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I know this is pretty early footage but in my experience mmorpgs don't change "THAT" much in the last year of development to fix all the problems i have with these videos. I mean i've had high hopes for this game of a well animated DARK fantasy game that just looks really great. After Pauls videos explaining all the spells and stuff and making it seem so great you look at them and think "this is worse than a game that came out 4 years ago" lol.
Take these movies for example all linked on the website
They just look soooo lifeless and dull, the animations are sooo piss poor and the spell effects really aint much better. It all looks too simple and when you see melee all you get is the same boring slow swing over and over again. The spells are all really colourful and bright and it's like wheres the dark side of Warhammer in them? I really hope the floating caster and Giant animations are polished before release cause they're both soooo horrible. Wheres all the atmosphere and lighting effects? It just feels like you've created a generic basic map for CS and no artistic style or stmosphere coming through to the game at all.
The controlling also looks really akward and horrible which hopefully is something to fix cause in combat why would you just stand still and do attacks like that? It's what ruined DAOC for me and hopefully will be fixed with WAR because the combat just doesn't look any fun, it's at Vangaurd SOH standard atm. Combat should look fast and exciting like what SWG used to be like or what WOW looks like where your never standing still for too long and great effects and movement makes a difference. I just hope it controls more like SWG, EQ2 or WOW and nothing like the horrible DAOC.
Another point i'll make is why use the same engine DAOC used? It looks soooo dated and with games like Agency coming out using Unreal engine 3 and Age of Conan (though bad character models) even Single player games like Crysis, WAR is going to look like it's 7 years old. Bad graphics does several things for me and it means less character customization and everyone will look the same + less Role playing and bad textures etc etc.
Edit: + Auto facing is just bad and you should be able to look where ever you want in combat like WOW and not like EQ2.
Oh and the most annoying spell effect award goes to this Dwarf which seemed to have this spell on him ALL the time. It's like imagien that beam off light hiding your character being on him through his fights lol? Stupid if you ask me...
You'll see it on this video:;8110776;;/fileinfo.html
I dunno i'm increasingly becoming less excited about WAR as time goes by.
How about game being 8 months (at least) from release?
Alot of graphics are low res placeholders. The zone they are beta-testing now is Greenskins-Dwarves zone. I saw some movies with Chaos-Empire animations, which indicates that that zone is being done right now.
So please stop judging the game as it's going to be released next month. They have alot of time to fix things and improve visuals.
And low system requirements are for little Tommy's bedroom PC. So his mom can pay for his subscription.
Man, you need to chill a bit. It's coming out till Q1 2008. That gives them from four, up to about half a year more to get things right. In the last few months they've done noticeable work on the graphics. The latest videos and screenshots show it, compared to those we had of the conventions and stuff at the beginning of this year. So don't worry, they're at it. They do look dated, since the engine's old, but come on, they're not bad at all. I mean, even the Unreal 3 engine is old by now, lol.
Besides, nice-looking, and not top-notch graphics are gonna enable them to make the battles bigger, and smoother, since computers won't have much trouble running them.
I have just one question...who really cares if the graphics look like Gear of War or Ultima? What really matters is the game play and seeing how only a very limited number of people have gotten any real game time there is no real way to judge the actual merit of the game.
Bro I know what you mean,but you have to remember there not done making the game,the sounds effects,and animations are still going through development,not only that there is still beta. 8 months to release you have to give them some time,those videos were probably not even ment to be given to public.
I was not too impressed with the demo I saw at Comic Con, but they were doing PvP, which doesn't interest me that much.
The graphics and world construction are better than, say, Vanguard, but that's not saying much. Not quite as cohesive as WoW or EQ2, but certainly adequate if you are in it for the combat rather than the immersion.
They haven't even implemented their lightning engine yet. It will look much better this months newsletter when they show pics of it in action.
Say it with me...... BETA BETA BETA
Not only that but Beta more or less just began, the OP may not have much experience in Beta testing but listen to some of these other guys who have tested before during the early Beta process. No game this early in Beta looks finished or what is finally sent out at release.
Some people put emphasis on graphics, some people put it on gameplay.
There's going to be a lot of the graphics and tech enthusiasts going to AOC. That's not to say that AOC's gameplay is gonna suck, infact I hope it's great. I plan to buy it. Big fan of the movies and the lore. On the other hand, from what I've seen so far, I'm more interested in playing WAR, mainly because more videos and stuff has been put out about all of WAR, unlike AOC which has just had a lot of the same stuff shown over and over so far (no pvp footage really).
WAR has me as gitty as a school girl, to the point of me thinking its too good to be true, and you know what they say: If its too good to be true, it probably is, but only time will tell.
Then simply don't play it.
I know people say "It's beta" but really when has a game changed it's enitre look from beta? I can't recall one....
I mean SWG and EQ2 and Planetside were still as shit as they were in beta and WOW was the same as it was etc etc.
Some games change a lot over time. Go back and look at the progression of DaoC, which I'm pretty sure changed a lot during beta and even more during its actual lifespan.
