A foreskin, however it is spelled, refers to a part of the male anatomy, which breaches the naming policy at COx
A neocon is a person with certain views on foreign policy, the term was originally applied to folks like william kristol and paul wolfowitz. While i personally do not agree at all with these people (my eve name is chomskian), they certainly have nothing to do with City of X
A neocoM is the User interface in eve online. were you perhaps calling your detractors neocoMs? if so it still doesnt make a heck of a lot of sense.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Most people who react the way you do to perceived attacks on your silly video liberty and freedoms etc etc think they are edgy and come from complicated educational backgrounds. Your prediliction for choosing 'witty' names tips me off to the edgy part as does your activist, young Turk kind of "Fight the Power" attitude.
My guess was that a substandardly educated person would think that the foreskin reference would not draw action.
I also assume that a poorly educated person would be the kind to not realize that similar behavior in the past had resulted in action by the company and then not been able to make the connection that acting in a like manner in the future would also result in the same kind of action.
You keep getting disciplined for stupid names. Don't make stupid names and you will be fine. The rules don't need to spell out every stupid name. Most people can figure it out. Most.
When you tell a child not to touch anything and they retort with "What about the air or my clothes" they are using the same logic this guy displays. To him it probably seems witty or intellectual.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR Playing: WAR Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
The OP is assuming that they were clever enough to create names that no one would justify as being explicit. The OP is wrong. Their attempt at being 'clever' failed (twice).
To the OP - think about the reason you picked those names. Now assume that NCSoft can read your mind with their telepathic powers and knows why you made those names. That's why you were banned.
NCSoft can't really read minds, but these attempts to get around their rules is so pathetically obvious that it's the same thing.
This is about the funniest thread I have read in a while. You are in violation as stated in the clips from your own post. I think this is one of three things or maybe a combo of them.
1) You are actually trying to get COH/ COV subs by posting something outgragous while at the same time showing that NC soft enforces the policies.
2) You are a comic!!!
3) You are really that clueless.
I am not being mean if you meant this as serious but if you did you need some assistance with your judgement and logic. I doubt anyone will seriously support this position.
on a side note - i'm pretty disappointed with the lack of support from fellow gamers. I understand that some of you may feel a "holier than thou" attitude and need to preach but my issue is simple:
How did I breach any of their terms specifically? What was offensive?
As for the comment about being "edgy" and coming from substandard publicly educated background, not only does it not merit a retort, but how is it at all relevant to this subject?
Go back to the beginning of my post where I said that I've been a member for over 3 years. Loyally sinking more than a $100 per year into their game. How am I supposed to know what someone else may find offensive? For god's sake, what if my name means "Fu*k You" in Farsi, does that mean I shouldn't use my name now either? Its all a matter of personal tolerance and NCSoft is exercising personal believes rather than adhering to their own rules.
Do you really need to ask how did you breath the terms with 4skin? come on use your brain, ah but im sorry your more then likely the kind of player that is a griefer as well as one that likes to use leet speak...ah when will they put a ban on the kids playing games?
well, if it happens again and he gets banned, his mom won't have to wonder what the charges are on her cc anymore. He might have time to get that book report in on time.....see spot, see spot run....damn that's rough ain't it. :P
Grouping in Old school mmo's: meeting someone at the bar and chatting, getting to know them before jumping into bed. Current mmo's grouping: tinder. swipe, hookup, hope you don't get herpes, never see them again.
When you tell a child not to touch anything and they retort with "What about the air or my clothes" they are using the same logic this guy displays. To him it probably seems witty or intellectual.
That's kind of the impression I got as well. Like telling a child who just punched another to stop it or there'll be consequences. The child then kicks someone and says, "it wasn't a punch, so technically I didn't do anything wrong." The meaning of the parental message is clear; the child is refusing to comply, and trying to justify further aggression by using a private logic that no reasonable person would support.
Maybe all of this feedback from peers will help the OP see that his attempts at justifying his actions have led him to abandon reality.
I'm glad NCsoft set a family/friendly policy, that they explain their rationale for it, and that they enforce warnings that they've given.
Really sad that you lemmings aren't capable of thinking outside of the box here. Whatever your determination of what's philosophically wrong with my actions still doesn't address the original concern: How do my actions violate the terms? As for trying to discredit my understanding of the use of the word neo-con, please see the following definition:
S: (n) neoconservatism (an approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s))
This is the year 2007, and we can hear the word dick, asshole, shit, piss, etc on national television broadcasted over the airwaves, but we can't use it in a service that we pay for. This is directly an attempt to impose someone elses morals and ethics on me and do it under the guise of following the ROC, when in truth is someone applying those rules in a personally judgemental way. I'm just asking that if you're going to ban my toons based on some kind of violation, at least an explanation of how it violates those terms should at least be supplied.
