still enjoy the game. The humor is very enjoyable for me. Everything from Haris Pilton to Sword of Omens gives me a chuckle. The jokes are all pretty much allusions to popular entertainment and culture. Allusion is also used in many forms of literature and is certainly not on the same level as humor gears towards kids (such as Jackass or America's Funniest Home Videos)
It is for a sort of zerger type of "ownage" or "uber" wannabe. You know these types? The people that join huge zerg guilds and get raid items and call themselves "uber." This is where your post loses a bit of credibility. The term zerg refers to using a massive amount of players or units to attack a single or fewer units. Zerg guilds are usually guilds that collect as many users as possible of any level in hopes to collect a few good eggs for raiding or pvp. These zerg guilds usually are not very successful when dealing with raids because raids have a limit to how many users can enter them. In other words, zerging does not work for PvE instances in WoW because Blizzard limits the number of players who can enter instances.
Think about Leeroy Jenkins. In EQ 1, if some one did that, we would not laugh. We would ridicule. Instead, something as stupid as that is the best of the best of their humor. NOT my type of people or game! I think Leeroy Jenkins was funny. The addition of the vent chat really made me laugh. Even though the video was staged the act was great. If EQ1 players created a video that made fun of messing up in a raid people would have laughed. For example, if someone was trying to kill Cazic-Thule and a player decided to run at him while yelling I'm pretty sure the same result would have occured. Remember, a similar crowd of players subscribe to WoW and EQ. They are both MMORPGs and have raiding. I'm sure there sense of humor is similar too.
There are no Quests; they are all tasks. The questing system is not elaborate. It is not a journey. Children are literally able to do them and bots. I am not sure about this, either. Are you saying that quests should be more involved? What could a company like Blizzard do to stop players from botting quests? As long as a quest has a series of events which are repeated for every player botting is possible. Someone could easily macro every mouse click. Plus, even if questing was random and unbottable people would just grind mobs for experience instead.
I have seen the evidence on youtube. The game is soooooooo easy and mindless BOTS can play it! You do not even have to play the game; it is literally that simple. You can create programs to play for you! LMFAO. Every MMORPG on the market can be botted. Heck, some MMORPGs encourage it. Mario Brothers can be botted. None of these facts stop millions of players from doing it the real way.
It is an Asian game. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but when I returned hardly anyone could speak English on my server. It is really sad. Hehe. What server do you play on. I found the exact opposite on my server. Although some people had horrible grammar and spelling -cough cough-, I found many people who were very adept at speaking English. Did you send tells to everyone you met?
The class system is basic and unbalanced. Way out of balance. In what way? Are you trying to PvP with a healer in full heal PvE green gear? I need more explaining here.
The community. It is not a community. You cannot communicate with the Asians. You cannot communicate with the bots. And you do not want to communicate with the "leet" and "uber" and "pwnage" teens. Any fairly well-educated adult is appalled with WoW. See my previous comment about your server and asians. I haven't had trouble with any leet kiddies. Perhaps you approach people in a hostile way and receive these responses?
Leveling up is so easy you have 11 year olds bossing people around. Leveling is fairly easy. The casual friendly atmosphere is what many users enjoy.
Raiding is zerging. No strategy, although they try to make it look like there is strategy. LOL See my earlier comment about fixed instance numbers. Zerging is rather impossible in raids.
These and other elements has convinced me that the Asian masses and their bots have ruined MMORPG gaming. Let's hope that with AoC the WoW people will stick with WoW and join WAR. I will not, I cannot, and I will never -ever- pay a 1.00 a month or more to play with the WoW community. It is immature. It is hostile. It is bitter. And they all think they are "uber." LOL. Again, see the comment about your server. Perhaps you should have investigated the other faction or another server. Were you on PvP? Try a PvE or RP server.
But ... feeling revitalized... WoW has destroyed a sense of community. And the consequences for this are quite severe for anyone that looks for community in MMORPGs. EQ 1 destroyed community with an emphasis on raiding as well.
