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Well having played both I'm going to predict that hellgate buries TR
Unfortunately both games are similar but HG does most everything better except maybe providing a real live world at war feel. I still give TR high marks for their environment and npcs interaction.
But for Fun - HG wins
Strategy variations - HG wins
Flexibility group vs solo - HG wins
Item collection and upgrade fun - HG wins
Character development - HG wins
Monthly cost - HG wins
So I don't know TR wins with world environment and maybe for being more MMORPG like...
But I think both games are very similar in terms of who they appeal too. Sci-Fi, MMORPG, FPS lite, action, casual play. HG might even appeal to harder core players...
I was enjoying TR but having seen HG I've decided to cancel my preorder and I was enjoying TR but I think HG is better and I don't need two games both launching at the same time.
hmm... i don't think TR was for you by the sounds of it anyway...
TR does win on some fronts... HGL doesn't have a capturaple point system for players which TR will have, plus TR's not got the 'haves' and 'have not' system in it as everyone subcribs and has access to the online content whereas HGL requires a subcription to access the latest and best content..
HGL will be a good game however I dought if it'll 'destroy' TR, I think given the choice many would op for both, I know i would
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
It could however really use some help to survive, like sacking RG.
They are completely diferent games!!!!
I'm with you Lobo! Different games completely, only thing in common is they are both played online.
What's the monthly fee for both of them? I can't find it anywhere.
|Mortal Online|Gnostaria|
Actually I gotta ask how do you find them different? I mean they are different games but they both play very similarly.
Although I think HG can be more group oriented but other then that the games strike me as very similar... So I'd be interested in what you think are the defining differences.
Hellgate is F2P and TR is P2P I think.
For Blue:
As far as i know
TR - £8.99/month for all content
HGL - Multiplayer on Singleplayer campain: free - 'MMO mode' (latest gear/content plus added extras not in 'singleplayer') £7.99/month
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
8.99 pounds = $18
7.99 pounds = $16
actually the free vs paid versions are not different significantly from day one other then the following
elite players have
larger vaults
priority access to login
hard core play mode option
and get future updates to the game content
But that aside you could think of free mode as a super deluxe trial mode . The monthly paid subscription is cheaper then most MMORPGs so it is really a bargan.
Yes lines are being blurred these days with games the Singleplayer types are adding MMO-ish content but it's still techallic billed as a singleplayer game not an full on MMO
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
TR is a wannabe.
People will play it because it's free, it's new and it's dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.
1 - The story is diferent.
2- HG doesnt have the control of the bases in dynamic maps.
3- HG is all about instances.
They are just a few, but the main is that HG is like Guild Wars there isnt a persistent World that you could enter a feel it.
I like HG I think that is going to be great but dont comapre it with TR, they are diferent.
WTF you smokin Willis?
TR is not free, it's 45 bucks US to buy in, and 15 bucks a month thereafter (more in the EU, even more in the UK)
but it is new and certainly dumbed down and only suitable for the truly casual player (sub an hour a week)
Because ive yet to group in hellgate london as there is no need to... since everything is random character devolopment is slim, item collection is mostly fluff as everything is broken into parts. Strategy is nonexistant since its like diablo., just hold the button down and kill everything while running in circles, spam some potions on boss fight.
Hellgate london is bait and switch imo, i paid for the entire game view preorder, played the beta for a month then moved my money to the orange box, i dont even regret it, i expected a lot more from that game, maybe it will blossom a few months after launch, but i dont plan on spending any money on it, in an effort to find out.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Try grouping you might be in for a surprise....
Yes the game is more like guildwars and some people really like to harp on the differences but from a play point of view it really doesn't amount to that large a difference esp not when you compare the core features you do playing the game and the strategies involved.
As to the game being like diablo just click click click I'd say you could use that to apply to TR quite a bit more readily then HG. I mean grab your shotgun and click click click till dead. Thats a bit unfair but so is the comment about HG.... In TR you do have to worry about resistances and you do have a few weapon choices. However the dynamics of combat are not very sophisticated and the number of options you have as a player are pretty limited.
