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Copied from Stratics, but just goes to show how worthless skills are in UO now. Anyone here ever GM Resisting Spells back in 97-99? It could take months. A young character can now be a GM mage in 2 hours! Despicable! So, EA has now made anyone that earned the skill previously into a fool that wasted their time. It's definately not the first time at all...
Originally posted by theblob
Resisting Spells used to be one of the most valued skills in UO, it often took months to GM it. In today's UO you can have it in two hours.1. Any newbie can buy almost any skill up to 40 for a completely insignificant sum of 400 gold from NPCs. Training dummies? What are those? Dummies that trained their skill long ago?
2. Buy a boat and place it on the coast of Haven.
3. Lead 15 to 20 spectral spellbinders up to your boat and hop on. Since they do not cast any spells that do damage, just sit there and become a Grandmaster Mage in Resisting Spells in an hour or two.
1. If you have the Haven Resisting Spells quest and other mage quests active do you gain faster?2. Set a macro to gain 0 to 65 Eval at the same time and keep the monsters casting quickly. Drop a weight on the key and let it run:
Evaluating Intelligence
NextTarget3. Use this to train your pets too!
Boy those old UO vets are suckers! Look at my [young] Grandmaster Mage! Only two hours old!
So you useing an exploit makes us losers? Right.... Other than that why arent you useing the new client? Just wanna know.
Yes recently, as in 2000+ if I remember correctly, you can actually just build resist on your own hehe. I forget what spell it is, but it raises your physical D but reduces your resist skill so you can keep casting on yourself over and over and hit GM easily. Either way, it has obviously changed because UO now has competition and people can't comprehend spending that long on a skill.
Also, in case you didn't know, the higher your skill points overall, the slower your skills raise. If you lock all of your skills and do resist from the beginning, you will level it faster. The reason it took people months to GM a long time ago is because they already had their 4x, 5x, and 6x GM characters trying to get GM resist. Back with T2A I could get resist up to 85 in about a week, then sit in Deceit Lich Lord room and get it up to around 95 in another week. The rest from there I don't remember but if you focused on it the correct way, you could level it to 90+ very easily.
Coming from someone who hasnt posted to many times on stratics: Judging by his/her posts its just a kid who thinks he's cool and like to talk about meaningless thing in UO right now , illegal servers posts , how to make millions in a day and how to exploit using a young character..Truly a player I would listen to..
Profile for theblob
Humm, GM magery normally takes longer than 2 hours - if you play normally still 1-2 months.
And as for resist. It is pretty useless these days and many don't even train it since armor reduces damage now and 1-2 hours if you specially train it id well enough for a 'crap' skill.
Meet me in Fel so i can Para Gank you pleassseeeeee!!!
"The most important thing is to have the design support the players in setting their own goals in both cooperative and competitive interaction with one another." - Ironore -
Yeah seriously, if you want to do some PvE you can just try to cap your resist out with armor, however that doesn't work against some spells in which case your brain will explode and you will be para bombed all day long hahaha. Shoot, could just do old school para, explo, corp por, corp por, lightning and it's over especially if you have FC/FCR equipment. Might as well actually just be doing fireballs or lightning depending on their resists.
Or a Necro could come up and just drain you to death, doesn't really matter. But hey, that's only for PvP.
As someone pointed out, you are using an exploit to gain, however the title of your thread is also misleading in itself, firstly having gm in resist spells is hardly making you a Grandmaster Mage, irrespective of what the title you get for gm resists is, no point in having gm resists without gm eval gm med or hmmm how about GM MAGERY. I kinda think gm magery is essential for any mage. If you can gm that in 2 hours without using an exploit prove it.
Then find a way to GM spellweaving in 2hrs or any of the other multitude of skills. Plus, the exploit you are using is only as good as the players online around you at the time. If I see anyone using that particular exploit, well I go kill the spellbinders, then it is quite funny to watch the character stand there doing nothing until the exploiting player realises their cheat spawn is way over in newhaven while they have stood for an hour doing nothing.
The ability to gain resists using the spellbinders is great, and you know, you don't actually need to grab 'all' the spawn so that new players in that town have nothing to 'learn' on. It is people like you who have absolutely no sense of community nor concern for anyone else. But if it makes you feel good to exploit then post on how great you are, who am I to pour water on your fire.
If you had any sense you would of got 3-4 spellbinders, a zombie and a skelly and did slow laps around the town and gained in not only resists, but also med, focus, anat, heal, parry, eval, tactics and if drop a shield wrestling too. The idea of the new 'training' system is actually meant to let players avoid a lot of the 'grind' in training which was implemented due to a lot of player feedback on not wanting such a grinding system to gain. The fact is if you create your character correctly you can get to 50 skill in about 10 or so professions in an hour or two which allows you to move into the 'real world' and be able to do stuff without spending your first few weeks just trying to get strong enough to battle ettins etc. So I suggest that calling those of us who were forced to learn skill the 'old' way suckers is hardly correct. When we learnt that is the way it was, now new players have it a bit easier, so what. If it helps those people out all well and good.
It is like saying those people who grew up with the plough were suckers as people now use tractors. Times change. Tho obviously silly people with attitudes such as yours don't.
And another thing, standing gaining skill by what your doing or bashing golems or unattended macro'ing til you are gm in anything does not make you grandmaster or legendary in anything other than in 'title' I have met lots of gm's who cant play worth a damn as skill gained by not actually playing is like watching a video on how to construct a house, sure you know the skill/process but the ability to use those skills and processes effectively is generally severly lacking. Having gm or greater 'book' skill does not make the mage and if you think it does i suggest you perhaps are the sucker.
Hehe that never bother me I would just get on a main and kill them all for em to re-spawn back in there original spot. Then if they tried to lure them again I would stick around and kill everything till they left. EV's in lowbie areas FTW!
"The most important thing is to have the design support the players in setting their own goals in both cooperative and competitive interaction with one another." - Ironore -
thats exploiting
I haven't played Uo in ages and maybe im missing something but this doesnt look like exploiting to me, more like "creative use of game mechanics". Unless ofcourse those mobs are normally supposed to do damage but dont in this instance for whatever reason.