Everyone always asks these questions when a game releases. Its not whether or not it has content or a certain attraction to be successful. Its about being a playable game for many generations of game players.
Take WOW they catered to the adults at release but Teen leetpests began to enjoy the game because it was a washed down game where they could meet up with their friends to have fun. I know many players that have moved on from WOW because the game now belongs to children for the most part. Some adults still play , but for different reasons then the kids .
Now look a SWG great game,content,graphics,appeal. It never reached 750k subs because of people who complained about something that needed to be fixed . They ultimately overfixed the game because of the ARSEHATs complainers who couldnt leave well enough alone. YES Im blaming mostly the JEDI who wanted to be the ultimate player they were the cause of NGE .
It could be great if we allow the devs to push forward withI the original plans for the game. I could only hope they would only have a bug reporting forum and that would be it . No support forum just a place to go for frequently asked questions and fansites to find information. This would cut down on the negative people that exist in our society. If I had a roach for each of you haters i would happily shove it up your whawha.....
At the current state of the game, it will be a niche game but will have its fans for sure. TR offers some kind of gameply other mmorpgs dont offer, but i dont think that with the current game content it will be a major mmo - game has potential but thats only hope..so lets see.
Originally posted by fordiepie I think you really need to define what you mean by large scale and middle of the road if you want meaningful discussion. Are you talking subscription numbers, longevity or something else?
You're in a good position on Tr.stratics to have an opinion--for instance, what about population? Are gamers starting to complain of low-pop servers?
I have seen gamers complaining that the EU server is overcrowded and that they need another server. I guess NCSoft is waiting until the free month is past to see if they do need another EU server.
As I am in Australia - when I play at night most people in the U.S are asleep so the servers seem to be low pop then. But there are always people on playing so its not barren. But again - I am a casual player so I haven't passed level 25 or got out of Palisades yet.
Oops - I stand corrected. There is one post over on stratics with someone saying no-one in their clan is logging in anymore
Reason I ask is that almost every one that I've recruited in my clan doesn't or hasn't logged in for days or even weeks now. For this reason I haven't found the motivation to log in myself! Is it that the game is geared to the more overly casual player or do you think the community is losing interest in the game? Or, is it that the later content or end content is lacking and every one is waiting for a content update?
I think it helps if you know people that you are playing with. I am playing with two work colleagues so we jump on for an hour or two - do some missions, or maybe an instance or a base attack / defense. Not in a rush. They have both quit WOW for Tabula Rasa. Hopefully by the time we get past level 30 bugs will be fixed in the higher maps and more quests added.
I think like EVE, Tabula Rasa will grow over time as more of it is fleshed out. It has a lot of strenghts, but it also has its fair share of weaknesses like any new MMO on release (yes even WoW).
The biggest thing for me is they need to add a WoW filter in the game so I can stop seeing idiots comparing everything to that game.
This game is the same as Vanguard. Huge "potential", I fricking hate that word, and it wil never be a major MMO. Population will die very fast, and then it will settle to a few 100k subscribers at best, and it will run with a skeleton crew of developers. This is just a guess by the way. Edit. After seeing the server status on the website, I have to edit my opinion. There are only 5 servers and 4 are on low at this moment.. I bet in a few months there will be 10k subscribers or less.
Hardcore gamers make me laugh, burn through the content then bitch and complain when they sit in their mom's basement for a month non stop. Who cares if there is only 5 servers? This game wasn't supposed to be the WoW killer, leave that to AoC and WAR. This is the newest sci fi game, a lot of folks have been wanting one to come out.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
This game is the same as Vanguard. Huge "potential", I fricking hate that word, and it wil never be a major MMO. Population will die very fast, and then it will settle to a few 100k subscribers at best, and it will run with a skeleton crew of developers. This is just a guess by the way. Edit. After seeing the server status on the website, I have to edit my opinion. There are only 5 servers and 4 are on low at this moment.. I bet in a few months there will be 10k subscribers or less.