Latest screenshot on the website:
WTf is that? looks sooo bland and empty.
Cause the lightning tool isn't implemented yet. Also stop trolling please.
I could care less how the game looks. Even if it looked like EQ1 / DAoC (pre-graphics upgrade) I would play it. So yeah, I didn't read all of your OP because it's a lot and seems to be going on about "Graphics and Animations," even though this is beta and will be smoothed out on or near release.
If one aspect keeps you from playing the game then that's you, the only way I would never play WAR is if it was really really bad and was like $25 a month (which it wont). Good luck if you play or not, to me it does not matter.
How is it trolling to support one's argument with evidence (in this case, a screenshot)?
If you think all negative comments are the same as trolling, you need to go back to message board school.
Think its a basic tank squig in the first picture. Here is some more.
what evidence?. I said it looks like that due to lack of lightning previously yet he still posts this. Plus the game is in beta. What you expect the game to be like when the game aint finished yet. Im not totally sure he is trolling but it kinda seems that way.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that "no game" gets released as what it looked like in early beta...Vangaurd comes to mind. However, they had large financial issues where as EA, Blizzard, etc don't have them.
As far as the game looks, graphics are great and all for the first 5 times or so you see them. After that it gets boring, taken for granted, etc. Good game play is always noticed and bad game play is noticed even more. So I would rather they spend time working on making game play exceptional instead of dropping super high graphics. As for MMO's...they typically have lower graphics than games currently out. You may see games with Unreal 3 engine but guess what? Those games won't be able to support near as many people in battle as lower graphics can. Sounds, graphics, animations, effects, lighting all take computer resources. The more people you have in one area then the more tax it puts on your computer. Newer games that use twitch, DX10 effects, high res graphics tax it even more. Then add in players+animations and your really testing your computers limits. I would much rather have a game where I can play with 100 other people in the same area fighting versus a game where anything past 20 gives a noticeable drop in performance.
Do me a favor and play an FPS, the newer the better. Put the settings all the way up to high then play and watch your frames, then drop it to medium and watch your frames. The game might look a bit worse but guess what? At least you can turn around to shoot an enemy instead of glitching around, unless of course you have the top of the line $5k computer and even then if you have all 40+ people get to one area your rig will lag. I have this problem in BF2142, inside the titan sometimes it goes into extreme lag(programming issue I am sure) and the best I can do is lay C4, turrets, APMs; all things that don't require me to do anything after I lay them.
To sum it up best:
Low graphics+Good game play= Win
High graphics+bad game play= less than Win
As far as other games with high graphics? I looked at AoC and sure the terrain/environment graphics look nice. The player models and animations however are awful imho. They are much closer to their "current" release date which worries me. I honestly want AoC to do well so that people will have a game to play instead of stagnating in "that other game". I also believe that AoC has a ton of game play issues that I have yet to see answered. For all I know it could work perfectly but in my gaming experience it looks like it will cause a few issues. Somehow I see them pushing the release date back again.
Unreal 3 games are all a ways out. Huxley is the closest that I know of but only god knows when that game is coming out. It also has instanced combat and not a whole lot of PvP information is out yet(open world?Instanced?). SOE's The Agency looks awesome and the game in theory could be very awesome and might take the place of SWG as far as sandbox. It could also be very linear and fall into the normal MMO mold full of bugs. I really don't trust SOE and even I am watching The Agency with a close eye. When it finally releases(1-2 years) the technology will have caught up and made large populations/battles doable. So I can cross my fingers and pray.
a troll is someone who intentionally posts messages about sensitive topics constructed to cause controversy in an online community such as an online discussion forum in order to bait users into responding. They may also plant images and data on networks that others may find disturbing in order to cause confrontation.
To call someone a troll is to say that any dispute over a post is not valid not because the issues raised are not valid, but to claim the intent of the poster invalidates the post.
So you calling him a troll making a point that while his post have some valid points, it was made as a flame bate and we all bought it.
Say, in most of the videos about Warhammer (including all the ones from the Warhammer website), you ever notice that delicious little phrase in the bottom right hand corner of the screen? If you passed rudimentary grammar - which I admit can be quite difficult - you would be able to read the words "Pre-Alpha Footage." Please go back in time and give your father a vasectomy.
I think I'd err on the side of saying he's trolling. Anyone should be able to realize that an annoying spell effect could easily be changed or removed while the game is still in beta.
Also, having played WAR for a couple hours at a Gamesday, I can say it's not underwhelming at all. It's really quite exciting.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
2 Questions...
1. HAve you played this for at least 4 hours?
2. HAve the lighting tools been implimented yet? [i can answer this for you and it is no]
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
How much can a game change in beta?
If you knew anything about the game, then you would know Mythic re-designed the ENTIRE Dwarf and Greenskin starting areas. That should answer that question very easily.
And that screenshot you posted are low rez SS of the new areas
Daoc engine can handle 500ppl in the same area, AoC cant, EQ2 cant, Vanugard cant, and LOTR cant so there u go.