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Lethal Injection
Hardcore Organized PvP/RvR
North-American Guild
Non-Zerg, Read update below.
If you whine, don’t apply.
If you get upset easily, don’t apply.
If you cannot follow instructions, don’t apply.
If you suck don’t apply.
If you’re a server/guild hopper, don’t apply.
Members should have access and/or own their computer.
*Though Harsh, necessary*
-Dominate the opposition & enjoy playing WAR while doing so.
-Organized group PvP to the point when players hate to see us...
About Lethal Injection
Lethal Injection was started March 18th 2005 by founder Aeson. The guild was created during the earlier WOW era because of a conflict of interest, basically PvE vs. PvP in a previous guild. This obviously lead to the creation of the guild Lethal Injection and we would later merge into another guild forming one of the best PvP oriented guilds on our server (If not thee best). That guild would later move into pve and conquer pve content in the game and still does today; as well they have a few good arena teams.
We aimed at blockading horde from multiple places, constantly roaming the world for Group pvp (5v5)... and when we couldn’t find group pvp, we’d ganked the shit out of people... if there was no one to gank we took the fight directly to their capital. We’d constantly look for a challenge and enjoyed being out numbered in fights… prevailing against the odds was some of the best times I have had in WoW (Yes there was at one point a time I enjoyed WOW, that was PRE-BG).
We enjoyed nicknaming areas that we would frequently roam, and if you’d like more information on those areas it can be found under our history section on our website.
Our most renowned spot was between Kargath & Searing gorge, which we called the “Jihad” aka we would pick off large raids and/or blockade entire guilds from hitting up MC/BWL/etc…
Lethal Injection currently has about 7 members and this number is subject to change depending on who ends up playing. I am the most active in the guild and not really gaming all too much at the moment. Some of the previous guys we played with are still playing the WOW arena and are doing great in the Arena… currently they’ve been invited to the California WoW tournament and got a paid trip! lol. ***UPDATED THey are the first world 5v5 Arena Champions! Grats Mob Gaming
Were a pretty laidback bunch of guys normally joking in vent and if were not playing a game, we’d still hang out in Vent, even if others were playing. We’ve had a lot of interesting and awkward yet hilarious vent conversations in this guild. Some very odd conversations have come up to say the least.
Generally speaking most of us have been playing together for a year, others more so than others… up to 2+ years for some. Group experience is something were not lacking, the majority of our players experience was in DAOC/WOW. Lethal injection has been resurrected to dominate WAR from release, I expect nothing less. If you enjoy group pvp, world pvp and most importantly organized pvp this guild is more than likely for you. However you must have great group & class skill to be considered.
Concern's that were brought up thus far:
-Too much “Epeen”? We are confident, that is true.
-Are we friendly? I’d say were friendly amongst those in the guild for sure. Opposing realm, rare; tho there may be at time where we can respect another guild/players skill. In terms of our own realm, I’d like to see some organization between leaders of guilds, whereas in WoW other guilds weren’t needed.
-Do we have a code of conduct/charter? No, too bureaucratic... Personally I think they have no substance to them… in terms of within the guild, I think its common sense were going to be playing together and relying on each other, at times someone might get made fun of for mistakes and/or dying but I don’t think its gonna go too far. If it does we’ll try to resolve it in the guild.
-Would we ever consider going Order? At this time Destruction way out numbers Order, if by release this holds to be true (In WoW it was the same thing), we may consider the flop it will depend on our existing members. As previously stated we prefer to be outnumbered.
Recruitment Philosophy
-Be the best to attract the best.
-Recruitment is currently closed, however we are accepting applications on our forums. The main reason we have closed recruitment is because we prefer to see an app in action prior to any recruitment. For more information check the forums. This may change at a later debate depending on the size of the guild near beta and/or release.
-Lethal Injection cannot expect players to only apply to one guild, if you have applied to more than one guild that is fine. We will not hold it against you, but if you had been accepted into LI, we would
What we look for in a player...
-Group pvp & class skill
-Quick Reaction Time
-Vent & Microphone
-Good Personality *Crazy can be good sometimes, lol
-Decent Computer Specs
-Discipline, able to stay with the group & when required follow instructions.
