It was released in a press statement that absolutly no machine out at this time can handle EQ2 on 100% full settings. The developers claim that they have done this to keep up with technology, so when new amazing machines come out, the graphics will esentially update with them, instead of having to revamp the engine. I think this is brilliant; please post your comments on this.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
I think its a great idea, although some ppl wont like it because they cant run it at 100%. They said that all the settings are adjustable and u can turn them down so that it runs smooth on your pc. so this works out quite well IMO, but i plan on putting a brand new pc together when it comes out, cause i wanna see all those sweet gfx at there best
"you can't be right all the time. thats why i'm here."-Drakol
"you can't be right all the time. thats why i'm here."-Drakol