Hardcore gamers make me laugh, burn through the content then bitch and complain when they sit in their mom's basement for a month non stop. Who cares if there is only 5 servers? This game wasn't supposed to be the WoW killer, leave that to AoC and WAR. This is the newest sci fi game, a lot of folks have been wanting one to come out.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
Dude.. This threat is about if we think Tabula Rasa will be a major mmo..
I don't even play the fricking game.
Oh. you'r level 15 after a week already? Did you read there is NO endgame at all?
About Eve, maybe TR will have the same(I doubt it) amount of subscribers then Eve. But Eve is special; even with not all that much subscribers they keep updating the game, and updates are BIG to from what I've read.
If I read TR doesn't even have proper forums, or proper support ( according to another post) this will go the same way as any other low subscription mmo; skeleton crew for development.
Eve is special, almost any other MMO with few subscriptions has a skelton crew of developers, except Eve, they have lots of updates and are growing every year.
I don't play Eve by the way, (to boring) but I have lots of respect for the game.
This game is the same as Vanguard. Huge "potential", I fricking hate that word, and it wil never be a major MMO. Population will die very fast, and then it will settle to a few 100k subscribers at best, and it will run with a skeleton crew of developers. This is just a guess by the way. Edit. After seeing the server status on the website, I have to edit my opinion. There are only 5 servers and 4 are on low at this moment.. I bet in a few months there will be 10k subscribers or less.
Hardcore gamers make me laugh, burn through the content then bitch and complain when they sit in their mom's basement for a month non stop. Who cares if there is only 5 servers? This game wasn't supposed to be the WoW killer, leave that to AoC and WAR. This is the newest sci fi game, a lot of folks have been wanting one to come out.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
Dude.. This threat is about if we think Tabula Rasa will be a major mmo..
I don't even play the fricking game.
Oh. you'r level 15 after a week already? Did you read there is NO endgame at all?
About Eve, maybe TR will have the same(I doubt it) amount of subscribers then Eve. But Eve is special; even with not all that much subscribers they keep updating the game, and updates are BIG to from what I've read.
If I read TR doesn't even have proper forums, or proper support ( according to another post) this will go the same way as any other low subscription mmo; skeleton crew for development.
Eve is special, almost any other MMO with few subscriptions has a skelton crew of developers, except Eve, they have lots of updates and are growing every year.
I don't play Eve by the way, (to boring) but I have lots of respect for the game.
Okay well here it won't be a major MMO because in order to be a major MMO you have to have WoW like numberfs it seems now. Also i'm level 15 after playing for 3 weeks, not 1 because I know it will take some time.
Either way i'm having fun so that's what counts for me.
This game is the same as Vanguard. Huge "potential", I fricking hate that word, and it wil never be a major MMO. Population will die very fast, and then it will settle to a few 100k subscribers at best, and it will run with a skeleton crew of developers. This is just a guess by the way. Edit. After seeing the server status on the website, I have to edit my opinion. There are only 5 servers and 4 are on low at this moment.. I bet in a few months there will be 10k subscribers or less.
The server populations are low during the day except for the Euro server. The servers usually range from high to very high for Orion and Pegasus during the prime time gaming hours during the week and weekends are very high quite often.
My answer to the OP question is NO. It will not become a major MMO even if there ever will be such a thing again. It is a niche game. Sci-Fi doesn't have the mass appeal that fantasy does. Do a little research into the history of book and movie themes and you will see that sci-fi came much later. I think it will take just a little longer before the masses get sucked into a sci-fi MMO like what happened with WoW.
I still enjoy the game very much and recommend it to anyone that likes sci-fi. I'm not fooling myself though. I plan on moving on to try AoC and Warhammer later and maybe something else. Tabula Rasa is a great filler for the next 6 months but that will likely be it for me.
I agree with the posters on the lack of interest in the game due to the genre. Even the new BSG has some fantasy-like qualities to it, despite being technically a scifi series (prophecies, priests (the final five cyclon models), and heretics). But, this is due to a larger number of the population of potential players coming from a DnD/Warhammer/etc-fantasy-table-top-title (and the fact that most people believe in gods, magic, and etc... [Sorry, I'm an evil atheist here.]).
