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I have been playing WoW lately, just PVP in the Arenas, battlegrounds ect.. and wanted to get into something new. I have done DOAC which I Betaed and loved and I have tried Guild Wars. I don't mid working to get my Character up, its just at the end of the day, I want to PVP for a couple fo hours each day...
I guess what I am asking is, How is PVP in EQ2 and do they have things like Battlegrounds, arenas, ect... Also, how important is crafting in PVP/gear?
The PvP is pretty exciting. I can't really relate it to WoW because WoW has a very fun and addicting PvP (even if it can be unbalanced). EQ2 has arenas and there set in like deathmatch gametypes. Theres Team DM, DM, Etc. And there is only 1 PvP server and 1 RP-PvP server, and in the servers there are lvl restrictions in certain areas. Like in noob areas its 4 lvl so you cant be higher than 4 lvls then the person you are going to attack.
The problem with EQ2's arenas is that they're empty almost all of the time; quite a shock if you're used to being annoyed at having to wait an entire five minutes to play a packed WoW battleground .
The World PvP on the other hand, well, i'd say it's very good in certain circumstances. One thing that might sway people from WoW to EQ2 is that world PvP has rewards seperate to the arenas, so world PvP is nicely encouraged. Another difference is that the game appears to be balanced toward group vs group PvP, making for some excellent battles, though giving certain classes such as the ranger or brigand a major advantage, much more of an issue than it is in WoW - so some classes need to be with friends all the time, while others can explore in relative safety.
Scouts are overpowered in PvP, btw.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
If you are interested in PvP, I think EQ2 isnt good for you. Everquest II is mostly PvE game and PvE is great (best maybe). But as a PvP only player I think you will be disappointed.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Depends on what kind of PVP you mean, PVP on a PVE server ( General PVP ) is mediocre at best to what you are used to.
Now PVP servers are a totally different ballgame, its boarderline brutal trying to level up a character now on a PVP server. Popular quest zones are infested with twinks that are just looking to find some new blood.
On nagafen PvP server you can barely go anywhere without a pvp encounter, so there is alot of PvP content on the pvp servers with little PvE emphasis, but on normal and RP servers theres alot of PvE