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Guild Name:Hand of Set
Guild Website:
Time Zone:Eastern Standard Time
Guild Leaders: High Priestess – Sanakhti Council Members – Ashaka, Ixaxer, Kul Nalik, Kul’Osahar, Zahfir, and Zurual.
About Us:
The Hand of Set is a Stygian-only guild for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The guild is based on the premise of a cult following the dark serpent god Set. It believes that it has received a mission from Father Set himself to spread his divine teachings to those outside of Stygia.
Author Robert E. Howard (creator of Conan) originally created the world in which the game will be based, a pseudo-earth in which he took cultures during the height of their barbarism and lumped them all together, regardless of their chronological placement. In regards to the Hand of Set, Set is the primary god of Stygia which Howard derived from Egypt. The name comes from Styx, a river of the underworld in Greek mythology. Thus HoS has an Egyptian-like feel, also a tribute to the desert environment which pervades in Stygia.
Age of Conan will offer a variety of optional gameplay elements; Role-playing, PVE, PVP, Town Building and Questing. The Hand plans to embrace all of these elements, each in its appropriate time.
Guild Category (PvE, PvP, Raid, Other): All
Roleplay: Yes
Voice: Yes
Recruitment Status: Open
AoC Guild Hall Thread: Hand of Set
Server type: RP-PvP (US)
Platform: PC
Age Requirment: 17+ Years and Older
The Hand of Set is dedicated to finding quality members that will help propel the guild to the Premiere status, which it deserves. Taking pride that, the Hand of Set, makes accommodations for all three facets of the game (Role Playing, Player Versus Environment, and Player Versus Player), we search for star quality players in each aspect of the game. The Hand of Set believes it has found a successful marriage of each component of the game, and the key is leadership and an exceptional member foundation. We have had several complaints that our application was too long, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Dedication and Desire are key components in the engine that drives the Hand of Set. We are not just searching for the best, but for the best for the Hand of Set.
It is important that the Hand of Set and its members retain a strong foundation in which to continue to build upon. The Hand of Set has lofty goals, and only people who believe in, and will help us attain, these goals are worthy enough to be considered to be Disciples of Set. So, before you sit down to fill out an application, ask yourself; Am I worthy?
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
Hi folks, nice to see you made it here, hows Ashaka doing?
"Age Requirment: 17+ Years and Older"
Just curious why the age requirment I never really understood why guilds do this, If for maturity reasons you can't really judge the maturity of a player based on their Age alone. Many many many people over 17 are just as immature as some 14 year old and some 14 years olds are more mature than many adults...Not a flame or anything but I honestly think you may be turning away some potential good guild members because you judged them solely on age and didnt even get to personally know them first, which I think you should really do for any guild potential guild member instead of restricting it to age, just get to know them first and decide from how they act.
The end is only the begining.
My guild as im sure the HoS does, have a well structured App. We also give out our IRC addy and Voice chat, new apps are encouraged to post whilst on their 10 day trial and then long standing members vote on acceptance with final say from the leaders. As the game is rated M, obviously talk will be mature in and out of game, most members wouldn't feel comfortable about some conversations with a14 yr old. Im sure the HoS has a similar structure
Well thats why I was just asking I wasn't trying to flame or anything but some guilds have Age requirments as a way to supposedly only get mature members which honestly isn't true at all. I have seen many many times in mmorpgs that age doest NOT reflect maturity lol, And I do understand where you are coming from with the whole conversations between guild members could be innapropriate for someone who is 14, I just remember when I was younger and how difficult it was to play mmorpgs because people would ignore you the second they found out how old you really were, I had to constantly lie about my age just to get into decent guilds because people wouldnt just get to know me first and realize that I was mature enough and knew enough about the game to function in a guild ( sometimes more so than them)
The end is only the begining.
Oh its cool, I understand where you are comming from. I think its more to do with the fact that guilds like the HoS and others are more of a community of like minded people. Even though player experience is great its more of the person that they are that counts. Judging from say the HoS's awesome website, you can immediately see they are a mature guild. Their design encompasses that perfectly. An Applicant might be 14 and awesome at video games and be mature for their age, but looking back, life experiences come into account in the day to day conversation amongst communities and guilds, I for one wouldn't feel comfortable speaking to a 14 year old playing AoC I don't mean that in nasty way, its just I don't in real life.
When I go out to the Pub say, its not full of 14 yr olds (although they wish) I converse with people of similar mind set, ideals, working people, etc etc. Same when it comes to game time at home, mmo's are set up to be social games, and in this case its supposed to be set in a mature environment, I want to play the game with similar minded folks and judging from the amount of time we put into gaming as well thats are rather large amount of social time online.
I would probably feel different if I was playing say a driving game online, wouldn't bother me so really.
