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KhraivenKhraiven Member Posts: 11

It's amazing after all these years of competitive games, it has taken this long for someone to provide an "all in one" ladder-based service.. Of all the online & mmo games in history, Unreal Tournament (the original) was far and away the best platform for competitive ranking. Really it's only shortcoming was not being an "all in one" ladder-based service, so 3rd parties were forced to create their own, which will successful does not have near the potential. Comparing fps to an MMO? This post is not meant to be a technical debate, I'm well aware of the differences. All that matters is the end result, competitive, controlled matches of variable types.


This marks as an exciting start for Fury... But it's only the beginning. The potential for such a system is near limitless, without the normal constraints that other MMO's have (trying to do everything, rather then focusing on one core speciality, competition).


Kudos to the devs so far, and best of luck bringing this title to the glory it deserves.

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