An explanation has been provided that many of your peers can see clearly. For some reason you are not able or willing to see/hear it apparently.
I've been an avid player of these games for several years (since Beta) and NCSoft has several times banned my account temporarily for conduct they find violates their Rules of Conduct, however, I can never get out of them how I violated any terms.
I just recently got banned from the game for creating a character named Rumple4skin. This is the second ban in the last year. The last one was for a character named Dirty Unkie. While some of you may find that these names are stretching the limits of appropriateness, I can't get NCSoft to tell me in any specific terms how they violate their ROC or EULA, yet, as a paying customer, I'm being denied access to a service I PAY FOR for something they can give me no specific information about. This is my response to their ban: I don't understand why this character was renamed and why I was banned. I haven't logged into my account in a few days so I'm surprised that I was banned today.
This is really unfair. Several times in the past (as I've been a member for over 3 years), whenever I'm banned for something NCSoft deems inappropriate, it always comes right before the weekend which is completely unfair as that is the time when I and many others play the most.
I would like to appeal this ban decision since it I believe it is unfounded and unfair. Also, because I haven't logged in in several days, I believe that this ban is an issue of profiling and would like to have some kind of discussion with an account administrator.
The more I play this game, the more I find the judicial calls of NCSoft to be inconsistent, biased and unfair. I play the game because my friends play, and I've been a loyal PAYING subscriber for a few years and this is really TERRIBLE treatment of a loyal customer.
DISPICABLE!!! The response I just received from NCSoft for the current ban was: The character was renamed because of the inappropriate anatomical reference. Such references are not permitted in character names. The account was temporarily suspended for 72 hours due to the repeated violations of the rules which have occurred on your account. Please be aware that the account has exhausted all leniency which we are able to extend and any further violations of the rules of any kind will result in its permanent termination. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that this is from their ROC: 3. You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.
4. You may not post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content.
Below is only a partial list but should give you some examples of inappropriate character names that we cannot allow. This limited list includes or refers to:
Cursing and foul language
Inappropriate or obscene conduct
Racial slurs
Derogatory names
Sexually explicit names
References to body parts
Impersonation of a NCSoft employee
Names referring to another person in-game
Acronyms or phonetic variations of anything regarding the above categories So, my final response was as such: This is really just ridiculous. How does a person know what NCSoft will deem inappropriate? There is no democracy here and I didn't at any point break any rules of conduct as you describe as "inappropriate anatomical reference". I was also suspended because of a character I created called Dirty Unkie. What is an Unkie? I have my own definition but there are no definitions in the dictionary, and yet NCSoft deemed it inappropriate and I think this is really just a bunch of bullying tactics to get players to conform to an imaginary set of rules that NCSoft makes up as they go along. Show me any reference in any of the ROC or EULA that specifically states that what I did is wrong or inappropriate? I made no reference to anything sexually explicit in either case and yet, it has been deemed inappropriate.
WHO DECIDES YOUR RULES? This action is a direct conflict of your own terms of use, and statements such as "Please be aware that the account has exhausted all leniency which we are able to extend" gives me no indication that I'm not being specifically targeted at this point for a biased attack.
At this point, I would like to escalate this issue to someone who actually can provide for me direct terms on how I violated these "imaginary" rules as I don't see anything wrong with my actions.
Good day.
Someone help me understand how to formally appeal their this insane Neo-Con treatment. I can't be the only one who's tired of getting bullied. Thanks, Jesse
Ok if your being funny, then haha I laughed my ass off.
If your being serious, then you are by far the stupidest individual I have seen on a forum in a decade. That my friend is a extremely large accomplishment. Think of it as the nobel peace prize of stupidity. You stand firmly above the rest.
Really sad that you lemmings aren't capable of thinking outside of the box here. Whatever your determination of what's philosophically wrong with my actions still doesn't address the original concern:
How do my actions violate the terms?
As for trying to discredit my understanding of the use of the word neo-con, please see the following definition:
S: (n) neoconservatism (an approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s))
This is the year 2007, and we can hear the word dick, asshole, shit, piss, etc on national television broadcasted over the airwaves, but we can't use it in a service that we pay for. This is directly an attempt to impose someone elses morals and ethics on me and do it under the guise of following the ROC, when in truth is someone applying those rules in a personally judgemental way.