A MMO is not just about a personal character advancement. I think people play MMOs to adventure with their characters, impact a fantasy world, and do so within a larger community. People want more then log-in, kill 10 bears, collect 5 bear teeth, hand them in. People want a sense of a real adventure. A sense of a REAL Quest. A sense of a real community.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Actually retrospectic, I have to disagree with this statement here:
For example, if someone was trying to kill Cazic-Thule and a player decided to run at him while yelling I'm pretty sure the same result would have occured.
I was a leader for a guild that ran frequent Hate and Fear raids. If someone had done this to us on the raid, they would have been kicked out because the sheer amount of time it would have taken to get back up and running again to take a serious shot at CT again would have been horrendous. We would have had to log out, wait for agro on CT to clear, start logging in a couple scouts to make sure he properly reset, then start having everyone else log back in. And that's if no one beyond the numbnut that agroed him in the first place died. While I do agree with most of your sentiments, there is no way this would have been tolerated in Everquest. Yes, they both have raiding, but the entire mentality behind EQ raiding vs WoW raiding is completely different. A lot of times, if you lost to a boss once, you might or might not make a second shot at it in EQ. In WoW, guilds take 3-4 shots at a boss some nights. The death penalty ensured this in EQ. Corpse runs in the Planes were the worst. And I'm not even getting into what it would take if you had a 100% wipe in the Plane of Hate. The price on the Portal Stones alone was insane.
Great post, Adythiel. I hope others take the time to read it.
The whole mentality of EQ (pre-PoP) and WoW is different. The community is drastically different. People are habitually disrespectful, even dishonorable as a joke (Leeroy Jenkins) if not stupid (Leeroy Jenkins).
Many of us "veteran" EQ players, and I would include SWG as well, are dieing here. We are lost at sea. Even lonely. Our expectations for Vanguard were not met. And we may never have a community like the one we had in EQ 1 or SWG. We may never experience that challenge again or sense of accomplishment. I made lifelong friends in EQ 1. It sounds funny to make "friends" over the internet, but I really did. The game was designed in a way to make friends, build a community, and so forth. Then the PoP zerging all the time had a great consequence for it.
I think many of us out there want something like SWG Pre-NGE/CU and EQ 1 Pre-PoP. We are a market. A sizable one.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
WoW is designed for a different sort of player I have never become used to. I still do not like this type of player. My background? I played WoW on the first day of its release. I formed a guild with several years-long friends of mine from EQ 1. Our guild ultimately collapsed in a short amount of time. I was an Officer. I then formed a guild on my own, with EQ 1 friends and some people on our server. It would become the second most powerful and effective raiding guild on our server. I would abdicate in 7 months or so to study abroad, but I remained an Officer. Upon return to the states, I decided to resign my Officership, quit WoW, and sold my account. I played EQ 1 again and then Vanguard. I quit Vanguard, due to performance issues, and returned to WoW. Edit: I got my old account that I sold back. The WoW community had become even worse. The drama of the me, me, me WoW player was widespread and not limited to guilds but throughout the entire chat channel. I am going to attempt to answer these claims in the most reasonable way possible. Although I think the first paragraph negates the rest, I will still give you the benefit of the doubt.
It is for an immature player: the challenge of the game. Its graphics. Its humor. ALL of it makes it obvious = it was made for kiddies. And now the "uber" kiddies rule the game! The style that Warcraft has has been around for a long time. The "cartoony" graphics are part of the feel to the game and help people with slower computers still enjoy the game. The humor is very enjoyable for me. Everything from Haris Pilton to Sword of Omens gives me a chuckle. The jokes are all pretty much allusions to popular entertainment and culture. Allusion is also used in many forms of literature and is certainly not on the same level as humor gears towards kids (such as Jackass or America's Funniest Home Videos)
It is for a sort of zerger type of "ownage" or "uber" wannabe. You know these types? The people that join huge zerg guilds and get raid items and call themselves "uber." This is where your post loses a bit of credibility. The term zerg refers to using a massive amount of players or units to attack a single or fewer units. Zerg guilds are usually guilds that collect as many users as possible of any level in hopes to collect a few good eggs for raiding or pvp. These zerg guilds usually are not very successful when dealing with raids because raids have a limit to how many users can enter them. In other words, zerging does not work for PvE instances in WoW because Blizzard limits the number of players who can enter instances.
