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I love your site, I've been an avid user of your site for the past 3 years. I do have 1 criticism and suggestion however:
Please make the rankings on the Game List a "rolling" value!
It appears that the Game List is currently a historical ranking based on "all time rankings", which is really not appropriate for games in the MMORPG genre.
-Ultima Online (great game), is ranked as 8.2 (based on 787 votes)...I believe that if you had a rolling ranking of say the last 100 ranks (or some rank postings/time calculation), then this would be much more accurate. There have only been 3 rank posts in September for this game, and there's no way that the current player base would rank this game 8.2 when games like Guild Wars and World of Warcraft are ranked at the same level. (I would wager this would be more like 6.8 on a rolling ranking due to game age, lack of content and well..just being past it's prime).
-Planetside is another that is rated at 8.2 (based on 839 votes)...this game came out in 2003....hasn't had any ranking posts since August...and really, cannot possibly be compariable at this time and date to other current games on the market.
When I go look at the game list I want to know what people are playing now..what's hot, what up and coming game should I be paying attention to.
I think it'd be fine to maintain some sort of "All Time Ranking", but your game list ranking should by default rank the games according to their flux in the market.
-Star Wars Galaxies took forever to come down in the rankings, and as of today is at an appropriate 6.4, but that is after 2856 votes! If you had a rolling ranking system, then when SOE tanked the game, the ranking would dynamically reflect that and the information you gather would be much more timely and useful to us readers.
Love the site, hope to more postive changes. I want MMORPG.COM to be the place to go for the latest in MMORPG games info!