I'm just asking that if you're going to ban my toons based on some kind of violation, at least an explanation of how it violates those terms should at least be supplied.
Foreskin is a body part. The rules say that your name cannot reference a body part. I believe that would be the part of the TOS you violated. You did so because you think peepee jokes are funny. So not only was the letter of the rules violated but the spirit behind them as well.
As far as your "OMGZ i pay so I can do whatever I want wtf!!"
Just because you pay to go watch a movie doesn't mean you can piss on the floor of the theater.
And when they kick your ass out of the building for doing it they shouldn't have to tell you why.
Just because you pay to go watch a movie doesn't mean you can piss on the floor of the theater. And when they kick your ass out of the building for doing it they shouldn't have to tell you why.
Classic !
Hey jessenj, how's that boycott coming along? We're all rootin' for ya !!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
I have put 2 different dictionaries definition here for you. If you still think they do not have the right to ban you, think again. Maybe it is not just a certain person who as been offended but many and this show your ignorance.
***Edit: spelling check
Get a life you freaking Gamer.....no no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
has to be more to the story, you probably did something which you are oh so conveniently leaving out. As i had a joke character named "Cunning Linguist" that i never had a problem playing.
however no offense if the name of my character was changed I would have expected it ... not throw a hissy fit.
I have to respond...just have to. First off, I side with NCSoft on how they handled this matter, simply because it is "their" game. Remember it is a privilege, not a right, to play "their" game. There is no democracy in the business world. They made the rules which govern the game and you agreed to accept them when you clicked on "Agree" button. Though you are a paying customer any buisiness has the right to deny service if they feel you are not worthy of their service due to inappropriate actions "you" decided to employ that went against NCSofts TOS. Sorry.
privileges cost money now? um, services cost money. more and more these type of online services, are getting brought into courts and those almighty eulas and shit that people love to quote -- they're not so almighty. the gaming industry screwed up when they decided to charge customers a monthly fee for services, combined with a number of mmo types advertising themselves as a virtual world and themselves giving monetary value to ingame items. screwed it up, in that their eulas aren't exactly law and don't hold up in court as the gaming companies wish they would.
that agree button means a lot more when it's not attached to a service.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
I've been an avid player of these games for several years (since Beta) and NCSoft has several times banned my account temporarily for conduct they find violates their Rules of Conduct, however, I can never get out of them how I violated any terms. From what I've read, you have been told what you've done wrong.
I just recently got banned from the game for creating a character named Rumple4skin. This uses both "Sexually explicit names
References to body parts" Because foreskin is part of the male reproductive organ This is the second ban in the last year. The last one was for a character named Dirty Unkie. Since Unkie is a shortened version of uncle, that would make his name an allusion to molestation. While some of you may find that these names are stretching the limits of appropriateness, I can't get NCSoft to tell me in any specific terms how they violate their ROC or EULA, yet, as a paying customer, I'm being denied access to a service I PAY FOR for something they can give me no specific information about. This is my response to their ban: I don't understand why this character was renamed and why I was banned. I haven't logged into my account in a few days so I'm surprised that I was banned today. Bans usually take a while to process.
This is really unfair. Several times in the past (as I've been a member for over 3 years), whenever I'm banned for something NCSoft deems inappropriate, it always comes right before the weekend which is completely unfair as that is the time when I and many others play the most. I doubt that it was "Always before a weekend" and when it does, it is probably just coincidence.
I would like to appeal this ban decision since it I believe it is unfounded and unfair. Also, because I haven't logged in in several days, I believe that this ban is an issue of profiling and would like to have some kind of discussion with an account administrator. A) I really do doubt that it's 'profiling', and I completely disagree that it was unfair or unfounded (It was founded solidly, and is a reasonable punishment). When you last logged in is irrelevant.
The more I play this game, the more I find the judicial calls of NCSoft to be inconsistent, biased and unfair. I play the game because my friends play, and I've been a loyal PAYING subscriber for a few years and this is really TERRIBLE treatment of a loyal customer. No, their treating you a lot better that I would, if i were running a game. I would apply larger bans than 72 hours for repeat offenses. And, your having payed the fee comes second to having you follow the rules. The fee is just so you can access your account, which was suspended when you broke their clearly defined rules.
