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The Grudgebearers an order guild based on having fun and working together to drive back the forces of chaos and destruction! with an ordered structutre to keep things fair between members and punish the people who have wronged us and wronged our people.
come visit us at our forum all are welcome!
And from the desk of our leader Aaron Man The Grudge keeper the Grudgebearer guild basics.
The Grudgebearers
Faction: Dwarfs (other order factions will be allowed to join)
Leader: Aaron Mon (forum name)
Guild style: Any type of play
Theme: The Grudgebearers are based around the dwarf Book of Grudges
The Book of Grudges is filled with names of people who have done the dwarf, or his family, wrong in some way. The details of what they have done are put in the book along with their name. That grudge is kept in the book until the dwarf has avenged it. Once the grudge has been avenged the name is crossed out with the wrong doers blood.
Grudge Keeper: (keeper of the mighty book of grudges) The leader
Grudge Bearers: (council of the Grudge Keeper) highest ranked members who make the guild run smoothly and run club endeavours- including military, trade, etc.
-5 openings
Slayers: 10 openings (High ranked members of the guild) trusted members who aid in club endeavours.
Long Beards: any member that is trusted enough to have a chance to advance further through the ranks.(more opportunities in club affairs)
Warriors: (basic members) members who are called upon to aid in military affairs and in other times of need.
Beardlings: members in training (may not request grudges)
The Book of Grudges:
The book will consist of "open grudges" (grudges open for all members to complete), "closed grudges" (only specific members may complete these grudges) and completed grudges (grudges which have been avenged.
Members may post a grudge request to add to the book, which will be seconded by a Grudge Bearer, and officially made a grudge by the grudge keeper.
"Grudge points"- the system used to get advancement in the guild different things give different points (more important grudges give more points.
For a name to be put into the book the person must of done wrong to the member, the guild, or the dwarf race (may include all of order)
-All members may complete ?open grudges? and aid in any military endeavour (grudge points awarded)
-All members may donate to the guild (gains grudge points)
-All members may do their own endeavours.
-Helping new members gives ?grudge points?
-Ranks are determined by trust and ?grudge points?
Laws of the Grudge
Any member who betrays the guild will be kicked out and added to the Book of Grudges as someone who shall be shuned and not aided in battle (since order can not attack each other). Examples of betrayal: lying about any aspect of a grudge, lying to a member, etc)
No swearing within the guild (this is a friendly guild for everyone)
Certain endeavours may have a kind of fee (example a percentage of spoils go to the club)
Cheaters and scammers will not be allowed.
Cowards can also be added to the Book of Grudges. (so no cowardice, but refusing to do something that is stupidly dangerous is not being a coward.)
Be kind to other members.
If any of the laws are broken you may be considered to be put in the Book of Grudges (depending onthe the sever ness) and be expelled from the guild.
this is all subject to change and I am open to any suggestions you may have.
And we appreciate your suggestions! (this last bits from me Dole)
*EDIT* Fixed the link.
joined it along time ago under the name of Korgain. i left the clan cuz it was very small. they are so far very unorganized. THe clans rule of no swearing is just plain stupid cuz there are othere languages people can swear in. The leader is a fucking carebear. he needs to get off his ass and actually take a firm hold of his failing clan.
Let Them HATE, so long as they FEAR