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I'm just curious how many people here haven't played the original Jumpgate but are really interested in playing JG:E
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
I'm very much interested.....I could've sworn I got an invite to beta months ago (right before my hard drive crashed ), but I did apply again. I'll continue keeping my eye on this one.
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
I'm waiting on my Beta invite on this one. I fooled with the local version of the original Jumpgate just to get a feel for the physics and I did enjoy that little taste but I'll wait for JG:E.
Playing: varies every day it seems.
Been keepen an eye on the game. Im into the sifi games, eve is getten old after 4 years. Beta I have stoped tryen to get into them, never seem to so why bother.
Looks good. Anyone know of some good resource pages to get more info on the game?
" I N T E R S T E D "
I like the 'feel' and will be giving it a try, but there are a lot of games coming out that look appealing (and a few appalling) 'apparently', so many try.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
The official website is coming pretty shortly. We'll post additional details there as well as continue threading information through MMORPG and other fansites.
Nicole "Awenyddion" Hamlett
Star Trek Online Community Manager
I've also been looking forward to it.
1st post
I'm in
Same here,
Posting just to increase tally on this topic. I'm interested.
Never even HEARD of the original, but really psyched for Evolution.
I really miss Earth and Beyond and can't stand EVE.
I am interested in it. I had never heard a thing about the original. And I don't know how I came across Evolution, but since reading about it I have been keeping a close eye on it.
Im just waiting for a beta key.
pick me pick me
I am certainly looking forward this new incarnation of jumpgate. I was actually checking out the current jumpgate the day before evolution was announced (incidentally I also downloaded the trial version of E&B the day before it's end of life was announced - I much prefer the result of me visiting a website for this game ).
I'll surely be trying this one even if only to fly around for a while
I never even heard of the original jumpgate before seeing J:E on here. Im so in when it comes out. Ive been waiting for a game like this for a while. I tried eve, thiking it would be like this and quit it when i found it was point and click. I had my flight stick all set up and everything. I'll be watching this one with bated breath.
Playing WoW for ... how long now?!? 3-4 years?!? I (WE) want a change "We" because fewers from my guild and game are w8ting for something new to release
Tried lotro - no thanx
Tried Eve Online, great game but lack of direct controling of space ship is what turns me off.
Tried "Space Cowboy" - grindfest, no thanx
Tried Tabula Rasa (its SF ) - flop game
Jupgate looks nice, i wont expect much since i could find my self disapointed at end as i was with Tabula Rasa.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
mememememe Im interested
Looking forward to it.
I've been waiting for Freelancer 2 for so long. I'm not sure if this will be it, but I'm hoping!!
I didn't play the original jumpgate but i am looking forward to the sequal. ill be there
he original was dieing when I found ti so I played EVE instead, I am an FPS-MMOer so I long for a mix of the two. Basically EVE with like...real combat. I love all the alliances and strategy in EVE but the combat is slow so theres never an actual fast paced aspect to the game, I expect this will be different
I'm really looking forward to this. I hope this goes better for NetDevil than Auto Assault did.