-Must be Active and Dedicated to WAR (No WoW *by release)
-Age 17 or older.
-Reliablity, don’t want players spending all their time on ALTS, we need players who can be relied upon @ release.
A closer look at recruitment…
-Basically the recruitment process will be as followed, you will be invited to apply & or have applied on your own… once your application is accepted the next process will be a trial period, in this trial period we will watch you, invite you to groups to see how well you play. If you pass the trial period & the majority of officers agree that you should be in, you’ll be invited to the guild.
-How long is the trial period? TBA, leaning towards no time frame specifically...
Related note: Recruitment & Friends
-Friends of Friends…we are not against playing with friends… however in general they will have to meet our expectations, honestly I got a few RL friends who are pretty good gamers, but I have a lot who suck. Friends will have to meet the guilds standard. Also we will not invite friends if the guild is not accepting players.
Guild Ranking
-The Warden
-Da Bulls
-On Deathrow
Guild Structure/Mechanics
-Basically the Warden will be the person who makes a decision if Da bulls & Warden cannot come to a conclusion, it’s not always going to be one person making the decision, it will be made as a whole normally.
-Players listed under Deathrow have been with the guild for awhile, trusted and valued members. Inmates are basically players who have shown dedication in the guild but are still relatively new.
-Fish are the noobies of the guild, basically on trial periods and are still extremely new if they’ve passed their trial period.
-Webmaster/Officer: Ezze
-Rank: Bull
-Aim: Ezxistence2
Aim: Ezxistence2
Previous Announcements & Updates
Announcements: (May 10, 2007)
First of all, I would like to mention, that this is not a Zerg Guild, we value skill and enjoy being out-numbered... when we get together in mass, the purpose is large scale fights... control zones / towns. At times we've been known to stop randomly next to an enemy, who would other wise be slaughtered by multiple people, and instead watch as someone in our group 1v1's with the random person. *Also, the guild size were probably going to go with will probably depend on group size... were probably gonna aim at 3-4 groups ... still being debated.
Secondly, we are debating our recruitment process. Applications are still welcomed... more information will be released at a further date.
Lastly, the slow %^* forums are no more... (Aka the temp forums)... new forums are up.
Announcement: (May 19, 2007)
Recruitment is closed, currently applications are allowed, but we will be waiting a bit till beta/release to actively look for players. If you feel you have the skill to play in an organized pvp guild, feel free to apply. The reasoning: We'd like to see a person in action atleast somewhat prior to recruitment... That an theres the issue of commitment and people lying on applications... yadda yadda.
In addition, recent news from the fellas playing WoW, they are headed to California to play in the WoW Arena Tournament. All exclusive paid trip, lol.
Update: (May 24, 2007)
Site has been updated, a modified version of the previous site has been posted. The load time should be fairly quick, if its not let me know, added a small flash clip on the site as well... Can't wait to get some Fraps going on in WAR....
Update: (June 4th 2007)
Currently the guild listing has been updated, there were a few concerns regarding the guild. Ive added a section for those concerns... and have updated some of the other information listed.
I think the problem may have been my views, I am a huge griefer myself, I guess I cant speak for the entire guild so I have edited a bit. I dont really plan on griefing my own realm, but if someone annoys me ill annoy them depending on the circumstance.
p.s: WoW American Regional Finals, the fellas placed 2nd overall. At this time not sure if everyone from the team will be playing WAR but we will have a core group ready by release. We'll see what happens closer to release.
Annoucements: (July 6th 2007)
Updates to the guild listing are as followed:
-Guild Structure/Mechanics… explained
-A closer look at recruitment … Basically after the application process there will be a trial period.
-What we look for in a player… added Reliability.
-Recruitment note: Recruitment & Friends… They must meet our expectations & there must be available spots open in the guild.
-Applying to other guilds… Its okay so long as you haven’t been accepted into LI (aka you passed the trial period)
As I have previously stated we dont have a charter/code of conduct, but basically just as a rule of thumb, dont be a prick to everyone you meet, as it reflects badly on the guild. I know there will be circumstances where its hard not to go off on someone, but remeber we will have to work with others in the RvR conflict, please think of your actions, in a previous game it was not important to work with others outside the guild. We will be working with others, if your upset/annoyed ignore them, hold it back, whatever it takes.