I wish the HoS all the best in AoC, they are going RP too and have a nice section on their forums too. Can't wait to have adventures in game
I wish that were true... run around WoW for awhile and it feels like that show Kidnation
My guild as im sure the HoS does, have a well structured App. We also give out our IRC addy and Voice chat, new apps are encouraged to post whilst on their 10 day trial and then long standing members vote on acceptance with final say from the leaders. As the game is rated M, obviously talk will be mature in and out of game, most members wouldn't feel comfortable about some conversations with a14 yr old. Im sure the HoS has a similar structure
This is indeed true. We have a similar application system. The Hand of Set is an exceptionally dark guild, dealing in muture subject matters. Subjects that our members may not feel comfortable with discussing with a younger audience. This isn't saying that someone younger isn't 10x more mature than any of our members, however we feel that the Hand of Set's minimum age should match the minimum age for purchasing the game. Our policy once the game has launched, will allow aspirants to apply in the month that they will be turning 17.
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
I have been wondering about something, how are you supposed to do raiding with only stygians?
But while i agree that there are 17yo or 25yo even in some cases that act as immature or less than 14yo as a general rule at least some level of maturity is gained through age.
Anyway good luck to HOS i hope going only with stygian will not put you in a disadvantage.
14yr olds aren't supposed to be buying the game without a parent of legal guardian. While it will have tha won't be gratuitous porn. Aimed at the 17+ demographic, but who are we kidding here?
We pride ourselves on being creative and skilled. Using alternative tactics, instead of the normal Tank and Spank approach. Luckily for us, Funcom has stated that, though there will be some occasions where Tank and Spank will be the best solution, they strive to make everthing accomplishable by multiple groupings (Not neccesarily requiring a "Tank").
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
I would like to take the time to welcome our newest Disciples, Kamuzu and Nivea.
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
Hi Zahfir,
Your guild concept sounds interesting and your guild website is top-notch. As a former Settite from World of Darkness and Robert E Howard/HP Lovecraft fan, I'm definitely interested in joining a Stygian guild.
I did have a question or two that I want to ask before submitting an application:
1. I'm guessing you see your guild as more "lawful evil" than "chaotic evil," correct? I ask because too often in the past I've met players who thought roleplaying "evil" meant they had license to indulge whatever crazy and anti-social whim popped into their mind.
2. Do you have any plans to incorporate mercs or ally with other clans as needed, especially in PVP? Certainly having some bloodthirsty Cimmerians on your side would help make up for the Stygian lack of soldiers, provided of course you pulled the strings.
3. Would you accept a player who can dedicate regular hours to the clan's cause but plays on average 15-20 hours/week. I can certainly make major missions/pvp fights but now with a career job and family I just can't put in marathon hours anymore.
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I love the concept you guys & gals are doing with your guild (Stygian's only), cant wait to fight by your side or against!
1. We indeed have a focus and driving force behind our ways. There are some that believe in what we are doing, but would be considered chaotic in their actions. These people have dedicated themselves to the Theocracy of the Hand of Set, and will follow orders without hesitation. Anyone who jeopardizes the mission of the Hand will be dealt with swiftly.
2. We will employ Mercs as fodder. We will only employ these Mercs if absolutely necessary. We also have allies who short sighted goals, have employ other races. They have however, quickly understood the power of the Hand of Set and we have allied together.
3. Approximately 20 hours a week should be sufficient. We except all types of gamers from casual, to the more…hardcore. We are very confident in the system we have setup to accommodate everyone.
Please feel free to contact me once you have joined our forums. I will be available to answer any questions that you may have about the application process.
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
So, if I join the guild. What exactly will we do over the next 6 months as we wait?
I envision a bunch of Set guildies, sitting around a fold-out table, playing Scrabble.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I plan on joining a guild from the get go, But I want to be a Druid of the storm. Here's hoping I can find one :P
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.
Well that depends solely on what your focus is. The guild as a whole will be moving forward; fine tuning plans and strategies as we learn more about the game. Some have elected to join other MMOs and games to get better acquainted with each other's playing style. Some are avid Role Players who use the time to compose stories and adventures to put characters through, in order to pass the time. None of this is mandatory, however. We do ask that our members be involved in our forum discussions, and take this guild as seriously as we take our members. A Roll Call is initiated monthly to ensure that members, who may be away playing other MMOs, are still planning to join us.
There is plenty to discuss as we learn more about Age of Conan, and what it will take to make us the most successful guild on our server.
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
While we don't accept the Druid of the Storm class, there are a lot of great guilds that do. If you refer to the AOC Guild Thread located on the Official Age of Conan Forums under the The_Guild_Hall section, there is a list of guilds that will cater to your needs. Some are RP Only, some RP-PVP, some PVE/Raid, and some pure PVP Guilds. That list should help you narrow down your selection.
Seba'et of the Hand of Set
Recruitment and Training
While we don't accept the Druid of the Storm class, there are a lot of great guilds that do. If you refer to the AOC Guild Thread located on the Official Age of Conan Forums under the The_Guild_Hall section, there is a list of guilds that will cater to your needs. Some are RP Only, some RP-PVP, some PVE/Raid, and some pure PVP Guilds. That list should help you narrow down your selection.
Thankyou for your help. Good hunting.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.