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When i first bought this game i was really excited because my friend had the game and told me to buy it for christmas. When i first played i was like yipee then i completed the whole game throughout my life and then i completed the 2nd sequal then the 3rd.It gets boring when u complete whole 3 series in GW. I'm not saying it's a bad game but it does get boring when u completed all 3 series. Wonder if GW Eye of the North is going to be good. Once again if i completed EotN it might get boring again................(i might spell some words wrong)
I love GW and I play other games to remind myself of why i love GW so much and keep coming back to it, time and again, like a beautiful women that you couldn't cheat on, but has the boring personality you just need to goto the pub with the lads sometimes to get away from
So what is your point or your question....
When I first saw your thread I was really excited. But then I read the first and second responses to it. Your post is boring me....not saying it is bad....a lot of posts bore me. Maybe if you write another one I wont be bored.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
What's up with these people they were commited to buy the game and now they are saying that they are bored playing with it.