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A good analogy for graphics in mmorpgs

I just thought of the perfect way to explain what role graphics play in a mmorpg. A mmorpg is a women and the graphics are her looks. Yeah if the graphics are great I'm probably going to hop in bed with her (or at least try) but that doesn't mean i want to marry her. I may have one night of fun but after the novelty wears off and i see that she is a brain dead idiot, I'm probably never speaking to her again. I am a very shallow person though and I'm probably never going to talk a real ugly women because i have no interest in being with her. Its the same with mmorpgs. I am sure that their are some great games out their ex: ultima online and Shadowbane but people dint try them just because of how they look. Good thing ultima online just got a boob job and i hear anarchy online is going to get a face lift . Well thats just my two cents

 Hope that made some sense or atleast someone laugh

Fun Fact: Sony Online Entertainments Corporate Office is located on the 10th level of hell in dante's inferno the catholic church censored this part of the book and deemed it to horrible to be written...


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