well i can't wait for it, i seem to never get bored with the game, that's probably becuase i play to have fun, and it seems people nowadays can't have fun if they aren't the supreme best over everyone else. blizzard has a lot of tastes to please and i think they do the best they can...why even get so angry over something that doesn't matter in anyway at all...i just don't get it, anyways go find a fun game and quit hating on wow, its never going away till, blizzard decides, you gonna sit here for years crying about it? if so have fun i guess hehe.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." - Lewis Thomas
Personally I think all of you are speaking way over your head about this. For someone who has been apart of Blizzards' WoW since the Release, I will probably be the only Optimistic commentary on this subject..lawl.
1) Getting to lvl 60 was an accomplishment. Getting Epics was not a waste of time. For being on a server who's Guild is ranked in the top 20, Raiding in the 60's was competitive. It's more then about the Epics. It's about the Adventure, the Challenge, the Strategy, Teamwork, And Fun. The fact that you all complain about loosing those epics - the waste of time. You still had a chance to play with those epics, and all things must come to end. I guess the more important moral in this is that you played through 60 actuallly being able to raid. some people never had that opportunity. Server Stonemaul - Guild A Team. This guild was complete with every instance/raid on farm status gaining gear so fast that it put them on the map as one of the greatest guilds WoW has ever seen. And today at 70. They are still on top of the server as the farthest, fastest, and most competitive guild in that server. And thats what its about. Not once did they complain about loosing epics because they knew they were going to get better gear eventually ( Like 2 weeks later when they all hit 70 -_- and was already attuned for Kara) .
2) WLK - Shut up about it =D if you have nothing good to say about it. As far as we know, this could be the BC of WoW, or it could be the new 1-60; You know, the feeling you had when you first opened the box and pulled those CDs and was pumped to get to 60. I'm sure WLK will have more released info in the future. Surely more Hero Classes. 80 man raids (Maybe.. lol jk jk..) Maybe Hunters get funky skills in which they can combine Aim shots (Kind of like Ghostbusters - Crossing the Streams ) doing quad the damage causing destruction within a 2 mile radius.. Er.. And some crazy sh*t like that. The truth is that we can't judge the next expansion as the next BC.. The enviroment looks stable in this one. A full land of Ice and snow. not walking through a swamp marsh and all the sudden your in a volcano, then some lush forestry, to some spikey lookin mountians, then to some undead lookin lands where rot lives amongst the soil. And I want to stab the Lich king in the Face. Thats my purpose for continueing on. Who else wants to stab the Lich King in the Face?.. I mean, what would feel better then to conquer a whole world? Right? lol I > Lich King. IMA CASTIN MY FIREBALL!11
Not trying to defend Blizzard or calling you a liar, but where does that nine in ten figure come from? It just seems too extreme to make sense that so many people are on the verge of quitting.
Yeah hard numbers really can't be given, and in fairness I should have prefaced that with a "It Seems" but there is the steady stream of converts that you see in ooc in EQ 2, the fact that only a fraction of players even purchased BC compared to the original game, and the plethora of I quit/I can't wait for X game post on the WoW forums.
I don't think that any rational person can claim that WoW has a content fan base; especially if you compare them to LOTRO, EQ II or even EQ's fan base. And it really has nothing to do with size of population. LOTRO has a sizeable demographic, as EQ II dose...heck even EQ is chugging along, but look at there forums...you don't see the dissatisfaction to outright loathing you do from the WoW community. I'm not saying the game will die...I'm saying that it is basically going to follow Starcarfts footsteps, have a Rabid fanbase in the Asian market and a ever decreasing one in the Western market.
Not trying to defend Blizzard or calling you a liar, but where does that nine in ten figure come from? It just seems too extreme to make sense that so many people are on the verge of quitting.
Yeah hard numbers really can't be given, and in fairness I should have prefaced that with a "It Seems" but there is the steady stream of converts that you see in ooc in EQ 2, the fact that only a fraction of players even purchased BC compared to the original game, and the plethora of I quit/I can't wait for X game post on the WoW forums.
