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what make ur game addictive?!

well. . .i'm a war freak! i love wars!and wyd global offer lots of it. . . even a 2 hour castle siege war! ooooh!. . .and also cuz its free 


  • kriswangkriswang Member Posts: 1

    to get a higer level and be the king of the game.

  • smokey888smokey888 Member Posts: 2

    WELL i love a good character building system like atributes and skills tbh the best one ive seen is on voyage century online. anyone else got any good ones?

  • hilnedshilneds Member Posts: 1

    Well, I like a game like Shadow of Legend for I can play it anytime and anywhere, a new game totally different from the others, really amazing. 

  • RandomtasticRandomtastic Member Posts: 21

    I'm a massive role-playing fan. Of both the genre and the actual improvisational version of it (as in having an alter ego). However, you don't see RP much in MMOs which really sucks. And people generally insult others for RPing, so you tend not to do it so as to not get flamed.

    My type of game is one where I can get addicted. At the moment, only a few games have ever known to do that for me. And all of them were singleplayer games and apart of The Forgotten Realms series.

    Most games I've played were major grindfests as well or just simply didn't have enough quests for you to start with. And if they did, all they contained were mostly killing of creatures. World of Warcraft does this, but I still like WoW (I don't play because I am not going to pay $50 for the game and a monthly fee in which I can't afford).

    The main thing I'd love to see in MMOs is mini-games. Not many games have them. And if they do, they're all PvP based. I'm not much a fan of PvP, I prefer sticking to PvE. But that's my own personal preference. Sure I want to be a high level, but I don't play a game to do that primarily. I play a game to have fun, isn't that why games were made!?

    I'm also not fussed on graphics. Graphics mean jack all to me. I prefer gameplay. What's the point in playing something with the best graphics out there but has a really crappy gameplay? There is none. End of story. I've always been used to playing games on the LOW graphic detail setting and no shadows (I hate shadows anyway). But since I got my new laptop (which pwns compared to my old one) I'm not used to playing games with decent graphics.


  • LilaluLilalu Member Posts: 68

    At the moment there is no game I could get addicted to. Most games are rather boring in my eyes - completely focussing on war and fighting. And in this I am not at all interested. I´d love to find a game foccusing on role-play and cooperative world-building once.

    The following features would be addictive for me:

    -overall role-playing atmosphere

    -no levels (hate to have to fight to level up)

    -possibility to influence the game world (e.g. building player-governed cities)

    -working player economy

    -interesting crafting

    -good grafics

  • RandomtasticRandomtastic Member Posts: 21

    The only games like that is the SimCity games, And they aren't role-playing. That or such games as Warcraft or Age of Empires. And they're war/levelled-based. You're going to have a rough time finding a decent game if you don't like fighting.

    My suggestion - Give up now.


  • ComanComan Member UncommonPosts: 2,178

    I played the game Face of Mankind and I liked that game becouse of the player interaction. It was an small comunity with made it easier to become well known and actualy mean something in the game (I have been the source of an war or 2 in that game....woeps :P ).

    I was at an moment high ranked in that game and I was next to an guy who got killed (he dropped an lootpack) and the lootpack got taken by someone else. However they accused me. Started to annoy me and miss prenounced my name on purpose. I was walking away on leaving the area till one guy decided to shoot me.

    Offcouse I called in "my man" to ensure it would not escalate. It did however and there was an fight in the middle of the market area and an war started. This is an exemple on just showing how one small event (guy getting killed by an random ganker) can escalate into an full out war. That is what I liked in this game and made it for me addictive.

    Working with other players just adds an random effect no NPC can make.

  • LilaluLilalu Member Posts: 68

    Originally posted by Randomtastic

    The only games like that is the SimCity games, And they aren't role-playing. That or such games as Warcraft or Age of Empires. And they're war/levelled-based. You're going to have a rough time finding a decent game if you don't like fighting.
    My suggestion - Give up now.
    Yes, I know there is no such game at the moment. But I hope someone will create one, soon. There are other people, who do not enjoy fighting much. Games like SimCity are very popular. Especially many women like me, love to play them.

