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troydavidtroydavid Member Posts: 150



Is there any way to get special codes if you just strated playing and missed out on events that supploed those codes.  IE a code to give to the guys in Booty Bay to recieve the non-combative baby gorilla pet?




  • VipexxVipexx Member Posts: 114

    Those codes are for puchisers of collectors editions, attenders at blizzcon etc. You might find some on eBay, though.


    "What's a cocksmoker?"

  • troydavidtroydavid Member Posts: 150





  • lauxeslauxes Member Posts: 88

    umm yea, they also come in the world of warcraft tradeing card game, in 2 days i pulled to picnic baskets and one thunderhead hippogrygh, only opened 10 packs :) i guess i was lucky

  • apothas185apothas185 Member Posts: 66

    there are 2 ways i know of to get codes 

    way 1 in each wow trading card booster pack there is a speceal card with a code on it called a ude card when u hav one of these make a upper deck entertainment acount on the site then go to the code section and enter in the code on the ude card and when u get more ude cards u can enter those in to your acount aswell (each card gives u 100 ude points) when uve got enough points go to the ude point store where u can get things like wallpapers and in game items when u buy an ingame item it gives u a code you then have to go to the wow site enter in the code your then given another code which you give to landro longshot in booty bay  who then gives u the item you purchesed.

    way 2 there is a type of card in wow tcg called a loot card this is basically a normal card which can be used in the tcg which has a speacial code on it which u enter on the wow site then u go to landro longshot in booty bay to claim your reward.

    off topic how do u post those clour test that tells you what ur personality is like

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