I don't think that any rational person can claim that WoW has a content fan base; especially if you compare them to LOTRO, EQ II or even EQ's fan base. And it really has nothing to do with size of population. LOTRO has a sizeable demographic, as EQ II dose...heck even EQ is chugging along, but look at there forums...you don't see the dissatisfaction to outright loathing you do from the WoW community. I'm not saying the game will die...I'm saying that it is basically going to follow Starcarfts footsteps, have a Rabid fanbase in the Asian market and a ever decreasing one in the Western market.
if by "fraction who bought the expension" you mean about 80-90% you're probably right, as for dissatisfied players, i dare say most of the people who do enjoy WoW do not bother to post about it, they just go on to have fun in it (and for a few millions subscribers, i expects even if 1% are dissattisfied and bother to post about it, that's well over the population of most other MMOs)
and to be honest, it wasn't a good article, more of a "take some points off the blizz official publish and quote them" (PLUS, judging by some of the remarks of the writer, he's actually pretty negative on WoW as it is)
martinj63 - you just cant help but be ignorant can you.
You say that Burning Crudade was only purchased by a fraction of the player base but when BC was released WoW had 4 million subscribers in the US and Europe. A month after BCs release it had sold 3.5 million copies.
So, I guess the fraction you were speaking of is 7/8.
Won't even comment on basing your assumption that 9 out of 10 Americans ready to quit WoW because of message boards posts.
martinj63 - you just cant help but be ignorant can you. You say that Burning Crudade was only purchased by a fraction of the player base but when BC was released WoW had 4 million subscribers in the US and Europe. A month after BCs release it had sold 3.5 million copies. So, I guess the fraction you were speaking of is 7/8. Won't even comment on basing your assumption that 9 out of 10 Americans ready to quit WoW because of message boards posts.
Actually the worlwide player base was 7 million and BC sold 2.5 million., ergo fraction. Way to gleen the numbers though. Now pull up that bogus MMORPGCHART..it should be the next action item on your script.
martinj63 - you just cant help but be ignorant can you. You say that Burning Crudade was only purchased by a fraction of the player base but when BC was released WoW had 4 million subscribers in the US and Europe. A month after BCs release it had sold 3.5 million copies. So, I guess the fraction you were speaking of is 7/8.
Actually the worlwide player base was 7 million and BC sold 2.5 million., ergo fraction.
Well hmm nothing seems to important about this expansion... Half of it was promised with the release of the games, Via seige weapons... Now WOW fans wait for the 2nd expansion for Siege weapons... come on... this expansion is nothing more than a large patch... I feel sorry for anyone still playing WoW...
Me no like WOW, WOW bad...I played for 1 yr straight and it is bad,,,very bad. Bought so called expansion and played another 5 mnths..and it was not good. Bad. WOW is not wow. Curse all who play...CURSE.... I like turtles. Me still play to get upset and cynical about playing WOW
100 People that have no idea what to do with their time are whining and complaining about WOW, 8.000.000 People are playing and waiting for the new addon...
Do you ppl have nothing better to do than making everything bad?
ROLF... Most of the posters sound like those beaten wives...you keep complaining and nagging but in the end you always find your way home You`ve completed all the stages of fucked up marriage...Mystification/adaptation/disillusion/seperation
haha Your post made it worthwhile to troll this discussion. haha
well i can't wait for it, i seem to never get bored with the game, that's probably becuase i play to have fun, and it seems people nowadays can't have fun if they aren't the supreme best over everyone else. blizzard has a lot of tastes to please and i think they do the best they can...why even get so angry over something that doesn't matter in anyway at all...i just don't get it, anyways go find a fun game and quit hating on wow, its never going away till, blizzard decides, you gonna sit here for years crying about it? if so have fun i guess hehe.