Still, I think it will out live its mistakes and gain an audience like Anarchy Online did (and it had a worse launch by comparison). Speaking of AO, they're going to get an engine update sometime next Spring, and I have to wonder if that will be a threat to TR instead of WAR and AoC...
Given that it's only been available for probably less than a month and it's a sci-fi game... it's too soon to say what it'll become.
There are the big contenders, mostly the games the WoW fan base will move to when they arrive irrespective of qualtiy.
WAR could be crap and people would migrate there or start playing it.
TR represents something that is not aiming to be grand, it's new and it's different. It's not a hardcore grind feast, and it's not some gear driven repetivitive raid feast either.
It actually fits into a very specific market that actually undermines the core WoW demographic. It's a 16+ (which kills half of the WoW player base joining) and it's Sci-fi without a focus on typical on prior MORPG expectations.
It'll be the Okami or Shadow of the Collosus of MORPGs, great but not a consumer favourite... unless something tragic happens and millions of gamers world wide realise that the grinding routine was a bit lame.
In it's current state, I just frankly don't see this game living very long unless major game content along with bug fixes are done. I don't see the current players sticking around for long at all to be honest. The game boasts about so much, but delivers so little.
I been on vacation for a few weeks and have played almost daily and see very low server populations during the week and also on weekends. This is not a good sign to see low populations on a weekend, very grave indeed if this continues.
While I do want to see this game succeed because it's fresh and new and brings a new type of non-grinding feel while playing, it doesn't provide a diverse fun factor yet that other games do. The first 15 levels are fun and polished, however after lvl 25-30 you can see the blatent lack of attention to quests, and just about everything else. The feel of the game is identical as far as fighting Bane at level 1-15. I hope they can provide endgame content along with more to do in the game like crafting which is a mixed bag of crap right now. The retail box states there is Crafting and Economy. Almost false advertising in a way since it's wasn't done the right way in the game and is just about non-existent in purpose until they fix it.
I like the gameplay, but there is just no meaning to what you're doing and no sense of accomplishment.
Everyone claims to hate a grind, but a well done grind that isn't to hard, but still challenging is needed. It seperates those who can accomplish and those who fall behind. It gives players a sense of well being and that they did something meaningful and somewhat unique.
IMHO the game has been simplified and to put it frank.. it's to easy.
The quests or "missions" are typical of any other MMO. The combat is nothing unique and has been done to death. Clever design is not FPS people.. if you think it's FPS then you're dumb.. don't feel like argueing that again.
So to put it plain and simple.. it's a minor grind with no purpose.. there is no "real" accomplishment.. no "best" at.. nothing to really perfect. It takes no skill to play at all. It's just a typical MMO with a different look to it.
While I do find it fun. I am getting worn out before my free month is even up. Though i've had some horrid connection issues.. not even that made me leave. It's just the simple fact that the game is becoming more and more boring.
Even in the coming patches CP raids (it's a little mob controled fort you can raid and take over) are going to be meaningless. You can't farm lower level ones anymore.. they no longer are needed for ToOs. The enhancements are at suckage grade. There's no real point.. 98% of them have no quests beyond the no-exp repeatable enhancement atk/defend ones.
The game HAD potential.. why do I say HAD? Because companies have 1 shot now a days.. there is no "do overs" like the days of EQ1. If the game isn't done right then there's 20 others to take its place.. they've had their shot and blew it.. while I do like the game.. i'm starting to less and less out of pure boredum and absolutely no sense of accomplishment.
I hate to say it, but it's probably going to end up like Auto Assault did.. while i'd hate to see such a game with great potential gone to waste. I fear that's the direction it will take. On the upside the company didn't lose much more because they used the AutoAssault engine.. that's right.. reverse engineer some of the files and you can see it's the same engine. This would be why the performance is sub-par. The engine never got optimized from day 1 till it died.
Anyway, I'm looking into FFXI.. a grind, but not to horrid.. some good group play.. fluxuating economy and a story that has a dang meaning..
