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So i have a 19'' widescrean monitor. So should i put every game on the max resolution possible ? Or should i keep it at 1024x768 ? For example i set the grafix and display in FEAR to maximum but it default me with 1024x768 if i run on maximum. So should i go ''custom'' and have the max res possible or not ?
Sounds like you are setting the graphics in Fear to something your monitor doesn't support, and that it is then defaulting to 1024 x 768. First you need to find out what the 'Native Resolution' of your monitor is. Then attempt to set a game to run in that resolution. If you have to you can go lower, but using the native is best with LCD monitors.
Your second problem is that you are running in a non widescreen resolution. 1024 x 768 is the old standard 4 to 3 ratio (or something like that). Widescreens use a different ratio. Find out what that ratio is (and the different resolutions that represent it), and then choose one of those.
Ty for your reply, anyway i put it on the max resolution and it seems the gfx are even more ''clearer'' that way...and it runs great. Anyway thx again.
I'm sure the 'max' resolution in FEAR is something a 19" monitor wouldn't support. As I say, check your monitor manual (or look it up on the internet) and find out what the monitors 'Native Resolution' is. That's ideally what you want to set your games and other software to.
If you're getting blacked out areas on the sides of your screen you're not using a widescreen resolution (ratio). And you're not taking advantage of what your monitor can do, even if it does look good.
FEAR doesn't have native support for widescreen. Go to the 'widescreen gamers forums' to find out how to default it to what you need.
You always want your resolution at the max, especially for widescreen monitors you want it at a widescreen resolution (16:9 or 16:10 depending on the monitor).
ps: a 19" widescreen probably runs at 1440x900.