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
Personally I think all of you are speaking way over your head about this. For someone who has been apart of Blizzards' WoW since the Release, I will probably be the only Optimistic commentary on this subject..lawl. 1) Getting to lvl 60 was an accomplishment. Getting Epics was not a waste of time. For being on a server who's Guild is ranked in the top 20, Raiding in the 60's was competitive. It's more then about the Epics. It's about the Adventure, the Challenge, the Strategy, Teamwork, And Fun. The fact that you all complain about loosing those epics - the waste of time. You still had a chance to play with those epics, and all things must come to end. I guess the more important moral in this is that you played through 60 actuallly being able to raid. some people never had that opportunity. Server Stonemaul - Guild A Team. This guild was complete with every instance/raid on farm status gaining gear so fast that it put them on the map as one of the greatest guilds WoW has ever seen. And today at 70. They are still on top of the server as the farthest, fastest, and most competitive guild in that server. And thats what its about. Not once did they complain about loosing epics because they knew they were going to get better gear eventually ( Like 2 weeks later when they all hit 70 -_- and was already attuned for Kara) .
thats why i am sad that i missed out (by about 3 weeks) from raiding MC past the 1st boss. i was sooo pumped up to raid my way to AQ40 and then the BC came out. losing my gear meant crap all it was losing out on the instances and the feel of those raids that really got me mad
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I think WOTLK looks pretty cool, but I wish blizzard would add some lower level content. I am glad however that they finally manned up and added a new class, I think with BC they thought it might scare away subscribers. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. It seems to me like it'll be the best expansion yet. Anyone wanna take bets on what level Death Knights will start at or what you have to to do unlock them?
well i can't wait for it, i seem to never get bored with the game, that's probably becuase i play to have fun, and it seems people nowadays can't have fun if they aren't the supreme best over everyone else. blizzard has a lot of tastes to please and i think they do the best they can...why even get so angry over something that doesn't matter in anyway at all...i just don't get it, anyways go find a fun game and quit hating on wow, its never going away till, blizzard decides, you gonna sit here for years crying about it? if so have fun i guess hehe.
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
I don't like hotpockets and my mom has Alzheimer's disease..perhaps I'm takeing this whole thing too personal.
As a post a few above me said, it is the process of getting the gear that is suppose to be fun, and than being reward after you achieve it. If you have no fun in playing a game than dont. Whether you like it or not they will continue to raise the level cap, think probably till 100 to fight against sergarus or something like that.
Im playing WoW now and i dont RAID, but im still enjoying it. They have to do it to satisfied both the casual and the hardcore. And raising the level cap is the only way now. But Blizz is learning, looking at the new 5-man instances, more and more players are getting involve. But yes its still a grind. But still, Blizz is not stupid. Hopefully in near future they will come out with something that will really satisfied more people.
So either you join the rest or you re-roll or you quit. that's the only option left.
People who are not level 70 right now or anytime soon, will most-likely not play wow anymore. It's just too much! I used to love playing wow before TBC, but I wanted them to fix PvP... but instead, they removed their PvP system
I was hoping there would be some nice PvP content in the expansion, but no. Right now, I'm looking forward to Warhammer Online. Yes, wow fanboys like to call it a wow-copy...but it isn't. If you look at the Warhammer tabletop game, you can see all the races & classes come straight out of there. To be honest, I don't even care if it looks the same, I know it's gonna be better (PvP-wise atleast).
Wrath of the Lich King looks pretty cool too, but wow has proved it's all about PvE, and PvP is just a small part of it. Siege weapons and destructable buildings sound appealing, but as far as I know it will probably be some right-click environment objects. I hope the expansion turns out to be better than TBC anyway. Oh, and by the way, Warhammer will never beat Warcraft as far as I know. Wow is PvE and war is PvP, and PvP brings down a lot of frustration.
By the time they release the new expansion (i presume around Jan next year as they stated that they would like to add an expension one per year and TBC came out jan 07) alot of the pve raiding guilds will be biting the heals of hyjal, mine will be anyway and we arnt hardcore.