I'll keep playing till my free month is up and make my final judgement from there, but I don't see anything changing my mind yet.
To those who really enjoy it. The best of luck to you and i'm happy you found the game for you. While this is not the case for me. I kindly ask you keep the flames or opinions about my post to your self. Feel free to voice your opinion about the game, but please for both our sakes lets not single out individuals here.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
I cancelled my account just a few days before the first free month was up. I made it to level 27.
To begin with, it flet like something was missing. It was until I got out of the Wilderness that I started having fun, around lvl 15. I was really enjoying the game.
I have alot of fun for quite a few levels. The most fun I had was the Tree Camp instance. That was a blast! I finished up Divide around 24.
I get to this Palasides and things started going downhill. Things were harder, which isn't a bad thing, but finding groups were harder. Grinding just got slower and slower it seems. Normally, at this point with a MMO I would try some of the other spheres that you normally find, such as crafting. There was just one problem....there are not any other spheres. This was it. This is all there was to do. I struggled on and managed to get a few more levels in before I just so bored of doing the same thing.
This is why I stopped playing. Not because of the few bugs I ran into, or the lag issues (I did experience this some), but because there wasn't something else to do in the game. I would say that if the game was free, I'd probably still play. The game is different from your standard mmo in many aspects, but some of those aspects is what seperates a mmo from just being a multi-player game if that makes sense to anyone.
In all fairness, I will give performance a 10/10. This game is only a month old, but I can tell alot of time was spent in making sure that computers of all specs can run this game. This by itself is extremely impressive compared to most game releases.
Tabula Rasa needs to nail two things if it's to survive as an MMO.
1. Meaningful and accessable PVP
2. Meaningful and accesable endgame PVE.
Currently TR lacks both - meaning there's really only a level grind. I love the game, but it's going to need to get some worth while PVP and substantial PVE if it hopes to compete with any of the upcoming MMOs.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com And overall bitter old man.
Yes, alot of things are missing from tabula rasa, like the need to use everything in your arsenal. It feels too simple, like an FPS, thats not necessarily a bad thing but at the same time it doesn't really immerse you in the world like some MMOs do. Its coming together slowly, new patches for new items, retouching old bugs etc etc. They are working really hard and the stream of useful patches is unrivaled.
Warhammer might end up reducing alot of people's play time on TR but most of them will still come back to it.
It definetly got the potential to be a great mmorpg. Only time will tell, I am going to ride out the wave on this game for awhile and hope for the best! I have faith that TR wont let me down.
With the release of AOC and WAR and Aion (NCsoft's new baby) right around the corner, do you think Tabula Rasa will attract a lot of players, and end up being a large scale MMO? Or do you think it will wind up being lost in the shuffle and end up just being a middle of the road MMO?
Nope Tabula Rasa will get run over by the new MMO's to soon come out, give Tabula Rasa a few months and im 100% sure you will not see anywhere near the same amount of players currently playing, and most if not all the low level areas will be empty! all post level 30'ish will look the same and will stand around talking about their gun's with nothing to do.
I'm not exactly sure how to quantify terms like 'major' and 'middle of the road', but Tablula Rasa will be a success, and it should remain fun for quite some time. They have a solid dev team, a wealth of creative energy, and a unique sci fi IP. They should do quite well over the next few years.
WRONG! this game will fail as it already has, when RG is making press releases and pointing the finger at others for its FAILURE its a clear indication that their stupid game is no where near being what they expected, (i bet they broke out a bottle of the bubbly!) too funny!
This game is going to get lost once all the new MMO's starting coming in 2008, TR will be forgotten and with good reason!
The biggest thing for me is they need to add a WoW filter in the game so I can stop seeing idiots comparing everything to that game.
I think we're stuck with this phenomenon for quite some time. I played both VG and LoTRO this year and in both games local/global chats were constantly full of comparisons/flames of the current game to WOW. Open beta periods are the worst it seems, but even after launch you get folks praising WOW so much you keep wondering why those folks aren't still playing it.