Any applicants wishing to speak to me on vent have the option to do so, please pm me on the LI forums. FYI, the vent information is not to be abused or used for your own purposes... P.S: This is not a guild vent, this is a friend of the guilds vent.
Annoucement: (July 11 2007)
This is just a general disclaimer, I am not saying Lethal Injection has been invited to Guild Beta, but if we are to be accepted. Anyone applying to the guild in hopes to get into guild beta... think again...
Seriously, what makes you think we can trust any random scrub off the street? The short response is NO. The long Response, all invites will be to trusted gaming friends of our guild and our previous guild. Don't apply if all your looking for is a free beta invite... take a walk & !@)*# off. Were not looking to get banned because of one random invite.
We are not going to randomly recruit either just to increase the number of our members... some (&%* thinks because we dont have 20-30 members right now were not going to be even considered for guild beta. Mythic has already said they will be inviting smaller guilds...
I just think its funny someone expected to get into the guild and get a invite... no.
Aim: Ezxistence2
Aim: Ezxistence2
I haven’t updated the main news on the website in awhile, not a whole lot of interesting news in July, but that’s just my opinion… however there have been a few good videos & articles that I have updated onto the site for August as I slacked off in July… lol.
In terms of Lethal Injection, Lucilius is almost finished his internship so hes been more active and Nofnof quit WOW at the end of July and is also active in our forums, as we had one recruit close his application because he wasn’t seeing a lot of activity. Not a huge issue, it’s still very early… and were not really actively recruiting as of yet. I thought I would just comment on it.
In terms of our old guild, our friends are the first Arena Champions ever… they won impressively and earned it… I always knew we played with some of the best, but just never thought it would be the best in the world… lol… because of sponsors and possibly going pro, it’s a little up in the air if they’ll be playing WAR.
Lethal Injections own Lucilius and Nofnof contributed to them getting to the qualifying round, but Lucilius had an internship during the summer and Nofnof wasn’t allowed to go to qualifying because of probation… anyhow, just updating peeps on whats been going on.
Aim: Ezxistence2
Good name, good guild. I like you guys. Stop by our website @ Were also pretty cool about flexing our Epeens and making carebears turnoff thier lights and cry in their pillows.
2 small points on my application and a small request.
First the small request:
Let me know what server you guys are on and what you guys decide to roll.
2 small points:
Point numero uno: if you guys roll empire, i would like to this opportunity to break beard and spill chaos blood!
Point numero two: if you guys decide to roll destruction, your blood will spill. Glory be to SIGMAR!!!!
Either way i hope we ALL end up having a blast!
Looks promising, good luck!
lawl, goddamn.......
@The Union Hall, Sigmar will fall! haha... However we will have a blast either way Ive been hearing great things from Beta and have no doubt this is thee game to be playing next year.
WarhammerConflict and Letalisnefas, Good luck to both of you as well
P.S: grats on guild beta Letalis, I am so jealous lol.
Aim: Ezxistence2
There will be other guild invites, be patient... (easy to say for us now)... :P
Haven't really updated any of the listings in awhile, just not a whole lot going on. However, the guild has entered two guild beta contests, for phase 2... one being for best guild site using the WAR fan site kit... the other being the best story or history of a guild.
Crosses Fingers... I've been somewhat bored with Sept... however I am looking forward to the next events, hopefully we'll get some more things to watch and read
September 23rd Gamesday UK in Birmingham. The premier Games Workshop event in the world.
September 21st-23rd Festival du Jeu Video in Paris.
Aim: Ezxistence2
Its been a very long time since Ive updated the General Lethal Injection Thread(s)... so heres some guild related news for those who were considering us or checking us out.
1. The server type Lethal Injection is going with is Open RvR Server type, the reason should be obvious! NO SAFETY NETS!
2. Secondly, A huge announcement we are changing our STATUS TO UNDECIDED... Yes I know comrades its something we've been thinking about and at this time were not sure if were all gun-ho about Destruction, as we will go against popular belief (IE: That order will be the over populated side come release, the whole "The same thing happened in WoW" Theory...