So in my opinion the timing is great. Still another 5 months to go. Gives our all guys more things to do. Yes grind....but tbh the majority of the players wouldnt be there if they didnt like to do that. New skills, spells, siege machines, hero class, new areas (as big as outland) etc is great.
People who are not level 70 right now or anytime soon, will most-likely not play wow anymore. It's just too much! I used to love playing wow before TBC, but I wanted them to fix PvP... but instead, they removed their PvP system I was hoping there would be some nice PvP content in the expansion, but no. Right now, I'm looking forward to Warhammer Online. Yes, wow fanboys like to call it a wow-copy...but it isn't. If you look at the Warhammer tabletop game, you can see all the races & classes come straight out of there. To be honest, I don't even care if it looks the same, I know it's gonna be better (PvP-wise atleast). Wrath of the Lich King looks pretty cool too, but wow has proved it's all about PvE, and PvP is just a small part of it. Siege weapons and destructable buildings sound appealing, but as far as I know it will probably be some right-click environment objects. I hope the expansion turns out to be better than TBC anyway. Oh, and by the way, Warhammer will never beat Warcraft as far as I know. Wow is PvE and war is PvP, and PvP brings down a lot of frustration.
heh, looking at all those frustrated kids-of-the-grind just in this thread alone makes me pretty sure that pve is creating atlast as much frustration as pvp.
well i can't wait for it, i seem to never get bored with the game, that's probably becuase i play to have fun, and it seems people nowadays can't have fun if they aren't the supreme best over everyone else. blizzard has a lot of tastes to please and i think they do the best they can...why even get so angry over something that doesn't matter in anyway at all...i just don't get it, anyways go find a fun game and quit hating on wow, its never going away till, blizzard decides, you gonna sit here for years crying about it? if so have fun i guess hehe.
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
haha, well not sure about you but i never raid, tried to do mc a couple times but i just don't like the time involved in it...anyways i never have had that great of gear but i still pvp'd i may have died but dieing doesn't bother me, i really don't care if i win the fight or not, just did my best to help out the bg team.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." - Lewis Thomas
well i can't wait for it, i seem to never get bored with the game, that's probably becuase i play to have fun, and it seems people nowadays can't have fun if they aren't the supreme best over everyone else. blizzard has a lot of tastes to please and i think they do the best they can...why even get so angry over something that doesn't matter in anyway at all...i just don't get it, anyways go find a fun game and quit hating on wow, its never going away till, blizzard decides, you gonna sit here for years crying about it? if so have fun i guess hehe.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
Personally I think all of you are speaking way over your head about this. For someone who has been apart of Blizzards' WoW since the Release, I will probably be the only Optimistic commentary on this subject..lawl.
1) Getting to lvl 60 was an accomplishment. Getting Epics was not a waste of time. For being on a server who's Guild is ranked in the top 20, Raiding in the 60's was competitive. It's more then about the Epics. It's about the Adventure, the Challenge, the Strategy, Teamwork, And Fun. The fact that you all complain about loosing those epics - the waste of time. You still had a chance to play with those epics, and all things must come to end. I guess the more important moral in this is that you played through 60 actuallly being able to raid. some people never had that opportunity. Server Stonemaul - Guild A Team. This guild was complete with every instance/raid on farm status gaining gear so fast that it put them on the map as one of the greatest guilds WoW has ever seen. And today at 70. They are still on top of the server as the farthest, fastest, and most competitive guild in that server. And thats what its about. Not once did they complain about loosing epics because they knew they were going to get better gear eventually ( Like 2 weeks later when they all hit 70 -_- and was already attuned for Kara) .