    It would be very interesting and new, to have such a "building game" combined with playing a charakter within a 3D-Fantasy-World and of course playing online - building whole cities in a cooperative way (e.g. different crafters, who have to work together)

    I don´t care, if there is some fighting in the game. I just don´t like, if fighting is the only/the main focus of the game.

    But if no one creates such a game - I don´t care much. There are other ways to spend your spare time, then playing online games.


  • RandomtasticRandomtastic Member Posts: 21

    If you want building you may wish to check out the game Second Life. Which is as close to an online building game as you'll get.


  • LilaluLilalu Member Posts: 68

    Thanks for the hint! I have tried Second life already, but did not last more then a few hours within the game. It´s not a building game. It´s just paying with real money to have some space separate from other players. And it´s mostly cybersex and not at all cooperative.

    What I am looking for is a game like "A Tale in the desert". Only with better grafics and role-playing. Such a game really does not exist right now.


  • RandomtasticRandomtastic Member Posts: 21

    I don't like Second Life myself, because I think it sucks ass. As for A Tale in the Desert. Never heard of it.


  • LilaluLilalu Member Posts: 68

    Yes, Second Life sucks. It´s one of the most terrible games I ever tried.

    The game I am thinking of, would be completly different from Second Life. It´s main focus would be cooperative building up and govern cities and solving problems. It would not be boring at all.

    For example a group of settlers is founding a city. They will have to deal with many problems like feeding the people, dress them, medical treatment, earth quakes destroying important buildings, plagues, dry weather and bad harvests, wolfs killing the sheep, maybe pirates ....

    The game would be very complex and not at all boring. All those problems could only be solved, if people (who have different jobs like farmer, hunter, soldier, healer ...) worked together.

    But there would be no PvP. I think PvP can be funny. But then the game will attract all those people, who just want to destroy, what others have built and the game will end up in a constant fighting game again.

    I think, this would be a typical female game (o.k. some women like to fight also). Not easy, very complex, but with a different focus then fighting.


  • RandomtasticRandomtastic Member Posts: 21

    The only problem with a game like that is it's a big concept. An incredibly huge one at that. It'd take years to probably even release a BETA version of such a game and then, it'd have to be updated constantly. And also, not many people would play it.

    Most gamers these days are into some sort of fighting/shooting games. A game like this would only attract a few people such as yourself and I. I myself wouldn't make one even if I could, because it couldn't be realistic enough. You'd WANT to make it so buildings can be destroyed, but NOT want to at the same time as doing so would make people abuse the system.


  • LilaluLilalu Member Posts: 68


    Originally posted by Randomtastic

    The only problem with a game like that is it's a big concept. An incredibly huge one at that. It'd take years to probably even release a BETA version of such a game and then, it'd have to be updated constantly. And also, not many people would play it.
    Most gamers these days are into some sort of fighting/shooting games. A game like this would only attract a few people such as yourself and I. I myself wouldn't make one even if I could, because it couldn't be realistic enough. You'd WANT to make it so buildings can be destroyed, but NOT want to at the same time as doing so would make people abuse the system.

    No, I don´t think it´s such a hugh concept. Many developers (especially the small, independent ones) make the mistake to think to big and wanting to much. This way the game never gets ready and we end up again with nothing to play. I´d prefer a smaller game, which is playable.

     One could start with a world of islands (easy to put new islands into the game if necessary). The player´s starting ship sinks and one is washed on shore with nothing at all. On the island he meets other players, who maybe have already started to build a small settlement of wooden huts. Nothing more in the beginning. You have to get some food first, then a roof made of leaves over your head. Later a house, then a villa ... The village will grow, become better and more advanced ...

    You don´t need: A complex story, quests to design, instances and end game content, many monsters to fight (a few wolfs will do), armourment (not much that is) ....

    It would not be more difficult to produce then any MMO. Just different.

    And I think many people would like to play such a game. Of course many also love fighting games. But right now, only those who love fighting games, play online. There are no other games! Thats why the online-gamers all like to fight. The games right now have the people they are produced for.

    WoW has 9 million players (thats what they say) in the world - chinese internet-cafes included. But alone in my country about 18 million people have DSL-Internet and in a few year it will be many more again. So where is all the rest of the internet-people, when it comes to online-games? Why are there no different games for different people as in all other media (movies, books, TV)?

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