DISPICABLE!!! The only thing that is despicable here is your complete ignorance of their rules. You have the equation backwards, your breaking the rules is the negative, whilst their reinforcing the law is a punishment. You make it sound like you were just minding yourself, not doing anything, and a GM comes in and Bans your account for no reason. The response I just received from NCSoft for the current ban was: The character was renamed because of the inappropriate anatomical reference. And right there is where they tell you exactly what you did wrong. Such references are not permitted in character names. More general, but still telling you what is wrong. The account was temporarily suspended for 72 hours due to the repeated violations of the rules which have occurred on your account. Repeated violation of the rules? Check. Minor three day ban? Check. Seems reasonable. Please be aware that the account has exhausted all leniency which we are able to extend and any further violations of the rules of any kind will result in its permanent termination. Three strikes. Still makes sense. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. They are bloody well asking you to give them your future concerns. It's probably just a cut and paste message but still, if you had a problem with wondering how "Dirty Unkie" or "Rumple 4skin" are offensive, you could have sent them an e-mail.
Please keep in mind that this is from their ROC: 3. You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. It's a good rule.
4. You may not post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content. Another good rule
Below is only a partial list but should give you some examples of inappropriate character names that we cannot allow. This limited list includes or refers to:
Cursing and foul language
Inappropriate or obscene conduct Sort of.
Racial slurs
Derogatory names
Sexually explicit names Bingo.
References to body parts There you go again.
Impersonation of a NCSoft employee
Names referring to another person in-game
Acronyms or phonetic variations of anything regarding the above categories So, my final response was as such: This is really just ridiculous. How does a person know what NCSoft will deem inappropriate? Some stuff is just bloody well inappropriate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the game is rated T, meaning that it's for people 13 and up. 13 is young, and all though, by 13 you've probably heard every inappropriate word in the book. It's still inappropriate for a 13 year old. Not to mention foreskin is generally considered an "inappropriate anatomical reference". And molestation references are frowned upon. There is no democracy here and I didn't at any point break any rules of conduct as you describe as "inappropriate anatomical reference". A) Of course there's no democracy, you broke a rule that you had agreed to no break, and you were punished. 1+1=2. Easy as that. No need to hold an election to see if 1=1. You were clearly guilty and you were clearly punished.
I was also suspended because of a character I created called Dirty Unkie. What is an Unkie? Like I said, it is commonly used as a shortened and childish form of uncle. Dirty, also usually having a sexually explicit meaning. So your name alludes to (From most tame to least) "An unwashed uncle", "A very sexual uncle", "An incestual uncle, pedophile". I have my own definition but there are no definitions in the dictionary, and yet NCSoft deemed it inappropriate and I think this is really just a bunch of bullying tactics to get players to conform to an imaginary set of rules that NCSoft makes up as they go along. You mean the rules that were set in stone from before the game was even in beta? Those ones that "NCSoft makes up as they go along.". And bully tactics, it's their game, they have to control the behavior within their game. Their not trying to make everyone a conformist, you 'Anti-Establishment, Zealous to the point of religious fervor Anti-Conformist, "I'm going to do the opposite of what I see as the norm, which actually nothing at all like I think it is, so that I can better fit into society" kind of conformist'. Show me any reference in any of the ROC or EULA that specifically states that what I did is wrong or inappropriate? I made no reference to anything sexually explicit in either case and yet, it has been deemed inappropriate. Yes, because the skin on the end of a penis isn't related to anything ever remotely sexual at all, and neither is a "Dirty Unkie"
WHO DECIDES YOUR RULES? NCSoft, what the hell do you think? This action is a direct conflict of your own terms of use It in no way violates their terms of use, even if it did apply to them. , and statements such as "Please be aware that the account has exhausted all leniency which we are able to extend" gives me no indication that I'm not being specifically targeted at this point for a biased attack. You said (Quite Clearly), that you were a repeat offender. They are a large company, with thousands upon thousands of customers. Why would they be biased against you? You're nothing special. Just somebody who is completely beyond the idea of giving your character a name that isn't against their terms of use. I have a friend who names his characters "Secret Pizza", and "Iron Toast". Guess what, he hasn't been baned for using those names. You name your character "Rumple 4skin" and you get a 72 hour ban. Seeing a connection?
At this point, I would like to escalate this issue to someone who actually can provide for me direct terms on how I violated these "imaginary" rules as I don't see anything wrong with my actions. The rules are not imaginary, it is incredibly clear. And to not be able to see what you have done wrong, you must be blind.