2) WLK - Shut up about it =D if you have nothing good to say about it. As far as we know, this could be the BC of WoW, or it could be the new 1-60; You know, the feeling you had when you first opened the box and pulled those CDs and was pumped to get to 60. I'm sure WLK will have more released info in the future. Surely more Hero Classes. 80 man raids (Maybe.. lol jk jk..) Maybe Hunters get funky skills in which they can combine Aim shots (Kind of like Ghostbusters - Crossing the Streams ) doing quad the damage causing destruction within a 2 mile radius.. Er.. And some crazy sh*t like that. The truth is that we can't judge the next expansion as the next BC.. The enviroment looks stable in this one. A full land of Ice and snow. not walking through a swamp marsh and all the sudden your in a volcano, then some lush forestry, to some spikey lookin mountians, then to some undead lookin lands where rot lives amongst the soil. And I want to stab the Lich king in the Face. Thats my purpose for continueing on. Who else wants to stab the Lich King in the Face?.. I mean, what would feel better then to conquer a whole world? Right? lol I > Lich King. IMA CASTIN MY FIREBALL!11
Yeah! What He/she Said! And/or Stuff. o_O
Yeah hard numbers really can't be given, and in fairness I should have prefaced that with a "It Seems" but there is the steady stream of converts that you see in ooc in EQ 2, the fact that only a fraction of players even purchased BC compared to the original game, and the plethora of I quit/I can't wait for X game post on the WoW forums.
I don't think that any rational person can claim that WoW has a content fan base; especially if you compare them to LOTRO, EQ II or even EQ's fan base. And it really has nothing to do with size of population. LOTRO has a sizeable demographic, as EQ II dose...heck even EQ is chugging along, but look at there forums...you don't see the dissatisfaction to outright loathing you do from the WoW community. I'm not saying the game will die...I'm saying that it is basically going to follow Starcarfts footsteps, have a Rabid fanbase in the Asian market and a ever decreasing one in the Western market.
Yeah hard numbers really can't be given, and in fairness I should have prefaced that with a "It Seems" but there is the steady stream of converts that you see in ooc in EQ 2, the fact that only a fraction of players even purchased BC compared to the original game, and the plethora of I quit/I can't wait for X game post on the WoW forums.
I don't think that any rational person can claim that WoW has a content fan base; especially if you compare them to LOTRO, EQ II or even EQ's fan base. And it really has nothing to do with size of population. LOTRO has a sizeable demographic, as EQ II dose...heck even EQ is chugging along, but look at there forums...you don't see the dissatisfaction to outright loathing you do from the WoW community. I'm not saying the game will die...I'm saying that it is basically going to follow Starcarfts footsteps, have a Rabid fanbase in the Asian market and a ever decreasing one in the Western market.
if by "fraction who bought the expension" you mean about 80-90% you're probably right, as for dissatisfied players, i dare say most of the people who do enjoy WoW do not bother to post about it, they just go on to have fun in it (and for a few millions subscribers, i expects even if 1% are dissattisfied and bother to post about it, that's well over the population of most other MMOs)
and to be honest, it wasn't a good article, more of a "take some points off the blizz official publish and quote them" (PLUS, judging by some of the remarks of the writer, he's actually pretty negative on WoW as it is)
MMORPG addict since 1995.
martinj63 - you just cant help but be ignorant can you.
You say that Burning Crudade was only purchased by a fraction of the player base but when BC was released WoW had 4 million subscribers in the US and Europe. A month after BCs release it had sold 3.5 million copies.
So, I guess the fraction you were speaking of is 7/8.
Won't even comment on basing your assumption that 9 out of 10 Americans ready to quit WoW because of message boards posts.
Well it took longer for the Blizzard Viral Marketers to show up than it usually does. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/02/10
Actually Xiaoki is right, and you are just lying.
Source: Blizzard Entertainment Press release, and another one.
the few milion kids will still play. theres milions who got in the MMO world with WoW and they will love it for years.
for the rest... we need to move on. theres plenty of new games coming!
Well hmm nothing seems to important about this expansion... Half of it was promised with the release of the games, Via seige weapons... Now WOW fans wait for the 2nd expansion for Siege weapons... come on... this expansion is nothing more than a large patch... I feel sorry for anyone still playing WoW...
Don't hate because I'm awesome
Me no like WOW, WOW bad...I played for 1 yr straight and it is bad,,,very bad. Bought so called expansion and played another 5 mnths..and it was not good. Bad. WOW is not wow. Curse all who play...CURSE.... I like turtles. Me still play to get upset and cynical about playing WOW
100 People that have no idea what to do with their time are whining and complaining about WOW, 8.000.000 People are playing and waiting for the new addon...