Think about Leeroy Jenkins. In EQ 1, if some one did that, we would not laugh. We would ridicule. Instead, something as stupid as that is the best of the best of their humor. NOT my type of people or game! I think Leeroy Jenkins was funny. The addition of the vent chat really made me laugh. Even though the video was staged the act was great. If EQ1 players created a video that made fun of messing up in a raid people would have laughed. For example, if someone was trying to kill Cazic-Thule and a player decided to run at him while yelling I'm pretty sure the same result would have occured. Remember, a similar crowd of players subscribe to WoW and EQ. They are both MMORPGs and have raiding. I'm sure there sense of humor is similar too.
There are no Quests; they are all tasks. The questing system is not elaborate. It is not a journey. Children are literally able to do them and bots. I am not sure about this, either. Are you saying that quests should be more involved? What could a company like Blizzard do to stop players from botting quests? As long as a quest has a series of events which are repeated for every player botting is possible. Someone could easily macro every mouse click. Plus, even if questing was random and unbottable people would just grind mobs for experience instead.
I have seen the evidence on youtube. The game is soooooooo easy and mindless BOTS can play it! You do not even have to play the game; it is literally that simple. You can create programs to play for you! LMFAO. Every MMORPG on the market can be botted. Heck, some MMORPGs encourage it. Mario Brothers can be botted. None of these facts stop millions of players from doing it the real way.
It is an Asian game. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but when I returned hardly anyone could speak English on my server. It is really sad. Hehe. What server do you play on. I found the exact opposite on my server. Although some people had horrible grammar and spelling -cough cough-, I found many people who were very adept at speaking English. Did you send tells to everyone you met?
The class system is basic and unbalanced. Way out of balance. In what way? Are you trying to PvP with a healer in full heal PvE green gear? I need more explaining here.
The community. It is not a community. You cannot communicate with the Asians. You cannot communicate with the bots. And you do not want to communicate with the "leet" and "uber" and "pwnage" teens. Any fairly well-educated adult is appalled with WoW. See my previous comment about your server and asians. I haven't had trouble with any leet kiddies. Perhaps you approach people in a hostile way and receive these responses?
Leveling up is so easy you have 11 year olds bossing people around. Leveling is fairly easy. The casual friendly atmosphere is what many users enjoy.
Raiding is zerging. No strategy, although they try to make it look like there is strategy. LOL See my earlier comment about fixed instance numbers. Zerging is rather impossible in raids.
These and other elements has convinced me that the Asian masses and their bots have ruined MMORPG gaming. Let's hope that with AoC the WoW people will stick with WoW and join WAR. I will not, I cannot, and I will never -ever- pay a 1.00 a month or more to play with the WoW community. It is immature. It is hostile. It is bitter. And they all think they are "uber." LOL. Again, see the comment about your server. Perhaps you should have investigated the other faction or another server. Were you on PvP? Try a PvE or RP server.
This one deserves the unabreviated version: Laugh my fu7king azz off!
You showed this guy! And BTW What do you mean asains. I thought that was fu7king halarius considering that its a western game! Make sure you get your fact straight before you post. BTW i use vent and TS alot on WoW and most of the people i talk to are around 17 to 25 so will all WoW haters please stop with the Kiddie rants there getting old and more untrue.
This one deserves the unabreviated version: Laugh my fu7king azz off!
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
My point about WoW is that its design allows for a nasty, immature, and mindless community. It also allows for THOUSANDS (millions?) of bots to be in the game. It is that easy, it is that mindless, it is that silly.
you must have played awhile back because they have anti bot and anti gold spammer programs now.
This one deserves the unabreviated version: Laugh my fu7king azz off!
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
Every MMO ive played has to do with getting "Uber" as you call it weather it be WoW EvE EQ and the thousands of asian grinds. Id like to ask is everything your saying is in your opionon right because Nearly non of it is factual.
This one deserves the unabreviated version: Laugh my fu7king azz off!
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
You have not once responded directly to one of the points I made. Instead you are just saying the same exact thing again with slightly different sentences. The community on most servers is much like any video game that can be played online. Of course there are going to be immature little brats who are way too concerned with the game. You know how to combat that? You find players who aren't like that and play with them.
I was in a guild that was not concerned with raiding and did not allow players who were immature. We did not raid and we certainly didn't allow people to join who were concerned with loot as much as the players you seem to have been surrounded by.
I would really like to see you respond to my points without just quoting a short post and then saying the same thing again. Also, what level did you get to while playing? I can't imagine it was past 30. A lot of KIDS are playing 1 - 30 because those levels are easy. If you hit 70 it begins to weed those types out.
Check the math: W O W Letter of teh alphabet: 23 15 23 2*3 = 6 1+5 =6 2*3 = 6 666 = the number of the devil
This is NOT the way to reduce to a Compound number. Accoring to Numerology, which you are not using here, a compound number is derived by adding the numbers together until they make a single Compound number.
To to Correct your distortion of the issue, their REAL compound numbers for W, O, W are are 5, 6, 5.
Then compounded again to a final number 7, considered a Lucky or fortunate number.
- The only real indicator about the community is the quality of PUGS in game. Yes PUGS show how well the community within the game is. Undoubtedly WoW Pugs are a complete disaster. This is surely not just my opinion, and I dont think anyone can oppose to the quality of the pugs in WoW. So basically I can state that wow community is the worst from all MMORPG's that requires a monthly subscribtion, because of its disastrous pugs.
- The worst community means, that majority of the players that picked the game are either kids or complete amateurs. The question is: do we really think that those two groups of people have sophisticated opinion about what game is the best? That leads to that if majority of kids and amateurs picked WoW for their favourite game in which they spend 25+hours a week, that means something is wrong. It means WoW can offer them exactly the game style and game play that those people want. And dont try to oppose that wow is a massterpiece that is able to appeal to all gaming groups. Because thats just not possible. Simple as that, WoW appeals to mass market, just like Eminem (in music) or Michael Bay (in films).
Check the math: W O W Letter of teh alphabet: 23 15 23 2*3 = 6 1+5 =6 2*3 = 6 666 = the number of the devil
This is NOT the way to reduce to a Compound number. Accoring to Numerology, which you are not using here, a compound number is derived by adding the numbers together until they make a single Compound number.
To to Correct your distortion of the issue, their REAL compound numbers for W, O, W are are 5, 6, 5.
Then compounded again to a final number 7, considered a Lucky or fortunate number.
To the OP: Your forum topic seems designed to simply incite flame and get the flocks of WoW-Haters here.... seriously if you think WoW is that awful why the hell did you even play it? WoW is a great game, it uses tried and true formulas but refine those into a distinctive artful style and design. While WoW will not please everyone (no game ever has) it is a great game that is loads of fun to play. I am not sure why these people that come here and proclaim outrageous bullshit and expect everyone to agree with them.
This thread from someone with the following in the signature?
Say no mo'.WoW is a great game for children and bots.
It is a game in which botting is made very easy. Bots are everywhere in the game.
Did you see the youtube evidence? I did a search. LOL.
