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Roermond Battle Part 1...Rough and Buzzard Camera Done by KFS1

His machine at times was overwhelmed but it does give some idea of how a big battle plays.


  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    What do you think?

  • TontomanTontoman Member Posts: 196

    Cool.  Shows BEs strength, the large numbers in battles.  Had to chuckle at the fact they chose a river crossing for it.  Everyone knows they make the best battles.  Nothing like a river to keep a line to the battle instead of the 360 degree Alamo assault messes with MSPs, but can't blame them for choosing it.

    Seeing the sapper in the boonies taking out tanks won't mean much to any newb, but all tankers will cringe at it and fire up the 'it kills the tanking game' threads.   The Stu in the bushes taking out the 232 at least shows there can be a good reason to park in bushes, even if otherwise it gets you sapped like the other two.  Rule one for tanking, forget WWII tactics, park in the open unless there's air around :P

    But still a good clip showing what BE can provied that no other WWII FPS can.  Pity he couldn't have captured some tank kills.  Seeing those hole penetrations and a tank brewing up would be good for some Red Orchestra gamers (no penetration detial) and other tank lovers.  On the free week I had fun wih a 232 and a passing vicky, all the holes I punched in it as  it drove past gave me a good LOL moment.


  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    He has an hour and a half of stuff that is being culled and may have lot of other stuff. I liked the atg killing the infantry from underneath.

  • SparreSparre Member Posts: 257

    Just as in WWII must you make sure you support your tanks with Infantry. Not even on the wast Ukraina and Russians fields did Germany had Panzer operating without Infantry support.

    The only times when Panzer hadn't Infantry support was small units with fast moving Reconnaissance tanks. Like the Reconnaissance Unit that came up to the suburbs of Moscow in late 1941.

    And as always (in this game as well as in real life), if your side don't control the sky (well, even if you do control the sky is this still important) must you always camoflage your ground vehicles, especially if it is big and powerful vehicles like tanks. Nothing new there.

  • TontomanTontoman Member Posts: 196

    It's one thing to have inf support when you're in town in the buildings where the sapper should rule, it's another thing miles away from it.  Sure that level of teamwork would be great, but with each tank needing an SMG right on it's butt (takes 3 seconds to sap a tank and with all the bushes you get nowdays you're invisable) it's not going to happen.   People hardly wait on defense for the enemy to come to them, instead they drive off to meet them head on (usually driving past friendly setup ATGs).  With that player pop, it's going to be hard to get 10+ folks just to babysit 10 tanks a KM outside the city. 

    Of course there's also the no fear of death for the kamakazi sappers (or any unit) which is why you have to be careful talking about WWII tactics in a game.  Never read of tanks worrying about inf while they were shelling a city from 1 KM out (sure once they go in) as you didn't have kamakazi sappers in RL who were going to spring out from a bush (well maybe the Japanies)

    As for the air, no argument for the general rule.  But in this case he was Allied and Allied ruled the air so he should have been parked in the open.  Otherwise even with inf support you've got little chance as inf can run THROUGH 8 foot bushes and not having to go around them like in RL and be exposed.


  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    KSF1 was using the buzzard cam and even he admits his machien was being taxed. The buzzard moves at hundreds of mph and his could not smoothly move.


    I disagree with beatbox.

  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    My machine plays it quite well My drivers are up to date. I do have AA turned off and my CPU and vidcard are OC about 10 percent. I play at 1872/990 on a SharpLCD 32" 1080P TV. In a big battle while flying I will lag if I dive on the town as it loads so I avoid fighting at 100 ft over the center of a town withs its AAA killing all. If it were such a game as you describe why would anyone play? Perhaps your machine was not able to play well due to lack of updating or power. That does not sound like the game's fault.

  • SparreSparre Member Posts: 257

    Beatbox wrote: "I dont care, lousy excuses still, the game is an ugly lagfest/slideshow."


    Not on my machine. I have an iMac which is a midrange machine, and it runs quite well on it, just as any other game I have tried on it.

    You are a very angry and frustrated person Beatbox. You just say anything to scare away people to try out WWIIOL. Maybe we can help you out to solve your personal problem and lift your angre from your cheest. PM me if you want to and we can talk.

  • PillBoxPillBox Member Posts: 184


    Originally posted by hardcase

     I play at 1872/990 on a SharpLCD 32" 1080P TV.


    Just as a matter of interest (sorry about subject change) ...

    What model do you have? I have a Sharp  37 "  -  LC-37XD1E. How do you connect it to the PC? I use a DVI-HDMI converter, but I actually found the PC input to be better - the HDMI to DVI converter seem to be much better for watching DVDs from the PC.

  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    I have the Aquos 32" Sharp  11080P that is sold as a gaming video. I run my PS3 Blur Ray on it and it looks amazing and itI has 3 HDMI and Some AV and RBG and cable  plus a DVI input so I run a standard video cable DVI to DVI. There is even a GameButton which is suppose to reduce lag even more. It has a 6mx response. That DVI to HDMI should give a good pixturre as you can get.  I think TV as Monitor is beter for size vs price than a higher rresolution monitor that is smaller.

  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    New Account Beatbox? I tell you about one instance where it will lag and you think that all portions have lag. Isnt your term lagfest? Not for me. BTW..I have chased AC into towns AAA got a load lag and flown on. TEII is otw and is suppose to increase FPS, lose the ac fast speed lag load and also..others with even faster machines report no lag. Mine is about 2 seconds from 70fps to about 10..then back to 70 as it loads large infantry tanks smoke bodies, hulks etc. My lag does not make a lag fest. Won' take long for you to lose this account.

  • SparreSparre Member Posts: 257

    I want to know if there is any game out there that don't lag when you in 600 km/h fly in and out very low over an small area where you have thousands moving objectives like a few hundred players on ground, a score of another lowflying aircrafts, plus hundreds of hundreds flying bullets and shells [these is really fast flying physical objects in this game] over a small area, and not lag on an ordinary computer.

    In other words, your system bus shall move a tremendous load of data between the GPU, your RAM and the CPU with in miliseconds. I dare to say that only a top modern supercomputer might not lag under those circumstances. Even a top modern desktop with a heavy GPU will most likely lag under those circumstances. WWIIOL is too complicated with all its physical objects to avoid lag when you fly low over a town since everything around you must be loaded.

    Tell me the name of any game that can do this without lagging and I will try it out.

  • Bl@ckVoidBl@ckVoid Member UncommonPosts: 115

    Is that you beatbox? I can recognize your style.

    Why are you failing to mention that Armed Assault is a steaming pile of goo, bug ridden cadaver of magnificent Operation Flashpoint?

    The only game that surpases WW2OL in infantry department is RO.

  • hardcasehardcase Member Posts: 367

    Beatbox..why are you still allowed to post here?

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