Good day.
Someone help me understand how to formally appeal their this insane Neo-Con treatment. I can't be the only one who's tired of getting bullied. Once again, it's completely reasonable, and in no way bullying.
I have to respond...just have to. First off, I side with NCSoft on how they handled this matter, simply because it is "their" game. Remember it is a privilege, not a right, to play "their" game. There is no democracy in the business world. They made the rules which govern the game and you agreed to accept them when you clicked on "Agree" button. Though you are a paying customer any buisiness has the right to deny service if they feel you are not worthy of their service due to inappropriate actions "you" decided to employ that went against NCSofts TOS. Sorry.
privileges cost money now? um, services cost money. more and more these type of online services, are getting brought into courts and those almighty eulas and shit that people love to quote -- they're not so almighty. the gaming industry screwed up when they decided to charge customers a monthly fee for services, combined with a number of mmo types advertising themselves as a virtual world and themselves giving monetary value to ingame items. screwed it up, in that their eulas aren't exactly law and don't hold up in court as the gaming companies wish they would.
that agree button means a lot more when it's not attached to a service.
Actually they would hold up in court in most cases, seeing as how they are a legal contract. A contract which basically says, "I agree to pay you for your service, and agree that violation of your rules will allow you to push me in a way that you deem fit.
Thats the problem I have right there. I didn't violate their terms as they are described. There was never any conflict with the rules and they have taken an action based on personal interpretations of their rules and not actual terms. My grievance is that each time an action has been taken against me, it wasn't an action deemed inappropriate by the company but by an individual. How is that right?
Ummmm....wrong. You did violate their terms as they are described, not only by NCSoft, but as described by you as well.
1. No body parts
2. No sexually explicit
You named a character after a sexually explicit body part.....in my estimation, you violated the rules twice over in just that one name. You can't really be serious, can you? Maybe you don't know what foreskin is....
Really sad that you lemmings aren't capable of thinking outside of the box here. Whatever your determination of what's philosophically wrong with my actions still doesn't address the original concern: How do my actions violate the terms? As for trying to discredit my understanding of the use of the word neo-con, please see the following definition:
S: (n) neoconservatism (an approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s))
This is the year 2007, and we can hear the word dick, asshole, shit, piss, etc on national television broadcasted over the airwaves, but we can't use it in a service that we pay for. This is directly an attempt to impose someone elses morals and ethics on me and do it under the guise of following the ROC, when in truth is someone applying those rules in a personally judgemental way. I'm just asking that if you're going to ban my toons based on some kind of violation, at least an explanation of how it violates those terms should at least be supplied.
Finding out why your name got you banned for dummies:
1) Read your name.
2) Read the ToA.
3) Think.
Seems easy huh?
The fact is, your question "How do my actions violate the terms?" has been answered here. Several times.
A foreskin, however it is spelled, refers to a part of the male anatomy, which breaches the naming policy at COx
A neocon is a person with certain views on foreign policy, the term was originally applied to folks like william kristol and paul wolfowitz. While i personally do not agree at all with these people (my eve name is chomskian), they certainly have nothing to do with City of X
A neocoM is the User interface in eve online. were you perhaps calling your detractors neocoMs? if so it still doesnt make a heck of a lot of sense.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
Most people who react the way you do to perceived attacks on your silly video liberty and freedoms etc etc think they are edgy and come from complicated educational backgrounds. Your prediliction for choosing 'witty' names tips me off to the edgy part as does your activist, young Turk kind of "Fight the Power" attitude.
My guess was that a substandardly educated person would think that the foreskin reference would not draw action.
I also assume that a poorly educated person would be the kind to not realize that similar behavior in the past had resulted in action by the company and then not been able to make the connection that acting in a like manner in the future would also result in the same kind of action.
You keep getting disciplined for stupid names. Don't make stupid names and you will be fine. The rules don't need to spell out every stupid name. Most people can figure it out. Most.
When you tell a child not to touch anything and they retort with "What about the air or my clothes" they are using the same logic this guy displays. To him it probably seems witty or intellectual.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
The OP is assuming that they were clever enough to create names that no one would justify as being explicit. The OP is wrong. Their attempt at being 'clever' failed (twice).
To the OP - think about the reason you picked those names. Now assume that NCSoft can read your mind with their telepathic powers and knows why you made those names. That's why you were banned.
