Antonia Bayle has a large population, but it's a roleplaying server, so please don't go there simply for the big population. Other large servers such as Najena and Permafrost have perfectly fine populations. Najena has a high Asian and Australian population, so plenty of activity during those timezones if that takes your fancy.
The thing about the RP servers is that the way the game is set up, RP is totally optional, I have characters on Antonia Bayle, and there are only so many people that actually do it. It's much more available there, but is not mandetory.
Antonia bayle is the most populated...
I'm on Permafrost, and it has a great population as well
I can vouch for Permafrost as well as having a healthy population. Antonia Bayle probably still has the most though.
Antonia Bayle has a large population, but it's a roleplaying server, so please don't go there simply for the big population. Other large servers such as Najena and Permafrost have perfectly fine populations. Najena has a high Asian and Australian population, so plenty of activity during those timezones if that takes your fancy.
Thanks for the info
I like the RP servers... tend to be a bit older and mature crowd, in most cases....thx again
The thing about the RP servers is that the way the game is set up, RP is totally optional, I have characters on Antonia Bayle, and there are only so many people that actually do it. It's much more available there, but is not mandetory.