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A little background. I had reached level 18 and decided to head to the location for the only quest in my log. I zoned in and saw another player that I assumed was my own level and invited them to group with me wich she did. So, we're running along, and got to the spot where those Ace Bulky Lunkers spawn under a beutifull bridge near some ancient ruins adn we see some other bellato folks there as well. They must not have noticed us at first but we knew the moment that they did! One of them walks over and SMACK! one shot both me and the other person in my group. After re animating at my bind point I say to my group mate "Wow we must have really upset him!:" But my group mate stated that she did'nt have time for this and had been trying to complete this quest for over an hour and left the group.
I soon realized her frustration as every time I went there for the next hour I got ganked. Seeking some advise in chat I was told "Just stick with it you'll get it eventually" and "If you cant handle PvP you should play something else". But is it really PvP if you have absolutly NO chance of defending yourself? I have 4 lvl 70 toons in WoW and before giving that up for boering I did pretty well in PvP, but when you have no chance then its just not fun. So Congratulations for going to a free subscription model RF Online. Turd sandwiches are free as well and I dont think many people enjoy those either.
I sent a PM to an Archon and he came out and PK'd the PKers for me. And everyone in chat cheered.
WTH is an archon?
Archon is the race leader.
And you mister WoW- every piece of info about RF tells you about the hardcore, open PvP. If you don't like it- you don't belong here.
PS. As they said, you should PM your archon and he would kill your PK's.
Lol, another instance of "should've looked before you leaped". Man you gotta really do some research,read up a little on a game, and look at screenshots/videos, before you dive head first into it, and maybe evn get in touch with the community on the forums and ask some questions. Going in blindly, and then flaming the forums of the game that the people who read said forums, for said game, is just mean to the ones who play it and enjoy it, and come to these forums to discuss their game of choice, with like-minded players. "This game is a turd sandwhich!" Is in fact your opinion, which (as we all know) is derived from personal experience, emphasis is on "personal". I will not call you names, or presume you to be ignorant, but I will try to reason with you for a second, try to help you "think outside the box" for a moment. It has been proven by science that "reality", in a literal sense, is a matter of one's "perception". Perception may vary between individuals, therefore, Bob's reality may be different than Jeff's reality. Lifestyles, morals, goals, and most definately what we consider enjoyable or tedious, may differ from one person to the other. If bob believes he's a fur coat, then dammit he's a fur coat. If Jeff thinks wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants is what's hot in the streets today, then there you have it. Ok, I'll stop rambling now. All I'm saying is, if you don't like something, then don't bother with it. There is no point in flaming those who enjoy it, trashing their game in the process, when you just have easily used that time to cancel that account and, download a trial of something else you've had your eye on. I hope you find a game that makes you happy, cause you seem a bit hateful. It's a good thing it was free. On a side note, I don't even play this game, I just have a vested interest in the mmo genre as a whole, and keep track of many titles.
To you guys playing this game, if you enjoy it, then thats a good thing, don't let those that don't, get under your skin. I mean they're the ones in a bad mood, while you're happily playing. Nuff said.
I've been PK'd a few times by my own race. Pretty annoying. It is just some immature F2P player. Your don't lose much (if anything) when being killed by your own race. No big deal.
EDIT: spelling -- Doh!
the only time a guy in my race tried to kill me is when i was bored and was running around in newb armor....for reason that were only apparent cuz i lost alot of ranks in cw.... and some lvl 20 tried to mug me or somethin and he threatened me and i turned on a chaos driver and...well lets just say he didnt last to long against my lvl 40 axe
genius inside insanity
The quest location in question is Sette Desert, a PvP zone. All three races can access it and it's fair game for PvP. So if you hadn't been killed by someone from your own race (a new function of game), then you could've been killed by a high level from one of the other races anyways (always been that way).
No different to hunting in the Barrens on your level 18 Shaman and some level 40 Alliance Hunter walks up and one shots you.
Seriously, stop crying.
genius inside insanity
So randomly killing other players 20-30 levels below you is any of the following: challenging, fun, worthwhile. The answer is no, so why the hell bother. I've played a lot of mmos and done a lot of pvp, and it can be awesome and a great challenge, but walking up to a noob who's just trying to lvl and one shotting them is just a douche bag move. I've been pked hundreds of times, I keep playing, and I don't whine. That doesn' t mean it's cool. If yoiu're so bored with the game that your only option is to run aroud noob areas with high lvl gear and kill them it might be time for a new game or a new hobby. Hell of you're so badass why don't you got try to pk someone your own lvl, oh that's probably because you're too scared or unskilled to pull it off. Classic bully tactics. Before anyone says it, yeah I know rf is a pvp game, but I don't think one shotting noobs is pvp I guess that's my point.
Happens in every MMO, least in RF if the race leader decides it's detrimental to the race he can punish the PKer, chat them for 3 days, group ban them for 3 days or turn them into a outlaw so anyone can kill them for 3 days.
Don't piss off your race leader kiddies, after all, you voted him in