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New to JGE

Hello JGE faithful.

I'd heard about this game recently and have been doing some research on it.

Is it similar to other space games out there in terms of piloting?

I was big into Freelancer years ago.  Is it like that?  It looks similar to me.

Random thoughts...

Anyone try Space Force Rogue Universe?  I was disappointed with that one.

3 Factions seems pretty fair.  I think anything more than 5 turns waters down the product.  Developers loose focus after 5 races.  Like Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.  Great game, some races were indistinguishable from each other.

More Questions,

Are the  Amananth a secretive robot race?

What are the Hyperial about?

Is really in someones best interest to be part of a guild/clan corp etc.

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