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*disclaimer it was an NPC so who knows if there will be a /piss emote. but I can confirm on sheer whim that there will be a /poo emote.
I don't understand your subject heading?
How is an emote of taking a piss 3rd gen? Action Emotes have been around for years...
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
OP - I think you need to lighten up a little bit.
It's called having a sense of humour.
LOL I just realized that it is delayed until march, I was still thinking it was coming out soon.
Your mind is like a parachute, it's only useful when it's open.
Don't forget, you can use the block function on trolls.
Oh great, now we can literally have e-peen and pissing contests.
You can 'moon' other people in Funcom's other title, Anarchy Online. Both are marketed toward adult gamers.
Its not that you can take a piss I think. Its that you can watch an NPC take a piss. That requires some NPC scripting which is very limited in current mmos, ontop of that to use the NPC script for a small action like pissing over the pier is starting to show more life within a town.
Agree with you on the showing more life in town comment though. Fits the environment perfectly.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Agree with you on the showing more life in town comment though. Fits the environment perfectly.
A life without laughter is a life not worth living.
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.
That video is awesome. The more I see of this game the more I like about it. I just hope it doesn't disappoint as 2007 has been a big letdown.
Agree with you on the showing more life in town comment though. Fits the environment perfectly.
A life without laughter is a life not worth living.
No idea what that has to do with my post.. but ok
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
Agree with you on the showing more life in town comment though. Fits the environment perfectly.
A life without laughter is a life not worth living.
No idea what that has to do with my post.. but ok
Means the original post was a joke about an npc pissing making it 3rd gen. Learn to see the humor in life, you might enjoy it more.
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.
Heavens sake, the game won't be out for another 6 months, who knows what will be in at release.
This game keeps disapointing me. Sex, naked women, urinating. What more?
How is this going to attract anyone more than, and please excuse me, 40-something slobs with no life who have to jack-off to a game? Or those pesky 14-17 year olds with massive 'omg. pwn j00 n00b.' syndrome. Nothing mature about it.
Adult/Mature games do not need sex, in fact, and I have a feeling few will disagree, sex will probably court to the most immature section of the gaming community.
Just my .02 though.
Wow, read some of REH's Conan stories and you'll see all of that is in there and more. Fantastic writing, all of which I am very glad is being put into AoC. From what I've seen so far they are getting the lore in the game pretty good.
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I agree Severnwind.
I took the clip from the recent presentation show in Oslo, and inparticular, cut this part out and added some music. It was all meant to be for comedy.
Look Tortage where they bit is set is a city of thieves and skullduggery. Taverns, robbery, prostitution are like all prominent.
The NPC originally walks down from a boat being built at the harborside, in a drunken stance, after wobbling and stretching around he takes a leak - into the sea.
Big Deal! The person showing the game paused to speak about all these little things that go on and add to the environment in line with the original texts from which the game is based.
I found this kinda amusing. There seemed to be lots of scripted happenings in which all add to the overall feel of the game. Almost making the environment tangible.
This is just an NPC not a player, so I doubt there will be a "leak" emote but you never know!
Enjoy it for the humour it is!
How can anyone not think that was funny as hell????????
And for those freaking out about the sex, nudity and urination first of all you need to chill. We dont even know if the urination is going to make it into the live game. There are often things thrown into BETA as a joke that dont make it into game. I hope it does cause it was funny, and it shows that they are going to have thier NPCs do more then stand around on a corner all day and night.
And the sex is just silly really. You arent going to see anything so why is it a big deal. I dont care if it is there or not but it will be harmless im sure. Maybe people will run out to have sex the first time but after they see that it is a black screen or just a quick cut and you are done they will not care about it anymore. Unless the buff rocks of course, which it will not.
And nudity is part of the Conan deal. Will it bring in less then mature people who will run around all day naked, ya probably, but that will not be any more annoying then NE females dancing on every mailbox in alliance territory, same for BEs in Horde.
I am excited about the game because it actually looks like they have put some effort into things that are not exactly gameplay related. If they did that much work to have someone pee i cant wait to get in a fight.
Plus the game has sheaths so it wins with just that. COME ON CONAN.
It's not how the game handles sex or the nudity that puts me off, it's the type of players that it will most likely attract and the way the game encourages them to treat in game women tends to spill over to how they treat women playing the game too and unfortunitly it's not just the run around naked all day people, there will also be roleplayers using the defence of "roleplaying the conan world" for the way they act. I saw more then enough of both those types of players when I played SWG and that game didn't even come close to encourgaging it like AoC will.
Now, none of that may worry you and that's fine. Your allowed to be excited about the game. I'm just mentioning what I dislike about the "matureness" of AoC.
Like what drankrur said
Beat enemy in battle.
Select enemy corpse.
griefing has reached a new high.
edit: duplicat post
War Dancer, I agree with you in terms of a mature rating not really meaning mature as in adult sensibilities--it means adult-oriented content, namely nudity.
However, I hope you appreciate that they are more accurately depicting the books as written this way. Were they to leave these little touches (immature or mature--whichever you think they are) out, then the game would lose a great deal of its identity.
Like any other entertainment medium, these things can be shown or not shown, and regardless a story can still be told--even a good one. But, do you want to be treated as a thinking, knowledgeable adult, or for everyone to pretend that nothing happens between a man and a woman in bed together? Think about TV shows and movies in the past--70s and even the 80s. They showed married couples sleeping in seperate beds. So far, that's how MMOs have been--very PG rated.
Personally, I think it's time we move beyond that. It's not just for losers wanking--showing nudity and realistic barbarian/savage/uncouth/uncivilized behavior shows a bit more respect for the intelligence and maturity of an audience. No more "oh, babies are delivered by storks."
All that is not to say that there won't be losers wanking, but that will happen anyway and has little if anything to do with what's shown in a game and everything to do with what's going on in that "loser's" head.
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.
why assume i'm ranting?
i love this. I WANT to /piss on people I kill. it'd be great.
yes avery posted this on officail forums i thought it was hilarious. I doubt real players WILL have a piss emote thats just blatent speculation. but it shows how good the AI in AoC will be, agree with above post about this making towns come alive,..
lool battlecruise pastes his comment from official forums , I would think it would be funny to have a piss emote esp for grieifing but somehow i can't see player characters having one.
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Postal 2... Crysis all have it. WoW = Spit, to be honest I don't really care if it is a player emote or not personally, but you know the clip shows an NPC so its kinda a big assumption on your part.
Who wants to participate in a game where everyone acts like they are in kindergarten?
Who wants to participate in a game where everyone acts like they are in kindergarten?
One way or another though this game isn't angelic in nature. In battle its the ultimate humiliation.
But no one has seen a player do it though.
yup i'd love to be in game with people like that rather than people like you who wouldn't reckonise humour if it ass bandit-ed them.
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I can appreciate that and agree if you've bought an IP to make into a MMO that you should try and make it so it's has the right style and atmosphere but I'm not a fan of the books so that it accurately represents the books doesn't mean much to me.
Fair enough but it seems to go past admitting these things go on to encouraging them to go on in the game. I saw some cantina's in SWG ending up more like Strip Clubs with a fair bit of cybering going on with a lot less encouragement. Now consenting adults and all that but it does make for an atmoshpere and attitude in those cantina's that I didn't care to be around and I could see it being more widespread in AoC with the sex system, nudity and mature rating so there should suposidly be no one underage playing.
Does that reflect on the AoC as a whole or mean I'm saying its a bad game? Not at all. It's just what I dislike about the sex and the nudity and something I think it will encourage. I could be wrong too. I'm just explaining why it is personally a concern for me