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As of today, Perpetual Entertainment, the company responsible for the development of the upcoming MMORPG, Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising has announced that they have decided to self-publish that title. Previously, that role was being filled by Sony online Entertainment.
WarCry Editor Dana Massey reports that "SOE Senior Brand Manager Debysue Wolfcale characterized the move as clarification of the actual roles each company play in the development of the game. SOE continues to handle marketing and retail distribution for the title, the same roles they held before this move."
The decision, he reports, was made to insure that Perpetual Entertainment is in the spotlight on their first release. will continue to follow this story and will bring you new information as soon as it is available.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Darn good decision.
So SOE STILL is the publisher, they just want to hide that fact. Personally, i dont care, if the game is good, i will play, doesnt matter who is what. As long as it isnt ultima online.......
Changes nothing. SOE is still involved. Won't buy it.
ROFL.. some of you people on this dang site (and outside of this site) are so freaken ignorant and stuck-up.
"Has SOE on the box. WON'T BUY IT!"
"Envolves SOE. WON'T BUY IT!"
They screwed up SWG, but that was with LucasArts approval so don't ever forget that.
They fixed EQ1 before Brad tanked it. I will admit they drove it a bit to far with so many expansions.
EQ2 had a ruff start, but turned into a fantastic game.
Planetside is doing better and continues to grow.
Matrix Online sucks due to concept.. come on.. that concept is just.. dumb.. movies are "Ok", but a game? No thanks. Not SOEs fault.
Vanguard is doing much better then before and they are improving it at a hugely rapid rate.
You people act like they are the freaken plague. Your under-educated brains can't comprehend the differense between. PUBLISHER and DEVELOPER. They have absolutely NO SAY in the final product. You need to understand this. They're a good company, but to many idiots screwed up their good name. Not them. Your half-arse assumptions is what screwed it. Now you spread your stupid lies accross the web and cause discontent in others.
Anyway.. whatever.. I planned to try it weither SOEs name was on it or not.. i'm not that shallow
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
Believe me, the people who play this game will be ver y happy that people like you aren't playing it.
SOE has no one to blame but themselves for the very vocal group who see SOE and say "I've been burned by them before, I won't touch their product."
SOE's arrogance did them in.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
If SoE is still handling marketing and retail distribution, then how exactly are they not publishing it anymore? Seems like they are publishing it, but PE is trying to be shady about it.
This is not their product, so what reason do you have now to say such a thing?
-SGC Special Ops
Excuse me, but I don't read every press release or google all day trying to find dirt on a company. As far as i'm concerned anything vocalled said by ANY company is pure PR BS. This doesn't mean ONLY SOE does it, because that's 100% un-true. Have they done it more then others? Probably, but WTF does it matter? Play the game. Then make an opinion of it. SOE is a business just like all the others. They want your money. JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS. It's not a damn charity. You arn't going to find the nicest people ever on their PR team to give you 100% true facts. They feed you half-trueths to get you to play. That's how it works.
Instead of even reading their crap just play the games. If you like it cool. If you don't, cya.
I see you played SWG. Probably what made you so bitter. Again, LA gave SOE the approval. This was AFTER LA confirmed speaking to SOE about a more "Starwars Feel" to be given to the game. LA wanted the changes and gave SOE the OK. When it went downhill. LA bailed out and covered their tracks. Plain and simple. Now SOE took the fall.
Bah.. forget it.. people will never learn..
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
This is not their product, so what reason do you have now to say such a thing?
If "SOE" appears anywhere on the box, on the screens, on the brochures, it's a taint.
I can understand why they're "clarifying" SOE's role in's distancing, and it's a wise move.
SOE's brand is tainted. You don't want it near your product, even if you're only contracting with them for server support.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Excuse me, but I don't read every press release or google all day trying to find dirt on a company. As far as i'm concerned anything vocalled said by ANY company is pure PR BS. This doesn't mean ONLY SOE does it, because that's 100% un-true. Have they done it more then others? Probably, but WTF does it matter? Play the game. Then make an opinion of it. SOE is a business just like all the others. They want your money. JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS. It's not a damn charity. You arn't going to find the nicest people ever on their PR team to give you 100% true facts. They feed you half-trueths to get you to play. That's how it works.
Instead of even reading their crap just play the games. If you like it cool. If you don't, cya.
I see you played SWG. Probably what made you so bitter. Again, LA gave SOE the approval. This was AFTER LA confirmed speaking to SOE about a more "Starwars Feel" to be given to the game. LA wanted the changes and gave SOE the OK. When it went downhill. LA bailed out and covered their tracks. Plain and simple. Now SOE took the fall.
Bah.. forget it.. people will never learn..