NCSoft can't really read minds, but these attempts to get around their rules is so pathetically obvious that it's the same thing.
This is about the funniest thread I have read in a while. You are in violation as stated in the clips from your own post. I think this is one of three things or maybe a combo of them.
1) You are actually trying to get COH/ COV subs by posting something outgragous while at the same time showing that NC soft enforces the policies.
2) You are a comic!!!
3) You are really that clueless.
I am not being mean if you meant this as serious but if you did you need some assistance with your judgement and logic. I doubt anyone will seriously support this position.
Do you really need to ask how did you breath the terms with 4skin? come on use your brain, ah but im sorry your more then likely the kind of player that is a griefer as well as one that likes to use leet speak...ah when will they put a ban on the kids playing games?
My response to the OP. Grow up kid.
Knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous. Just stop.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
well, if it happens again and he gets banned, his mom won't have to wonder what the charges are on her cc anymore. He might have time to get that book report in on time.....see spot, see spot run....damn that's rough ain't it. :P
Maybe all of this feedback from peers will help the OP see that his attempts at justifying his actions have led him to abandon reality.
I'm glad NCsoft set a family/friendly policy, that they explain their rationale for it, and that they enforce warnings that they've given.
An explanation has been provided that many of your peers can see clearly. For some reason you are not able or willing to see/hear it apparently.
You have earned my sincerest pity.
Ok if your being funny, then haha I laughed my ass off.
If your being serious, then you are by far the stupidest individual I have seen on a forum in a decade. That my friend is a extremely large accomplishment. Think of it as the nobel peace prize of stupidity. You stand firmly above the rest.
Foreskin is a body part. The rules say that your name cannot reference a body part. I believe that would be the part of the TOS you violated. You did so because you think peepee jokes are funny. So not only was the letter of the rules violated but the spirit behind them as well.
As far as your "OMGZ i pay so I can do whatever I want wtf!!"
Just because you pay to go watch a movie doesn't mean you can piss on the floor of the theater.
And when they kick your ass out of the building for doing it they shouldn't have to tell you why.
hooray for anti-establishment hissy fits!
Shouldn't you be out spraying graffiti or making pipe bombs or something?
Because this is City of Heroes, not City of Hentai. That's why.
Classic !
Hey jessenj, how's that boycott coming along? We're all rootin' for ya !!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
If you are that stupid I will point you the answer you are looking for here or just google your name.
Rumple 4skin
Rumple 4skin
I have put 2 different dictionaries definition here for you. If you still think they do not have the right to ban you, think again. Maybe it is not just a certain person who as been offended but many and this show your ignorance.
***Edit: spelling check
Get a life you freaking Gamer.....no no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
has to be more to the story, you probably did something which you are oh so conveniently leaving out. As i had a joke character named "Cunning Linguist" that i never had a problem playing.
however no offense if the name of my character was changed I would have expected it ... not throw a hissy fit.
To the OP, I would like to use a quote from Bill Engvall, "Here's your sign!"
privileges cost money now? um, services cost money. more and more these type of online services, are getting brought into courts and those almighty eulas and shit that people love to quote -- they're not so almighty. the gaming industry screwed up when they decided to charge customers a monthly fee for services, combined with a number of mmo types advertising themselves as a virtual world and themselves giving monetary value to ingame items. screwed it up, in that their eulas aren't exactly law and don't hold up in court as the gaming companies wish they would.
that agree button means a lot more when it's not attached to a service.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
privileges cost money now? um, services cost money. more and more these type of online services, are getting brought into courts and those almighty eulas and shit that people love to quote -- they're not so almighty. the gaming industry screwed up when they decided to charge customers a monthly fee for services, combined with a number of mmo types advertising themselves as a virtual world and themselves giving monetary value to ingame items. screwed it up, in that their eulas aren't exactly law and don't hold up in court as the gaming companies wish they would.
that agree button means a lot more when it's not attached to a service.
Actually they would hold up in court in most cases, seeing as how they are a legal contract. A contract which basically says, "I agree to pay you for your service, and agree that violation of your rules will allow you to push me in a way that you deem fit.
1. No body parts
2. No sexually explicit
You named a character after a sexually explicit body part.....in my estimation, you violated the rules twice over in just that one name. You can't really be serious, can you? Maybe you don't know what foreskin is....
1) Read your name.
2) Read the ToA.
3) Think.
Seems easy huh?
The fact is, your question "How do my actions violate the terms?" has been answered here. Several times.