TR doesn't seem to be starting out of the gate in a fashion that would imply its going to be a "major" MMO.
LotRO had to open new servers withing a few weeks of launch (but none since then I don't think) while TR doesn't share that same fate. Right now, I'd say the best model they could hope for is one of slow growth (a la EVE) as they appeal to an ever broadening niche market.
It's no-name Sci Fi (heck, its badly named Sci-Fi) which has limited appeal on the market. For Sci-Fi to really have a chance to work it will be with a big name IP like Star Trek, , Starcraft, Star Wars (or KOTOR) or Stargate. (maybe you have to have the word 'Star' in your title?)
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Only if it adds to the basic game .It needs serious crafting system including AH ......housing...... fully developed pvp/rvr .With some of these it has a chance to exist in two years....and become.
Only if it adds to the basic game .It needs serious crafting system including AH ......housing...... fully developed pvp/rvr .With some of these it has a chance to exist in two years....and become.
What is with people's obsession over player housing?
Only if it adds to the basic game .It needs serious crafting system including AH ......housing...... fully developed pvp/rvr .With some of these it has a chance to exist in two years....and become.
Just like those MMO's with Auction Houses need dye tubs, and a skill based system for advancement. Hey these concepts were around a long time ago too, but why hasn't anyone faulted these MMO's for missing key features that others may have felt were more valuable?
Everyone always asks these questions when a game releases. Its not whether or not it has content or a certain attraction to be successful. Its about being a playable game for many generations of game players.
Take WOW they catered to the adults at release but Teen leetpests began to enjoy the game because it was a washed down game where they could meet up with their friends to have fun. I know many players that have moved on from WOW because the game now belongs to children for the most part. Some adults still play , but for different reasons then the kids .
Now look a SWG great game,content,graphics,appeal. It never reached 750k subs because of people who complained about something that needed to be fixed . They ultimately overfixed the game because of the ARSEHATs complainers who couldnt leave well enough alone. YES Im blaming mostly the JEDI who wanted to be the ultimate player they were the cause of NGE .
It could be great if we allow the devs to push forward withI the original plans for the game. I could only hope they would only have a bug reporting forum and that would be it . No support forum just a place to go for frequently asked questions and fansites to find information. This would cut down on the negative people that exist in our society. If I had a roach for each of you haters i would happily shove it up your whawha.....
At the current state of the game, it will be a niche game but will have its fans for sure. TR offers some kind of gameply other mmorpgs dont offer, but i dont think that with the current game content it will be a major mmo - game has potential but thats only hope..so lets see.
Believe it or not NCSoft do have a dedicated support/FAQ section to their playNC website.
I have seen gamers complaining that the EU server is overcrowded and that they need another server. I guess NCSoft is waiting until the free month is past to see if they do need another EU server.
As I am in Australia - when I play at night most people in the U.S are asleep so the servers seem to be low pop then. But there are always people on playing so its not barren. But again - I am a casual player so I haven't passed level 25 or got out of Palisades yet.
Oops - I stand corrected. There is one post over on stratics with someone saying no-one in their clan is logging in anymore
I think it helps if you know people that you are playing with. I am playing with two work colleagues so we jump on for an hour or two - do some missions, or maybe an instance or a base attack / defense. Not in a rush. They have both quit WOW for Tabula Rasa. Hopefully by the time we get past level 30 bugs will be fixed in the higher maps and more quests added.
This game is the same as Vanguard.
Huge "potential", I fricking hate that word, and it wil never be a major MMO.
Population will die very fast, and then it will settle to a few 100k subscribers at best, and it will run with a skeleton crew of developers.
This is just a guess by the way.
After seeing the server status on the website, I have to edit my opinion.
There are only 5 servers and 4 are on low at this moment..
I bet in a few months there will be 10k subscribers or less.
I think like EVE, Tabula Rasa will grow over time as more of it is fleshed out. It has a lot of strenghts, but it also has its fair share of weaknesses like any new MMO on release (yes even WoW).
The biggest thing for me is they need to add a WoW filter in the game so I can stop seeing idiots comparing everything to that game.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
Dude.. This threat is about if we think Tabula Rasa will be a major mmo..