HG does have quite a bit more variety that is fairly accessable to any player. Mobs are also quite a bit more clever then in TR. In HG I've only see a bit of it and you got melee weapons, AE and single attacks, elemental weapon effects and resistances, stunning, skills that let you have auras, or special attacks, or a variety of utility things like heals or self enhancements, you have many many types of weapons, some that throw bombs, some that spray damage, some that create lighting chains, some that create lightning balls, some that snare, some that root, some that actually pull a mob to you so you can melee it, and thats just what I've seen.
Call it fluff but that's the stuff that makes combat interesting.
Yes TR has control points which are definitely fun. Don't get me wrong TR is not the suck just that in my opinion HG is quite a bit more fun. I did preorder TR and I did like playing TR and if HG was not going to be out at the same time I'd be buying TR.... Try the demo and let the mmorpg aspect come when the game is released.
OMG! HG is not even a real mmo its like diablo 3. Please this does not even compare. You should be talking in the fury forum. Like I said..people fear TR because its all that and a bag of chips!
I just got into the HGL beta, and after playing for a while, I cannot see how HGL will trump TR. I don't think TR is the best either, but before the latest patch it was a hell of a lot more interesting than HGL.
HGL seems like a game that should of come out /years ago/. And I'd expect far more polish from guys who used to work for Blizzard. HGL is in the same boat as TR. Neither are ready for release. Both games could use a few more months.
But at least TR has a world to explore, and control points to fight over. I got bored of the same tilesets in HGL /really fast/. It was like I was playing CoX all over again. But at least CoX has better combat.
So stop touting HGL as the second coming. It's not that good. Maybe to you, but I doubt the majority of gamers will feel the same.
The Rev.
Playing - Waiting on GW2
Formerly played - Aion, CO, CoX, EVE, GW1, LotRO, RIFT, Ryzom, SWG, SWTOR, WAR, WoW
Trialed - AA, DDO, EQ2, L2, MxO, RYL, TERA, VSoH
Beta'd - HGL, GW2, PotBS, SWTOR, TCoS, TR
Anticipating - GW2, PS2
one thing reguarding the tilesets.
From the following review it would seem there are many more tilesets then the few I've heard about in beta. They mention 50-60 types in the released game. mid=2
After trying the demo last night all i can say is "nope the game doesn't look nor feel like it" , the game felt like a Dungeon Runner in London (keep in mind MY OPINION!!). Sure the game has more fluf/options/skills, but overall i feel even Dungeon Runners is made more fun( not playing DR but have tried the demo/trial a while back). Also feel the game is geared towards younger players, atleast thats the feel i got personaly when i saw my character and it's movements/ walking running just seem very off. Again for me personaly. I'm glad you enjoy the game but i don't think you should have made a topic saying Death for TR because of Hellgate. Cause honostly the game kinda looks old, i mean the scenery we have seen before and in much better qaultiy, kinda felt like a imitations of Halflife 2 when entering the city the first time, only difference is Halflife 2 made the city look more realistic then HG tries to look. Sorry but HG feels to cramped/small for my taste.Did like the feature's i saw like the skillbranches ect, But like i said hte overall feel and look for me personaly are importent.
I have played both and i liked both but to be all honest HGL was fun but it got so boring after level 25-30 there was nothing new at ALL, it felt like a f2p Asian mmo really. It was an alright game but to be honest HGL is way to over hyped.
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
I love them both and will be playing them both
For me, it's a great time for gaming and it's been a long time coming. I've been gaming online since MUDS in the late 80's and early 90's and then onto mmorpgs with the launches of M59 and UO. I've played every mainstream mmorpg to date (minus WW2O) and I am absolutely loving TR and HG:L. Both just keep getting better and better the more I play. With yesterdays TR patch, I'm now at ease about the release
A couple of good points.
I have not played the game very much so maybe I'm overly impressed with the initial flush and by the time I've played it as much as TR maybe I'll be regretting canceling TR...
HG still doesn't appear to have the NDA off so we can only know about the demo and guess what the online game offers that is different although I'm assuming all the non combat areas are open to all players similar to guildwars.
