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I have been arguing with myself on AoC and WAR. Both games have things I think I would like, and things I think I wont like (as is with every other game on the planet. However after sitting here at work on saturday night/Sunday morn I decided to check out all the video's I could find again for both games. I found one thing in a WAR interview that might have sold me on WAR. A simple little line referring to RvR saying "Even when you die we want you to be having fun". I love PvP but frankly I am personally in the lower tier of skill. Sure I get lucky sometimes but I definitly dont get the epeen growth pills most do :P However if WAR really can produce a large amount of fun even when getting my ass handed to me..........I dont think I would ever leave lol. This is of course assuming that skill is the base on win or loose. I was ok in WoW pvp.....but I had the gear. I am looking for a skill based PvP game and this looks like it may be it (AoC seems to be skill based, but the combat is a big downer for me). Gear based PvP = no skill. Skill based PvP = I might eventually learn how to PvP well :P
Plus if I can get an "I suck at PvP" title I would be forever happy
Truth is, most PvP the battle is over verry quickly. You either know how to manipulate the system and win or you loose to fast to learn. The way WAR looks to be panning out, with longer fights gives you the time to try multiple things, observe others tactics and learn in each fight. I am personally tired of the "I win" button games. I WANT to suck at first. But I also WANT to be able to learn and get better. I never played DAOC but in every other MMO I have played you either get it or you dont. Just from the explinations and video's I get the feeling this game will give me the chance to learn.
Sorry for the idiotic post but after 12 hours of a boring shift I tend to ramble.......anyway Hi everyone I am now one of you who is waiting to play WAR
and while I am new to this board, I will take it upon myself to say "Welcome".
WAR is not WOW -
(sigh) I'm still waiting for a beta invite.Seems like it could be a L O N G wait.
It depends, I have been waiting roughly... 3-4 months for my beta invite, still no email or no beta access but I am sure if i do get in it will be worth it.
Cheers, mate.
And now, for a real WAR-fan message board that truly discusses WAR, take yourself over to:
Real nice folks with real good info.
~ Ancient Membership ~
And hello by the way.
Believe it or not, not all PvP is over so quickly. Open field PvP can be over very quickly. but if Mythic makes siege like DAOC, a battle can go on for hours. Sometimes thats a good thing, sometimes its bad...depends on what you want out of PvP and how long you can play that night
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
And hello by the way.
LOL see its things like this that gets me looking forward to games. Communities that like to have fun and can poke fun at thereself
This is your game why? Because the combat is slower , well the damage is slower. So you have time to move and use tactics and whatnot.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
fighting wont be that slow fights vs mobs are only supposed to last 30 secs to a minute and 1vs1 in RVR is only supposed to last a maximum of 2 minutes but ya between WAR and AION ima be busy nxt year
Even if u are the worst pvp player in this world, u can still follow the zerg and rake up pts big time and eventually reach the same status as some of the hardcore pvp players. Thats the beauty of the daoc realm pt system.
Xenogias, love your attitude, and I felt the same way about WoW.
can't wait for my beta invite!
I can't wait to try this one out. EQ 1 untill then still best mmorpg on the market. Wow for pvp till war. EQ 1 for pve. EQ 2 blows.
We don't all have the high-energy level and lightning-quick reflexes to be frontline fighters, but that means that some very important tactical purposes will be carried out by various classes and playstyles.
I think the best tip is to find out exactly where your skills lie and what your comfort level is for various PvP activities. When you find your niche you say, "Ahhhh," this is where I belong.
~ Ancient Membership ~