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I went through several postings and haven’t seen much which explains overall gameplay and was hoping knowledgeable players could answer a few question for potential players, namely myself!
1) If there were 3-4 games that Tabula Rasa seems to “borrow” from what would they be and could you list the similarities and dissimilarities to those mentioned games?
2) I saw mentioned a desire to use an Xbox 360 controller with the game. Is game play twitch based like standard FPS games or are the controls more typical of WASD?
3) PvP – ooh, some games work well and others do not. Not being a huge fan of it since it normally doesn’t work well, how is TR designed around it, consensual, risk vs reward, death penalties, incentives?
4) Crafting – is there a heavy emphasis upon crafting to replace worn out and decayed armor & weapons?
5) POS; player owned structures? You know, guild halls, cities, warehouses?
6) Graphics and overall requirements of the game client – what do you run, what are your settings and does it look awesome?
7) Anything else that stands out which should not go without mention?
I appreciate all responses. I’m going to share this thread, and it's results, to quite a few others since I think the game just “might” fill one of those quality niches.
PC: 2.8 prescott (800mhz bus). 2x 1gb DDR (800mhz). ATI HIS x1950pro AGP 512mb (256bit); others using something similar to this build?
p.s. in reference to #3, I am a fan of EVE Online where PvP is the foundation of everything. There, it works very well. I have yet to see or experiance anything remotely similar in terms of a true PvP environment; no, BF2 does not count. :P
1. very hard to answer and ill leave it for someone else to, TR is one in its own IMO it doesnt heavily rely on anything from any other game in particular, it is of a lock on over the shoulder FPS style of game but is then unique it being in the MMO space
2. They are somewhat of a hybrid it isnt a complete twitch based experience as the target locks on and you do have a few key fired specials all in all as fast and furious as a fps but without the need to keep your mouse pointer on the target once aquired.
3. PVP is pureley guild battles and consenual and TBH has been a blast so far despite getting my ass handed to me by higher level players and the odd asshat campin wormholes.
4. Havnt tried it yet.
5. Nope no POS as yet and in the current timeline and world is not realy possible lets face it we are smack bang in the middle of a war for the time being you wont be inviting MTV Cribs round
6. everything to the max running on a pentium D 940 3ghz ram ati x1950 pro 512mb
7. A fairly active RP community in a game i just didnt expect to find it there is also a solid emote system to help support this.
From my short time with the game:
The setting is sci-fi, so you 'd have to mention Anarchy Online, though its not very similar.
It seems casual-friendly much like City of Heroes.
It is not as heavily instanced as those two games are, however.
Its not twitch based, its your stand MMORPG combat system, but with lots of guns. (Like AO)
Target a mob, attack, use specials, the game rolls to hits and damage.
However, they have added the complexity levels of shields and hit points, and taking into account terrain cover (like shooting from behind a protective half-wall).