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Ideas mine and some others

Ideas mine and others.
Another idea would be passangers. Some ships could be created, or current ships used, as taxi, for to allow, along with cargo, dignataries, or other passangers who will pay to reach a specific starport or colony. (npc colony, perfered. due to most colonial defenses) This would be just like hauling cargo, except you don't pay anything at pickup, and thier destinations are specific, rather than general."
If a colony has at least a radio reciever, and your at another colony that has a radio reciever you cuold give that first colony commands like what to build, harvest, tax etc. So you wouldn't half to be there. After all radio recievers arcorind to the text put your colony in communitcation with the rest of the universe, lets put that to use.
Planets diffrenet color on radar if they have a colony you own. And another color for corporation colonines. And another for enemy colonies you found out are there.
Selling hardware.
In starpedia samle pictures of all the plants. (For newbs so they know what stuff looks like)
Customizeable keyboard controls. I don't know about you guys but tab and ctrl are far apart and its hard to drive and shoot at teh same time easily if you want to use both buttons.

"Colony Repair Bay
A New Colony part that slowly boosts the shields of any ship stationed in the colony."
Missions or otherforms of gaining money.
Freinds system.
Better artifacts ... if i think of any i'll mention it.
Asteroid mineing. Have areas where instead of just planets theres also a bunch of asteroids circleing the sun and stuff sorta like our solar system. Have it where you can shoot em and get stuff sorta like killing aleins on planets just no exp and more stuff perasteroids IF anything at all. For example shoot say asteroid and get like 3 spice. then shoot like 4 more and get notthing. Also all things would be avaiable this way except medicin and equipment. Not all asteroids would give stuff. And some could be random going from solar system to solar system.

AND change earth like planets to Terra like planets as earth is not the name of the planet we live on. Its Terra.
If your idea is in here i'm reposting it becuase i agree with it.

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