What I have seen though looks like it has real possibilities and from what I've heard from people in the beta is that multiplay with groups in HG is great fun since everything dynamically scales to the group and xp very good and loot is better then normal.
This seems like a step in the right direction as grouping in TR is not particularly necessary and doesn't give any benefit. Not that this is a deal breaker since TR is a very casual player game but I do like having the option to play both ways.
What I do like about HG is the combat. It feels better then TR although I am not finding a shotgun equiv weapon in HG and I kinda miss the uberness of blasting 5+ mobs to there backs in one shot.... On the other hand HG has way more explosions and variety of weapons. In a dev interview I think there are 30 different types of weapons.
The other thing I like is the variety of mobs. I'm seeing several interesting types and I guess I'm assuming there will be more as you level up.... But even in the first few levels there seems to be more variety then in TR. In TR playing to level 20 I think you see maybe 10 different types of mobs. I've seen something like 5-6 in HG in the first 5 levels or so in various run throughs and a few unique boss mobs. I'm just thinking HG will have more variety.
I've heard that HG has a limited number of tile sets that the world is built from but again a review online says the released game has maybe 50-60 different areas. I think the released game will have more content then people have seen.
Finally while TR is more open world mmo and does have some nice things I fault it on the combat system, variety of areas, and lack of support for group play.
Bottom line for me, I was sold on TR and looking forward to it. Now that I've looked and played some of HG I've canceled TR. For me these games are competing and they are similar enough that I'm interested in both. I like the sci fi theme, I like the casual action orientation, I like the equipment collection upgradeability of equipment. Both games have all these things in spades. HG seems better for casual grouping and better for character development and combat skill variety.
I think TR could be a lot better but at this point it is really too late. The logo idea is something that could have had a lot more depth and variety too it. I think weapons should have been more varied and have more tactical options. I think they would have been better to not have so many tiers but rather use longer branching skill trees and assign ranks/class names based on skills picked. Oh well... I guess time will tell if HG impacts TR when reviews are out and when people can talk freely about HG.
"In HG I've only see a bit of it and you got melee weapons, AE and single attacks, elemental weapon effects and resistances, stunning, skills that let you have auras, or special attacks, or a variety of utility things like heals or self enhancements, you have many many types of weapons, some that throw bombs, some that spray damage, some that create lighting chains, some that create lightning balls, some that snare, some that root, some that actually pull a mob to you so you can melee it, and thats just what I've seen."
I thought this comment was particularly funny because TR has melee weapons (you can melee with everything, and theres swords later on), AE and single attacks. The weapons all have an element associated with them, both players and NPCs have resists, you can stun (sonic weapons), skills that let you have auras and special attacks. There are tools for health and armor restoration and skills for buffs, theres bombs you can throw, shotguns for spray dmg, polarity guns which shoot lightning and when you stop shooting shoot a lighting ball. The net-gun roots, I don't know about snare.
I would hope after getting to lvl 20 you would have noticed the similarities of weapon and skills choices, but you know what... All these are also found in WoW lol, yup nothing incredible yet
Also you said to someone that they should try grouping in HG, I say the same to the people in WoW and the people in TR, but if solo is easier, everyone is going to solo. Hell playing GW I found that 90% of the time I was running instances with an all NPC group and me.
Not to say HG sucks or anything, but I've seen a few reviews (don't know if they breeched NDA) and heard from a few of my friends that played the beta and it gets just as bad a rap as TR. I would have to agree with DeserttFoxx who said "I think both games are subpar for this generation."
"They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath
I have played both games and there are countless similarities so no I'm not missing that. But what I'm trying to say in my opinion is that HG has a broader more flexible combat system that is generally more fun and provides the player with more variety. That is based on my lowbie experience in HG compared to my lvl 19 actually experience in TR.
Grouping in TR is also discouraged. Not to say it isn't fun but the xp sucks and there is absolutely no benefit to grouping. In HG grouping is a great benefit, you get equal or better xp then solo and you get better loot then solo. So grouping in HG is a reasonable option where in TR it is doable but not very beneficial and since you can do the content without it who would bother except maybe a few friends that like to play together.
None of these games are comparable to Wow so I'm not really sure why that is even added to the conversation....