I blame LA too for screwing up what was once at least, potentially, a pretty good game.
I have little favorable to say about the marketing asshats of LA (which is all LA is nowadays).
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Is Kleenex a public company because I bet their shareholders are making a shit load of money off of all you SOE hater crybabies. Seriously, how many boxes of tissue do you guys go through every day when you turn on your computer and see a screen shot of your Pre-CU character as your background? I enjoyed that game as well, but it wasn't the end of the world when they changed it.
This is not their product, so what reason do you have now to say such a thing?
If "SOE" appears anywhere on the box, on the screens, on the brochures, it's a taint.
I can understand why they're "clarifying" SOE's role in's distancing, and it's a wise move.
SOE's brand is tainted. You don't want it near your product, even if you're only contracting with them for server support.
Well, I guess I will have to disagree about some things. To say they are tainted, your opinion, but to stay away from anything they have to do with a product is a little rediculous and I hope consumers have a little more intelligence.
What role they [SoE] are playing is incredibly important and if people don't understand what those things mean I suggest they wikipedia it.
If the game sucks, it isn't because SoE had something to do with it. If it sucks, consider the other company tainted I guess.. or whatever it is you people like to do.
-SGC Special Ops
Some of my friends have gone back to SWG/SOE/LA because they like how things taken out of the game have been restored, and they like the new development team. I respect their decision also.
I've decided to keep playing City of Heroes and Villains, well mainly because it's fun . I also know some great people in-game, and I've never had a bad experience with Cryptic/NCsoft.
I do care who publishes a game, and don't just look at whether or not the game is "fun" because fun experiences can be turned into a real crapfest by mismanagement--been there with SOE/LA twice now, and decided not to try that ride anymore.
Different people respond to SOE's record (highs and lows) differently as consumers, and I've found that many people with different responses have good reasons for their stance.
I think it's an incorrect assumption to conclude that people who take a certain stand as consumers on a given issue (e.g. SOE) are ignorant, or stuck up. Also, people can decide not to deal with a certain company without using any facial tissue .
If there was a way to pay perpetual directly, then they can pay soe all they want and I would have no problem. These guys are at least trying something different in their game and I would buy it to try just for that. I really dont want my money being used by soe directly though.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
There is no sense in talking about SOE anymore, even if all the games that SOE publishes and develops are awesome it still wont stop people from saying "I HATE SOE BECAUSE THEY SCREWED UP SOME GAMES YEARS AGO!!!" I think its time to get over it people, SOE may or may not have ruined your game, but I feel they are going to be PUBLISHING some quality games made by quality DEVELOPERS and if you cant see the difference then you are as ignorant as SOE and there is no sense in trying to talk to you.
This makes absolutey no sense. The only thing that changed? GNH stopped SOE from being listed?
For the few who have trouble making all the funny little letters make sense, let me clarify it for you.
PE is now self-published.
This means that they will be paying more for SOE to make some ads and slap out some cds in pretty boxes (marketing and distribution for those who are uninformed).
It means SOE has no say as to when the game gets released, as they can not put any pressure of the "Look for another publisher unless you release now" crap. They get no credit for the game except for being able to draw pretty pictures for ads and make pretty boxes for cds to go in.
It also means SOE has no legal claim to the game if it fails, unlike they did with VG. SOE is putting none of their money into GnH, therefore they have nothing to collect.
Does that help you understand, now?
So basically if you hate SOE and don't want to pay them, it doesn't matter if you buy the game or not, they still get payed. Only PE gets hurt or rewarded by your decision.
PE pays SOE to make ads and make cds, that's it. Then, the money PE makes from sales is paying back what PE paid out to SOE plus other expenses. SOE's money has already been paid, therefore no "customer money" is going to SOE's pockets.
However, the fashionable SoE haters and crying SWG vets don't want to hear that fact, 'cause it gives them no new reason to complain.
Go figure.
I think everyone is aware of that. Its a shame too. However I dont want to give money directly to SOE. If i could send a check to perpetual instead Id be fine. Im assuming SOE is the one collecting the money.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
What about digi download? Wouldn't that option shaft SOE?
If it's done straight from PE's page, yep.
Look at this whole thing as a general wake-up slap to SOE.
As publisher, SOE would charge less for doing the work it's doing for PE, because it would have been guaranteed a percentage of all sales.
Now, they charge a little more in flat fees for ads and getting the game on shelves, but they lose the percentage share and residuals. In the long run, SOE loses big time with the new setup, and PE makes a higher profit from their game.
So now we know TWO things about perpetual Entertainment.
1. Willing to get in to bed with SOE.
2. Not afraid to lie about it.
So basically, willing to sleep with skeezy whores, but will deny it to their friends
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