3. Where have we been? IRL stuff and waiting patiently for WAR...
Personally, I see the extension as a good thing, gives me an excuse to save cash on my next computer upgrade... still waiting for them prices... although Crysis is very appealing and crazy fun... but not worth an entire upgrade... ill be playing COD 4/Halo 3/AC for abit, how long? Hopefully long enough... lol.
Aim: Ezxistence2
2008? Getting closer
The Lethal Injection - News Year Resolutions:
1. Pwn nubs - Check
2. To play Destruction or Order? Stop pussy-footing around!
3. Open Recruitment? or Closed? ... Allowing applications, but haven't officially recruited any of our current open applications, which is subject to change.
As for my own resolutions, keep it simple!... Get a new gaming rig!... Quad+4 Gigs+8800GT+Vista ... I think I found a good deal through a friend whose got an Intel Deal ... Possibly Feb!
Aim: Ezxistence2
I had a dream, that one day the Lethal Injection forums would be free of spam... that dream sadly has not come true... but the following countries have been banned ! Do not worry my fellow Antarcticans you are safe for now!
Afghanistan, Albania, ALgeria, AMerican Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, Asia/Pacific Region, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegonvina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cenrtal African Republic, CHad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cyprus, Cote D'Ivoire, Dijibouti, Dominca, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guan, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechetenstein, Lithuania, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Monaco, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, MOzambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepals, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Suadia Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Soloman Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzia, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, URuguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
900 and sum Banned IPS! IN A SINGLE BOUND! All thanks to , boo yaa...
Aim: Ezxistence2
North American / Non Roleplaying Guild Listing
So Ive been building a guild listing for sometime on North American Guilds that are NON-Roleplaying... if you'd like to be added to that list, just shoot me a pm with the following... if you need anything updated just lemme know.
Please keep it short & sweet in the following format:
Guild Name:
Style: Are you hardcore or Casual...
Who: Destruction or Order or Specific Race only or Undecided
Time Zone:
Guild Restrictions:
Official Link:
To view the list... check out the link...
Aim: Ezxistence2
April 18th 2008
Lethal Injection has decided to enter Age of Conan as we were impressed with both Tech Test and PvP Weekend... a few of us have already pre-ordered. However, not all are sold on it, so a few will continue WOW. There arent high expectations for the game, but it could be fun and every well end up surprising us even more, time will tell.
Currently we have a few applicants in addition who will be playing Age of Conan and we encourage skilled players to apply to Lethal Injection if you are also thinking of trying AOC as well. As we are recruiting for the release on May 17 (Pre-order date).
Comments on AOC:
Meele system is superb and very different than anything I have tried... and the lag is very minimal. There are a few balance things (Rangers OP), but its nothing major and as the testing was only low level pvp, I am sure it will be alot different at the end of the game. As level 20 is barely scratching the game...
We will be rolling on a North American, non-rp, Free For All server!
Aim: Ezxistence2
Site is fully updated with a new AOC theme... History section and roster section to come sometime this week/weekend.
Currently we have about 7 core members and 8 Trial members setting out into Age of Conan (Recruiting is still open). Going in with no expectations, could be a overdue surprise tho...
Probably wont be as into the WAR forums as I used to be.... Ill check around a few times, if you need me shoot me a PM. IM on aim: Ezxistence2...
Aim: Ezxistence2
Its been just over a year since the Lethal Injection WAR site has been up, just wanting to mark this event as a mile stone. Cheers to everyone whose been following WAR!
As for Age of Conan - We are recruiting competitive skilled players.
Happy Mothers Day! Treat yo motha right!
Aim: Ezxistence2
Age of Conan experience:
We are playing on Deathwhisper and have been even more impressed with the early access launch for Age of conan... a few issues at the start, but none since we were able to login and make characters.
Perfect launch... may 20th we'll see how things go as everyone will be logging in.
Anyone considering playing something till WAR this is it... the game is very smooth little issues with it... We may even end up playing AOC, still have yet to play the endgame tho, but I am personally very impressed are as others.
Aim: Ezxistence2