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Ill be buying it, my account isnt active now but ill still be picking this up, i have every other UO title thats been released just because i dont play anymore shouldnt stop me lol, who knows i might reactivate my account one of these days. the main reason i want it though it because it comes with
A full version of the single-player RPG Ultima IX: Ascensionand its revamped i guess, i lost my copy and i havent been able to find it anywhere
ohh well heres more info if you wanna check it out
Hey digity, can you send me your rare item code that comes free with it? Pleeeaaaseee
By the way, I hope you rejoin us UO people. It might take you awhile to get use to the AoS patch (and yes, it is AWFUL at first) but once you get used to it, it isnt that bad.
(I will edit this post if doesnt want me asking for his code, I will remove it just pm me)
Ultima Online- Apoc
Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara
World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)
ohh ive played thru aos, so i already know the deal with that, the only hard thing ill have to get used to is not having my tower and two story anymore
what shard do you play? ive got chars on Pacific,Catskills,Baja
I would like another char slot, but other than that the new box don't have anything new, o I think I skip it for now.
We can probably ust buy the extra char slot later if I know EA right:)
This Is Bling Blings Crack Pipe
This Is Bling Blings Crack Pipe
Buying an 'advanced' character must be the stupid thing there is, gaining most skills are extremly easy now, almost only crafting skills that takes time (and taming) since you need resources.
After I came back to UO afew weeks back I have finalized my characters so 4 of them are 7x GM or higher, it's so extremly easy now..
Oh, there go the days putting a paperweight on a key overnight to raise Hide.
Alex "Maximane" De Line
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
Woot a 6th character slot that fans have asked for since the game came out and its only $19.99 per account. Go OSI must be hard up for cash and its players are definately not the brightest if they are willing to pay $19.99 for a freaking character slot.
It would be ok if it wasn't for the fact that every other game I have ever played already has more than 6 slots and the characters on them don't all suck to begin with, because the only way to get ahead in UO is to macro and if everyone that broke the UO code of conduct was actually banned no one would be playing.
Woot! Good for you. Nice to meet someone that brags about not macroing. I don't macro either *coughs* bull$hit *coughs* and have never done so! *coughs* more bull$shit *coughs* But, whatever dude live in your fantasy world where the game is not ran by macroers and cheaters. Oh, and while you are in that fantasy world tell yourself OSI gives a fuk about you and not just your $12.99 a month. Yup, tell yourself that enough and either you will figure out you are crazy or start to beleive it. I refuse to play a game when I can't stand dealing with the company that makes the game. When I get billed after I cancel my account that kind of cements my hatred of the company.
what the hell is your problem, are you stupid or something? i said i never macroed which is true, i didnt say everyone in uo is clean, and i dont even play the game anymore, if you would read you would have seen that, so why dont you just grow up grab a box of tissues and find a corner to cry in cuz it seems you have some issues you need to go work out with yourself
I didnt put in a pre-order yet, but if and when you reactivate your account, come stop by on Atlantic.
Ultima Online- Apoc
Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara
World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)
ok i reactivated my acc looks like i already have 2 guys on atlantic.. to bad they suck ass lol
rofl checked some of my old IDOC runes and ive already found 3 places where i can place houses, to be housing is down right now lol, it will only be a small house or a stone tower but its better then nothing to bad i lose my other houses
Whats your name on the game???
Yeah, the IDOC houses fell and people placed over them
Ultima Online- Apoc
Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara
World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)
obviously not if i was able to place a house and still have a book with like 7 open locations and i have 2 greatly worn houses ive found 1 two story 1 cabin
my chars on pacific are
DarK MaN
Earl Copen
my atlantic ones are pretty much not even used so their names are useless lol
still many people play at Napa Valley?