I don't even play the fricking game.
Oh. you'r level 15 after a week already? Did you read there is NO endgame at all?
About Eve, maybe TR will have the same(I doubt it) amount of subscribers then Eve. But Eve is special; even with not all that much subscribers they keep updating the game, and updates are BIG to from what I've read.
If I read TR doesn't even have proper forums, or proper support ( according to another post) this will go the same way as any other low subscription mmo; skeleton crew for development.
Eve is special, almost any other MMO with few subscriptions has a skelton crew of developers, except Eve, they have lots of updates and are growing every year.
I don't play Eve by the way, (to boring) but I have lots of respect for the game.
Personally i'm having a blast even though i'm only level 15. I bought the game a week after it came out and i'm only level 15. I'm taking my time because I know the first few months of an MMO can be the hardest. I don't think you can go as low as in Vanguard, patches seem to be going at a good rate with a lot of client stability and bug fixes.
I'd be happy to have 1 server of 10k players then to have 6 million cry babies any day of the week.
Dude.. This threat is about if we think Tabula Rasa will be a major mmo..
I don't even play the fricking game.
Oh. you'r level 15 after a week already? Did you read there is NO endgame at all?
About Eve, maybe TR will have the same(I doubt it) amount of subscribers then Eve. But Eve is special; even with not all that much subscribers they keep updating the game, and updates are BIG to from what I've read.
If I read TR doesn't even have proper forums, or proper support ( according to another post) this will go the same way as any other low subscription mmo; skeleton crew for development.
Eve is special, almost any other MMO with few subscriptions has a skelton crew of developers, except Eve, they have lots of updates and are growing every year.
I don't play Eve by the way, (to boring) but I have lots of respect for the game.
Either way i'm having fun so that's what counts for me.
The server populations are low during the day except for the Euro server. The servers usually range from high to very high for Orion and Pegasus during the prime time gaming hours during the week and weekends are very high quite often.
My answer to the OP question is NO. It will not become a major MMO even if there ever will be such a thing again. It is a niche game. Sci-Fi doesn't have the mass appeal that fantasy does. Do a little research into the history of book and movie themes and you will see that sci-fi came much later. I think it will take just a little longer before the masses get sucked into a sci-fi MMO like what happened with WoW.
I still enjoy the game very much and recommend it to anyone that likes sci-fi. I'm not fooling myself though. I plan on moving on to try AoC and Warhammer later and maybe something else. Tabula Rasa is a great filler for the next 6 months but that will likely be it for me.
I agree with the posters on the lack of interest in the game due to the genre. Even the new BSG has some fantasy-like qualities to it, despite being technically a scifi series (prophecies, priests (the final five cyclon models), and heretics). But, this is due to a larger number of the population of potential players coming from a DnD/Warhammer/etc-fantasy-table-top-title (and the fact that most people believe in gods, magic, and etc... [Sorry, I'm an evil atheist here.]).
Still, I think it will out live its mistakes and gain an audience like Anarchy Online did (and it had a worse launch by comparison). Speaking of AO, they're going to get an engine update sometime next Spring, and I have to wonder if that will be a threat to TR instead of WAR and AoC...
-- Brede
Given that it's only been available for probably less than a month and it's a sci-fi game... it's too soon to say what it'll become.
There are the big contenders, mostly the games the WoW fan base will move to when they arrive irrespective of qualtiy.
WAR could be crap and people would migrate there or start playing it.
TR represents something that is not aiming to be grand, it's new and it's different. It's not a hardcore grind feast, and it's not some gear driven repetivitive raid feast either.
It actually fits into a very specific market that actually undermines the core WoW demographic. It's a 16+ (which kills half of the WoW player base joining) and it's Sci-fi without a focus on typical on prior MORPG expectations.
It'll be the Okami or Shadow of the Collosus of MORPGs, great but not a consumer favourite... unless something tragic happens and millions of gamers world wide realise that the grinding routine was a bit lame.
