Any changes to your account should take place immediately. If for some reason something hasn't you really should contact them, no one here is going to really be able to help you if there's something wrong with your account. Communication is key even if you might get the occasionally sucky person to deal with.
*looks at her rating* wow have a life and don't post a ton and you lose a bitch load of points..what the crap!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Yes, any change you make to your account at SOE takes place immediately.
Maybe you only bought station access. A lot of people think station access is the same as a station pass. It is not. Station access gives you a couple of extra character slots and some other perks that I can't remember at the moment, but station access does not give you access to all the station games. For that, you need to buy a station pass which costs a bit more than station access.
====================== It's just me, so open the door.
it was the acses to 30$ a month i bougt and on the site it says i can play all games for this payment
sorry is a soe fanboy
That covers your subscriptions, but I think you still need to buy a copy of each game you want to play and use the key to register that game under your all access pass.
it was the acses to 30$ a month i bougt and on the site it says i can play all games for this payment
sorry is a soe fanboy
That covers your subscriptions, but I think you still need to buy a copy of each game you want to play and use the key to register that game under your all access pass.
yup, you need to buy the retail of each game or pay the online activation fee.
Any changes to your account should take place immediately. If for some reason something hasn't you really should contact them, no one here is going to really be able to help you if there's something wrong with your account. Communication is key even if you might get the occasionally sucky person to deal with.
*looks at her rating* wow have a life and don't post a ton and you lose a bitch load of points..what the crap!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Yes, any change you make to your account at SOE takes place immediately.
Maybe you only bought station access. A lot of people think station access is the same as a station pass. It is not. Station access gives you a couple of extra character slots and some other perks that I can't remember at the moment, but station access does not give you access to all the station games. For that, you need to buy a station pass which costs a bit more than station access.
It's just me, so open the door.
it was the acses to 30$ a month i bougt and on the site it says i can play all games for this payment
sorry is a soe fanboy
Damn they got SORRY in their grips as well, first SOON now this, whos the next word to be enslaved by them ??!!
yup, you need to buy the retail of each game or pay the online activation fee.