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Hello AoC fans
I have spent my whole summer vacation working hard to get enough money to build a new system
what i plan on getting is:
2, 18x dvd burners. - they do it all. reads cds dvds burns cds and dvds..
320 gig 7200 rpm sata 3.0 hard drive
22" widescreen LCD monitor
2, EVGA, Nvidia 8800GTS 640MB.. and ill have both in SLI mode.
OCZ, SLI compatible 700 watt power supply
Logitec speakers, gaming mouse and keyboard
3 gigs corsair XMS2 memory.. to start. may get more if you guys say i should...
AMD Athalon 64 FX-62 2.8 GHz processor
and.. an Asus M2N -SLI deluxe Nvidia Nforce 570 sli MCP MoBo( i dont know what half these breviations mean) (except MoBo.. i like that one .. hehe)
Vista 64 bit edition
and some fans.. ..
would this run AoC? i would greatly appreciate your expertise
sounds like a solid rig to me. It might not be able to run it on max'd out settings, but it would surely run AoC. If you'd like to check for yourself, it is said that AoC will have the similar graphic needs as Oblivion, so you can google search Oblivion and check what those requirements might be. Sorry I don't know the specs off the top of my head.
Your processor will be the bottleneck. The rest of that gear is much better then the Mobo and processor. I have my FX55 rig OC'd to 3.0 gig. If you get a decent heatsink like the XP120 Google that and check it out, Its about as good as you get with just air cooled. That wil give you 3.5gig atleast. I would seriously think about getting a New Mobo and Processor tho. The rest of that gear is really pretty close to top end. Get a Decent Asus Mobo, and a Core2Quad, which benchs VERY close to what the Core2Extreme's for Less then half price.
Your processor will be the bottleneck. The rest of that gear is much better then the Mobo and processor. I have my FX55 rig OC'd to 3.0 gig. If you get a decent heatsink like the XP120 Google that and check it out, Its about as good as you get with just air cooled. That wil give you 3.5gig atleast. I would seriously think about getting a New Mobo and Processor tho. The rest of that gear is really pretty close to top end. Get a Decent Asus Mobo, and a Core2Quad, which benchs VERY close to what the Core2Extreme's for Less then half price.
Yeah, your processor and Mobo are the weak points of your rig. Take Tachyon's advice and see about a nice high end asus with a Core2Quad. Your processor will still be the weak point of the system, but its about as good as you can get without spending way too much money.
People seem to only think "upgrade the video card and ram!" these days, when an upgrade in their processor will give them a large boost in frame rate for much less money than a new high end video card.
- - "What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?" - -
thanks guys.. but is the processor really that bad? i know its amd. not as popular as intell but that processor is the best on new egg for AMD.. i think. its a quad core processor..
that is a pretty good set up you go there. Since that is a high data HD i would consider getting another identical HD to do a Raid set up; esp for a 72k HD.
Jonny, AMD's arn't benchmarking anywhere near what the Intels are. I've never built a PC with an INTEL Chip untill lately, when they released the Q6800. AMD used to have the most back for the buck, but intels been cutting prices so much theres not much reason to go AMD anymore. Checkout Tom's Hardware Guide and check out some test systems benches, and compair them to some Intels. I don't know if they've done many "Head-To-Head" Intel Vs AMD's lately but you can still look at the typica benches for other products. Sometimes they use AMD some times INTEL look up the prices and compair how well the rigs run, because they usualy bench in the same programs so you'll be able to compair.
That system will run AoC exceptionally infact the 2 8800s are overkill but you seem like a guy who wants the best of the best.
"Those that run away will fight another day" - Vegitus
hehe yea.. i dont want to waste away my summer earnings on some junkie "typewriter" heheh
but yea.. the reason i am so hesitant of replacing the amd processor on my list with intell is because i have already got the motherboard. so if i switch to intell thats a whole new mobo i gotta buy.
If you have no plans on overclocking then I highly suggest you get a reputable companies value ram instead of their branded "performance" lines. Take that savings and then spend it on a better cpu. If you really want to doubt what I say go look at some real world benchmarks on performance vs valueram you'll see it's basically the equivalent of Coke or Pepsi selling you water.
Thank you Thomson1. Now I know of at least one other intelligent person on these forums
Too often I see people listing specs they want to buy and they list performance ram. maybe this is due to Alienware and the like for using it. I'm not going to deny that the performance may* technically be better number wise but the gain is so minimal. People on limited or set budgets should really know these things as it can either save them a good deal of cash or get them a better cpu/gpu to which they would actually see better gains.
why the sad face? i was planning on getting a 700w psu.
thanks guys btw.. im looking into alternative mobo, cpu, and memory options.
I would make the following changes in total, but none of them are more dramatic then the MoBo Processor, but here I go.
1. Switch to Intel Q6800
2. Go with a cheaper Ram and only do 2 gig to save money, as you'll only be able to use around 2.5 gigs of it anyway due to 32 bit address mapping will be extremely limited due to the hardware required memory address mapping. The benifits of the best ram vs the worse isn't nearly enough to justify much more money.
3 Go with 1 8800GTX and save 100-150bucks. Its more then enough to handle the newest games, and you can still add another one later.
4. Drop one of the DvD players, unless you do that much disc copying, otherwise its just a little redundant.
5. Go with 2 WD Raptors (I know some people love those 7200's, but I dont) RAID O
ok thanks
by looking at his original specs I don't quite think the OP is looking in the 1k+ processor range. However wicked it may be I personally at the moment see no reason for a quad core unless you're into video encoding quite often and your codec (x264, DivX etc) supports it.
o yea and 1 reason i was getting the xms2 2 gigs of ram was because it also had a $40 mail in rebate. making it $80 for it.instead of 120... 80 is around how much 2 gigs of the cheap stuff costs right?
Well if you look at the Benchmarks of a $400 Dollar Q6800 vs the C2Extreme which cost $900 GRANTED the C2Extreme Benchmark more then its Quad Core Brother, the Quad is Much more Bang for the buck. And Certainly better then anything AMD brings to this market segment.
if i do what you guys say and get 1 8800.. then i would have enought to do what you guys are saying with the intel mobo, and quad core processor, ill just have to work weekends once school starts to get enough to get the second 8800 for sli.. then ill have a sick set up right? I'd go with this. I'm a very loyal Mushkin fan. They seem to stick to the better quality components which often determines if a product is going to do well, and they are usualy in the middle to lower price point unless you look at the ultra high end stuff.