My point about WoW is that its design allows for a nasty, immature, and mindless community. It also allows for THOUSANDS (millions?) of bots to be in the game. It is that easy, it is that mindless, it is that silly.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Your theories are flawed. A community is what the players made of it, it has ABSOLUTELY no connection whatever to game mechanics or how fun a game is. Take note that during the time that WoW was designed (2001-2002) botting and RMT hasn't reached the epidemic proportions that it has become, so minimal security precautions were undertaken in implementing measure in eliminating botters/exploiters. In fact the security system implemented by Blizzard called Warden was tacked on later in the game when the game was out for a while and RMT/Botting was on the rise. It is due to WoW's popularity that attracted all sorts of gamers and these "nasty, immature, and mindless" community that you've depicted is proportional to the amount of subscribers that a game has. Then again these are all based on your personal point of view, in fact the server where I play on has a thriving mature community where everyone is respectful and cordial to each other. Of course there are a few jackasses here and there but you simply cannot designate a whole community as rotten to the core (thereby condemning yourself too as you're part of the community right?). Blizzard has been doing a lot in curbing botters, in fact due to the ease on obtaining a WoW account (cost only $20 bucks) botters will eventually come back if their accounts got banned (and due to prepaid cards) it is just too easy to get a new anonymous account. In fact during the 2005-2006 period is when botting reached massive critical proportions and after Blizzard announced bannings of massive amount of accounts (100,000 accounts so far) there has been a significant decrease of botters (sure they are out there but the smart ones no longer bot with impunity).
A community has an enormous impact on the game.
My point is that the design of WoW allows for an immature, nasty, and rather mindless community. You can be 12 years old and become "uber" in the game with all its cartoony graphics and puerile humor.
It is a child's game, but mostly Asians and bots play it today.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
The guy has not eveb played WoW.. leave him be... OP search youtube for EQ2 bots, OU bots and DAoC bots... just as many.
I absolutely did play WoW, as my original post points out. It is the only game in which I quit and felt RELIEVED for having quit.
When I quit EQ 1, and have returned off an on, after a while I always sensed I was missing something. WoW was a blessing to leave.
I returned to WoW briefly after quitting Vanguard, although I have since returned, and the community was just downright horrid. I did run into a few bots and many Asians whose English skills were lacking. The community is Asians, bots, and children.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
I guess everyone ran out of juice?
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
It is immature. It is hostile. It is bitter. And they all think they are "uber." LOL.
pretty much sums the whole thread up,and the countless other similar threads that will be made on this very subject.
But ... feeling revitalized... WoW has destroyed a sense of community. And the consequences for this are quite severe for anyone that looks for community in MMORPGs. EQ 1 destroyed community with an emphasis on raiding as well.
A MMO is not just about a personal character advancement. I think people play MMOs to adventure with their characters, impact a fantasy world, and do so within a larger community. People want more then log-in, kill 10 bears, collect 5 bear teeth, hand them in. People want a sense of a real adventure. A sense of a REAL Quest. A sense of a real community.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Actually retrospectic, I have to disagree with this statement here:
For example, if someone was trying to kill Cazic-Thule and a player decided to run at him while yelling I'm pretty sure the same result would have occured.
I was a leader for a guild that ran frequent Hate and Fear raids. If someone had done this to us on the raid, they would have been kicked out because the sheer amount of time it would have taken to get back up and running again to take a serious shot at CT again would have been horrendous. We would have had to log out, wait for agro on CT to clear, start logging in a couple scouts to make sure he properly reset, then start having everyone else log back in. And that's if no one beyond the numbnut that agroed him in the first place died. While I do agree with most of your sentiments, there is no way this would have been tolerated in Everquest. Yes, they both have raiding, but the entire mentality behind EQ raiding vs WoW raiding is completely different. A lot of times, if you lost to a boss once, you might or might not make a second shot at it in EQ. In WoW, guilds take 3-4 shots at a boss some nights. The death penalty ensured this in EQ. Corpse runs in the Planes were the worst. And I'm not even getting into what it would take if you had a 100% wipe in the Plane of Hate. The price on the Portal Stones alone was insane.
Well For one the game is rated T for teen so it wasnt made for kiddes.
Second, Just cus you dont like something someone else does doesnt mean you have to put them down.
Great post, Adythiel. I hope others take the time to read it.
The whole mentality of EQ (pre-PoP) and WoW is different. The community is drastically different. People are habitually disrespectful, even dishonorable as a joke (Leeroy Jenkins) if not stupid (Leeroy Jenkins).
