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Someone's probably made a thread further back about this exact subject, but I'm just too lazy to browse through it all to check. I apologize in advance.
Anyways, what I'd like to know is if there's any outfits at all out there that are still organised, active and staying strong. Last time I played it seemed like nothing more than every man for himself, no real communication or teamwork and just a whole lot of back door whoring.
And that's the kind of gaming experience I've had enough of with PS to be fair. I recall a time where outfits actually meant organised raids and base drops and whatnot and you had a better chance of survival since you had several guys covering your ass and actual communication on TS. I guess I just miss it and I'm hoping that there's some way of getting back to the good old days at least with one outfit that functions. I'm not hoping in vain, am I?
Not at all! What server are you on? If it's Werner I can help. If not maybe someone else can.
there are active/organized outfits on every server. the number and degree depends on what server you play.
if you need any help for Emerald, i can certainly point you in the right directions
Thanks for the replies. I play on both Werner and Emerald, so if I could get some information about what outfits are still active and functioning on both servers that'd be great.
for TR emerald you have
Hells Rangers: middlesized outfit, fairly organized with mostly veteran players
VHM: big outfit that accepts evey player, trying to train them, usually using a Galaxy for transport
-VS emerald
GoTR: big outfit with several divisions. thursday is their raid night and they could pull 2 platoons
Azure Twillight: big outfit, Gal-Max based. counterpart to VHM
LoveMyScatmax: they can field squad+ but are notorious wannabe killwhores, mostly young kids...despised more by the NC then the enemy
-dont know the name yet, but Tripx apparently started an outfit again trying to get some vets to do the work for the empire
-i think the NC lack a big outfit atm, the huge member outfits are mostly inactive or are no threat on the battlefield