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Review on Lunia

I think i can't post up links here in MMORPG. So heres a review of the game

Record of the Lunia War is an amazing Online Action Arcade, RPG game that should not be missed.                                                                                                                                                                            Most importantly it is FREE too. So join us in the world of Lunia . You can get the link via MMORPGs game list

Let me introduce this game breifly before i go down to some details reviews of  the game. Lunia is a free to play game which entice us with a whole new game play system with 3 playable characters (For now) and exciting storylines. Unlike some MMORPGs, Lunia is definitely worth the time to play! It's cute, fun, exciting. I'm a player of World of Warcraft and i find this as fun as WoW is. For anyone who is looking for a fabulous game, i would recommend Lunia

Let me get on to the details of the review 

Gameplay: FANTASTIC! 9.5/10 [Leave the 0.5 for the unexplored parts]

Comparing to many other MMORPGs out there, i can assure this is great. It has the system of partying up to advance through stages or going solo if you love being sole hehe. A maximum of 8 person party could be created!, not many games could offered that. At the moment, there are 3 usable characters, Fighter,Healer,Wizard, pretty much the basics of any MMORPGs out there, however! More classes like Lime(Sounds weird ), Puppeteer (Puppet show?), and Theif (xD assasinate!) will be introduced, don't miss all these action out!.

The gameplay is simple too, you don't need a mind with like WOW brain to play it. It's easy, just some movements, attack, and spells. Don't underestimate these, you could create beautiful combos with them and send enemies flying. Spells sound so bored? Never in Lunia, each class has their special skills, for example, a healer need not be a healer! they're spells which you can add to make your healer a BATTLE! healer, fight! Sounds strong? . Even if you get tired of the killing, there are places in-game which you can relax and have some "other" fun with other players! Amusement Park , Tracking, and MOST of all PVP!!!!. Track = Racing, you could have a race with your friends or foes at the track! Rewards would be awarded after  completing it too so that your effort in-game wouldn't be wasted. PVP!!! you can create a party or go solo and go PVP! There's a PVP stage for you to compete with other players and hound out your skills. Lunia also has a PVP experience, level. At a certain level of experience you could buy certain equipments and many more... Personally i've not explored much into the PVP yet, but i'm sure its pretty much as fun as the game itself.

Quests,Emotion,Extraction,Fortification and a UNIQUE system of looting of items also makes the games more fun! Join the game to find out more!

Still feel bored? Typical MMORPG? Lunia also has heaps of events going on. Events like special item to be obtained during specific periods, and PVP tourney.

Graphics: GREAT! 9/10

Lunia offers a great graphic experience. IMO, comparing to many other MMORPGs, Lunia offers a 3D graphics pretty well. The details of the characters, surroundings makes it so pleasant to play in. I reckon it is comparable to those games which need to pay to play. Normally this is the part that attracts me the most, before i try out any games i would usually take a look at the in-game screenshots and Lunia's ones were nice.

Sound: FANTASTIC! 9.5/10

The lovely theme music is absolutely sweet. If only they could introduced more music into the game i would give it a 10/10! Personally i love the music it offers. 

A gorgeous world to explore   


an engaging story and hours' worth of intriguing and exciting quests  
core role-playing mechanics like combat and magic are as adaptable as they are enjoyable  
excellent music and graphics

Do look out for me in game if you're on Foriel (Asia). Though my level not that high, i could try to help to answer simple questions  My in-game nick is SoraaroS.

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