Many of us "veteran" EQ players, and I would include SWG as well, are dieing here. We are lost at sea. Even lonely. Our expectations for Vanguard were not met. And we may never have a community like the one we had in EQ 1 or SWG. We may never experience that challenge again or sense of accomplishment. I made lifelong friends in EQ 1. It sounds funny to make "friends" over the internet, but I really did. The game was designed in a way to make friends, build a community, and so forth. Then the PoP zerging all the time had a great consequence for it.
I think many of us out there want something like SWG Pre-NGE/CU and EQ 1 Pre-PoP. We are a market. A sizable one.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
You showed this guy! And BTW What do you mean asains. I thought that was fu7king halarius considering that its a western game! Make sure you get your fact straight before you post. BTW i use vent and TS alot on WoW and most of the people i talk to are around 17 to 25 so will all WoW haters please stop with the Kiddie rants there getting old and more untrue.
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
you must have played awhile back because they have anti bot and anti gold spammer programs now.
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
Every MMO ive played has to do with getting "Uber" as you call it weather it be WoW EvE EQ and the thousands of asian grinds. Id like to ask is everything your saying is in your opionon right because Nearly non of it is factual.
The destroyer of lives. Of community. And of an entire industry.
The Tyrant in the form of childish graphics, graphics so low any system can play them, and no-thinking gameplay.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Here is a few:
professional botter LOL!:
PvP bot:
Should I pull out some Lineage 2, EQ2, EQ1, SWG botting clips?
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
That is WoW-speak, ladies and gentleman. It is a glimpse of it, but you get the idea.
Anyway, I do not care if the WoW player is 50 or 15; she is still a child. A mature and educated person, even a relatively intelligent child, will not be able to tolerate the WoWz-speak and bitterness of the community. The meaningfulness of the game is just not there when an 11 year old is self-described "uber" with "leeet gear" and bossing you around. It is just not tolerable.
I am not sure if WoW made adults into children or that adults that are intellectually children are attracted to WoW.
You have not once responded directly to one of the points I made. Instead you are just saying the same exact thing again with slightly different sentences. The community on most servers is much like any video game that can be played online. Of course there are going to be immature little brats who are way too concerned with the game. You know how to combat that? You find players who aren't like that and play with them.
I was in a guild that was not concerned with raiding and did not allow players who were immature. We did not raid and we certainly didn't allow people to join who were concerned with loot as much as the players you seem to have been surrounded by.
I would really like to see you respond to my points without just quoting a short post and then saying the same thing again. Also, what level did you get to while playing? I can't imagine it was past 30. A lot of KIDS are playing 1 - 30 because those levels are easy. If you hit 70 it begins to weed those types out.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
This is NOT the way to reduce to a Compound number. Accoring to Numerology, which you are not using here, a compound number is derived by adding the numbers together until they make a single Compound number.
To to Correct your distortion of the issue, their REAL compound numbers for W, O, W are are 5, 6, 5.
Then compounded again to a final number 7, considered a Lucky or fortunate number.
To sum it up:
- The only real indicator about the community is the quality of PUGS in game. Yes PUGS show how well the community within the game is. Undoubtedly WoW Pugs are a complete disaster. This is surely not just my opinion, and I dont think anyone can oppose to the quality of the pugs in WoW. So basically I can state that wow community is the worst from all MMORPG's that requires a monthly subscribtion, because of its disastrous pugs.
- The worst community means, that majority of the players that picked the game are either kids or complete amateurs. The question is: do we really think that those two groups of people have sophisticated opinion about what game is the best? That leads to that if majority of kids and amateurs picked WoW for their favourite game in which they spend 25+hours a week, that means something is wrong. It means WoW can offer them exactly the game style and game play that those people want. And dont try to oppose that wow is a massterpiece that is able to appeal to all gaming groups. Because thats just not possible. Simple as that, WoW appeals to mass market, just like Eminem (in music) or Michael Bay (in films).
This is NOT the way to reduce to a Compound number. Accoring to Numerology, which you are not using here, a compound number is derived by adding the numbers together until they make a single Compound number.
To to Correct your distortion of the issue, their REAL compound numbers for W, O, W are are 5, 6, 5.
Then compounded again to a final number 7, considered a Lucky or fortunate number.
Now that's funny.