Do you ppl have nothing better to do than making everything bad?
5 million chinese farmers leaching off 3 million raid junkies.
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now!
I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
Your post was the highlight of this whole thread. and I'm guilty of it. hahah bravo
haha Your post made it worthwhile to troll this discussion. haha
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
thats why i am sad that i missed out (by about 3 weeks) from raiding MC past the 1st boss. i was sooo pumped up to raid my way to AQ40 and then the BC came out. losing my gear meant crap all it was losing out on the instances and the feel of those raids that really got me mad
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
I think WOTLK looks pretty cool, but I wish blizzard would add some lower level content. I am glad however that they finally manned up and added a new class, I think with BC they thought it might scare away subscribers. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. It seems to me like it'll be the best expansion yet. Anyone wanna take bets on what level Death Knights will start at or what you have to to do unlock them?
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
I don't like hotpockets and my mom has Alzheimer's disease..perhaps I'm takeing this whole thing too personal.
As a post a few above me said, it is the process of getting the gear that is suppose to be fun, and than being reward after you achieve it. If you have no fun in playing a game than dont. Whether you like it or not they will continue to raise the level cap, think probably till 100 to fight against sergarus or something like that.
Im playing WoW now and i dont RAID, but im still enjoying it. They have to do it to satisfied both the casual and the hardcore. And raising the level cap is the only way now. But Blizz is learning, looking at the new 5-man instances, more and more players are getting involve. But yes its still a grind. But still, Blizz is not stupid. Hopefully in near future they will come out with something that will really satisfied more people.
So either you join the rest or you re-roll or you quit. that's the only option left.
RIP Orc Choppa
People who are not level 70 right now or anytime soon, will most-likely not play wow anymore. It's just too much! I used to love playing wow before TBC, but I wanted them to fix PvP... but instead, they removed their PvP system
I was hoping there would be some nice PvP content in the expansion, but no. Right now, I'm looking forward to Warhammer Online. Yes, wow fanboys like to call it a wow-copy...but it isn't. If you look at the Warhammer tabletop game, you can see all the races & classes come straight out of there. To be honest, I don't even care if it looks the same, I know it's gonna be better (PvP-wise atleast).
Wrath of the Lich King looks pretty cool too, but wow has proved it's all about PvE, and PvP is just a small part of it. Siege weapons and destructable buildings sound appealing, but as far as I know it will probably be some right-click environment objects. I hope the expansion turns out to be better than TBC anyway. Oh, and by the way, Warhammer will never beat Warcraft as far as I know. Wow is PvE and war is PvP, and PvP brings down a lot of frustration.
By the time they release the new expansion (i presume around Jan next year as they stated that they would like to add an expension one per year and TBC came out jan 07) alot of the pve raiding guilds will be biting the heals of hyjal, mine will be anyway and we arnt hardcore.
So in my opinion the timing is great. Still another 5 months to go. Gives our all guys more things to do. Yes grind....but tbh the majority of the players wouldnt be there if they didnt like to do that. New skills, spells, siege machines, hero class, new areas (as big as outland) etc is great.
Knights who say Ni website!
heh, looking at all those frustrated kids-of-the-grind just in this thread alone makes me pretty sure that pve is creating atlast as much frustration as pvp.
I don't know how to have fun. Trying to live after fighting a mage who' most likely lives with his mother, has pail white skin, and is overweight from eating microwaved burrito's or hotpockets and washing it down with a vault soda. I don't have the time to get the gear to stand a chance to actually enjoy a battleground. So big bad WoW went byebye
haha, well not sure about you but i never raid, tried to do mc a couple times but i just don't like the time involved in it...anyways i never have had that great of gear but i still pvp'd i may have died but dieing doesn't bother me, i really don't care if i win the fight or not, just did my best to help out the bg team.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas