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Semper Dius - EU / Order / Semi-Hardcore

MithrandixMithrandix Member Posts: 76

Guild Bios

Guild name: Semper Dius

Guild Location: European

Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore PvP/(RvR)/PvE

Allegiance: Order

Member Cap: 50-60


Guild History


Semper Dius (Ever Divine) was created by Mithran & Gortrex. We're a newly found Order guild, created for Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning.

Guild Goal

We wish to create a community which is based on the idea of a democracy, so everyone will have their say. This will help us prevent segregation within the guild environment, because each and every member will have a chance to voice their own opinion's. Though all decisions will be made on a majority vote; you can't please everyone.


Guild Structure

The guild structure will be fairly simplistic, we don’t wish to have several ranks which we do not require. Just those that are needed for members to understand who to speak to or who to follow during certain situations and events. Similar to the guild goal, this will help prevent any unwanted segregation which may cause conflict within the guild environment.

Update: We have made a lot of progression lately and as for the guild structure we decided that each race will have his own leader and one main leader. The raceleaders will be elected by their own race. So the dwarven raceleader will be elected by the dwarven townsfolk, etc. for the human and high elven. We're currently in full development so a strict structure has yet to be made. Stay tuned.


Activity: We will be a semi-hardcore guild concentrating on PvP and PvE depending on how the game structure works, so we do need a high level of commitment from all members. Though we don’t believe in having no social life, so you won't be expected to turn up to 4 hour events/raids 7 nights a week. The schedule will depend on the game content and will be fitted to suit the maximum number of members.

Maturity: We don't have specific age limit, though we do expect a certain level of maturity. We require mature yet friendly players who are willing to have a laugh. We prefer players who are 18+ yet we will consider younger players under certain circumstances. So if you are under 18 your application will still be reviewed and taken into consideration exactly the same as an 18+.

Hardware and Ventrilo: To our knowledge WAR will be a high end graphics game which will require decent system requirements. So we will need to know your specifications and if you will be or are willing to upgrade you PC if they don't match the required standard. We shall also be using Ventrilo for voice communications during events and for general use for members to get to know each other better. So being able to understand or speak English is required.

So if you wish to apply please read the the recruitment guidelines and your application will be reviewed as quick as possible.

Applications can be made here:


"It's no good coming to our game if you are trying to grow weed, It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground."
-Paul Barnett, WAR is coming


  • MithrandixMithrandix Member Posts: 76

    Update: We have made a lot of progression lately and as for the guild structure we decided that each race will have his own leader and one main leader. The raceleaders will be elected by their own race. So the dwarven raceleader will be elected by the dwarven townsfolk, etc. for the human and high elven. We're currently in full development so a strict structure has yet to be made. Stay tuned.

    "It's no good coming to our game if you are trying to grow weed, It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground."
    -Paul Barnett, WAR is coming

  • MithrandixMithrandix Member Posts: 76

    First off all Happy New Year to everyone :) 2007, imo, was a good year with ups and downs for everyone. Semper Dius also exists for over 6 months now and that's something you, as a member, contributed to. I'm very happy with the current state of Semper Dius and couldn't have wished for a better memberbase ;)

    A few major things that are happening:

    - Recruitment

    Recruitment will be more strict from now on. More on this subject can be found here:

    I've also added autopolls to the applications so people can vote whether or not they want the applicant in. This is done completely anonymous. I can only see the result, noone else.

    - Guild Structure

    For now we're going with a 72 member limit, meaning 24 players per race and 6 in each class (3x(6x4)).

    Also the raceleader elections have begun. You can find the corresponding topic in each race board. For comments/questions you can reply to this thread:

    - Forum Structure

    A few new boards have been added lately.

    Semper Dius:

    1) Guild tactics

    2) Guild's tome

    These 2 will most likely not be very active until launch.

    Guild Bank:

    1) Guild Crafting - lead by Arkhis

    2) Guild Trade - lead by Arkhis

    Discussions about crafting and trading inside the guild. Again won't be that active until launch. I thank Arkhis for taking the responsibility of keeping track of all the craft/trade going on in the guild ;)


    1) The Dwarfs

    2) The Empire

    3) The High Elves

    Pretty obvious I think.


    1) Roleplaying board - lead by Kain

    For the lovers of roleplay. I'm not a pro at this so I won't say much about it. Questions of roleplaying should go to Kain.

    For other discussions going on or for posting future suggestions check the guild development board.

    I wish everyone a splendid 2008 and good luck to those with exams!


    "It's no good coming to our game if you are trying to grow weed, It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground."
    -Paul Barnett, WAR is coming

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