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Hello, i'm new to these forums so be nice :P
I couldnt seem to find any info on how crafting will work. Is it going to be like the first EQ? finding ore off monsters or buying from an NPC, or can we actually mine it up?
if there is a website that explains this, or if you guys can comment about it, that would be great.
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i heard it runs off of the same engien as of star wars galaxies and if it is it should be fun
Crafting in EQ2 was an archetype all on itself.. with classes and subclasses. They decided to allow everyone to be adventurer AND crafter at the same time.. but it will be like leveling another char. Crafting has its own set of XP, skills and many other things.
They are trying to make crafting as involved and fun to level up as leveling up adventurers(normal chars). If they succeed or not.. Only beta testing will tell :P
I hope yhey will make it very good and that you will have a lot of different choices to do somethign with a sword so you get a lot of variety becasue i find that very important in a good game, it brings more fun to the gameplay in my eyes.
In horizons you also had to melt it first then take some other tool and make the item, perhaps it will be like this. wasn't that bad at all just mining takes a lot of time and there were to few places to mine.
One day all will die, surely you but never I.
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Thanks for the replys!
I did some research on a few fan sites and one gave an "unofficial faq", but said the stuff was taken from EQ2 forums.. so could just be alot of hearsay.
from what it said it looks to be run just like the first EQ, in that you have to get rare components from monsters. it mentioned two types of components; rare and base. and durring crafting if you should fail, only the 'base' components could be destroyed, always leaving the 'rare' to be worked again.
It said nothing (that I could see anyway) about how to get base components, maybe the same way, just not as rare, or we might be able to mine them up.
Also the part I am a little excited about is that crafting will be like a 'mini game'. That will depend on the players actual skill to perfect. The example it gave was something like, when you target the forge you'll have to get its heat to a certain temp to shape the metal and keep it there by adding wood.
Then while your in working the metal, different things you do to it will add different qualities, but if you keep it in there too long you could weaken what your trying to make.
It sounds very cool, if they can pull something like that off, i think it would be the new standard in mmorpgs. If I can find more info about this I will post it up for everyone. Please keep this thread going if anyone else has any cool info
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Xen of Onslaught
"Not the way it works at all. SWG and EQ2 are entirely different teams of people, and despite the fact that there are some similar concepts between the games (the idea that players make awesome items being one of them), each team is doing tradeskills its own way." -Moorgard
In fact, this might well be the best crafting in an MMO EVER
Yeah, i know you don't believe me. Let me get the direct quote from Moorgard then....
"Lets look at crafting a breastplate. (Again, this is a hypothetical example, so keep in mind the specifics of the process may vary.) Instead of obtaining components, plopping them into a forge, and hitting a combine key, we add flavor to the process. You take your components (which will vary, again depending on the level of the item youre trying to create) and fire up the forge. At this point you enter into a kind of mini game. You need the forge to stay in a certain temperature range during this process, so you have to control the amount of wood you put on the fire. While keeping an eye on that, you also take actions that affect the properties of the finished product. You can refine the armor, which makes it lighter. This impacts its durability, however, so you might want to bolster durability by reinforcing the armor. Youll also want to shape the breastplate, which affects its overall quality. The Artisan must decide at which point in the process the armor is done, because keeping it in the forge too long could weaken it. "
Now that my friends, is one incredible crafting system.
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