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I was wondering If having to high of a screen resolution would allow eve not to play. Im running in 1440X900, I have a widescreen monitor. Anyone else play the game with these settings,? if not is there a maximum screen resolution that i have gone past? cause when i start my game, i log in and it starts loading then when ur screen goes black to go to the character screen, my computer gets some error, going to this blue page and then i have to shut off my computer to fix it. any help?
I always play at 1600x1000ish, never had any problem.
1900 x 1200 on my laptop (17" widescreen)
1680 x 1050 on the home pc (22" widescreen)
Runs just fine.
Thanks guys. got it all worked out. <(^.^<)
i play at 1680x1050 on my 22" widescreen LCD
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
24" lcd
Am I the only person in the world still only using 1280x1024?
Damn, I still remember the days when I thought 800x600 was a crazy small res! (or is that big? whatever ;P)
Nah, I still use that resolution. I wish I had a big enough monitor to run bigger resolutions. On my 21" (19" viewable) the text in any game becomes way too small to see, which sucks because I like the slim UI that I get in EVE and other MMOs using the higher res.
You have to go into the prefs.ini file and put advancedDevice=1 to allow you to set it to much higher ones.
I myself play at 1152x864
Radeon X1650Pro 256MB GDDR3
2.4GHz Pentium 4 512KB L2 cache
2GB of PC 2700 RAM
I play at 1680 x 1050 (22' widescreen) with all of my graphics settings maxed, and my rig isn't even that good.
Athlon 64 3200
nVidia GeForce 7600GS 512MB (AGP :P)
"Look, pa! I just contributed absolutely nothing to this thread!"
p4 2.8 prescott(800mhz bus); 2x 1gb DDR (3200); ATI x850pro AGP 256mb. :P
Soon to install an ATI 1950pro AGP 512mb DDR3 (256bit) video card. EVE gave me an excuse to upgrade to a video card with the Shader 3.0 support.