You're not alexander
In it's current state, I just frankly don't see this game living very long unless major game content along with bug fixes are done. I don't see the current players sticking around for long at all to be honest. The game boasts about so much, but delivers so little.
I been on vacation for a few weeks and have played almost daily and see very low server populations during the week and also on weekends. This is not a good sign to see low populations on a weekend, very grave indeed if this continues.
While I do want to see this game succeed because it's fresh and new and brings a new type of non-grinding feel while playing, it doesn't provide a diverse fun factor yet that other games do. The first 15 levels are fun and polished, however after lvl 25-30 you can see the blatent lack of attention to quests, and just about everything else. The feel of the game is identical as far as fighting Bane at level 1-15. I hope they can provide endgame content along with more to do in the game like crafting which is a mixed bag of crap right now. The retail box states there is Crafting and Economy. Almost false advertising in a way since it's wasn't done the right way in the game and is just about non-existent in purpose until they fix it.
Eve-Online, EQ2, DnL, SWG (Dead), Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, EQ, DAoC, Planet Side, WoW, LOTR, Tabula Rasa.
I like the gameplay, but there is just no meaning to what you're doing and no sense of accomplishment.
Everyone claims to hate a grind, but a well done grind that isn't to hard, but still challenging is needed. It seperates those who can accomplish and those who fall behind. It gives players a sense of well being and that they did something meaningful and somewhat unique.
IMHO the game has been simplified and to put it frank.. it's to easy.
The quests or "missions" are typical of any other MMO. The combat is nothing unique and has been done to death. Clever design is not FPS people.. if you think it's FPS then you're dumb.. don't feel like argueing that again.
So to put it plain and simple.. it's a minor grind with no purpose.. there is no "real" accomplishment.. no "best" at.. nothing to really perfect. It takes no skill to play at all. It's just a typical MMO with a different look to it.
While I do find it fun. I am getting worn out before my free month is even up. Though i've had some horrid connection issues.. not even that made me leave. It's just the simple fact that the game is becoming more and more boring.
Even in the coming patches CP raids (it's a little mob controled fort you can raid and take over) are going to be meaningless. You can't farm lower level ones anymore.. they no longer are needed for ToOs. The enhancements are at suckage grade. There's no real point.. 98% of them have no quests beyond the no-exp repeatable enhancement atk/defend ones.
The game HAD potential.. why do I say HAD? Because companies have 1 shot now a days.. there is no "do overs" like the days of EQ1. If the game isn't done right then there's 20 others to take its place.. they've had their shot and blew it.. while I do like the game.. i'm starting to less and less out of pure boredum and absolutely no sense of accomplishment.
I hate to say it, but it's probably going to end up like Auto Assault did.. while i'd hate to see such a game with great potential gone to waste. I fear that's the direction it will take. On the upside the company didn't lose much more because they used the AutoAssault engine.. that's right.. reverse engineer some of the files and you can see it's the same engine. This would be why the performance is sub-par. The engine never got optimized from day 1 till it died.
Anyway, I'm looking into FFXI.. a grind, but not to horrid.. some good group play.. fluxuating economy and a story that has a dang meaning..
I'll keep playing till my free month is up and make my final judgement from there, but I don't see anything changing my mind yet.
To those who really enjoy it. The best of luck to you and i'm happy you found the game for you. While this is not the case for me. I kindly ask you keep the flames or opinions about my post to your self. Feel free to voice your opinion about the game, but please for both our sakes lets not single out individuals here.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
I cancelled my account just a few days before the first free month was up. I made it to level 27.
To begin with, it flet like something was missing. It was until I got out of the Wilderness that I started having fun, around lvl 15. I was really enjoying the game.
I have alot of fun for quite a few levels. The most fun I had was the Tree Camp instance. That was a blast! I finished up Divide around 24.
I get to this Palasides and things started going downhill. Things were harder, which isn't a bad thing, but finding groups were harder. Grinding just got slower and slower it seems. Normally, at this point with a MMO I would try some of the other spheres that you normally find, such as crafting. There was just one problem....there are not any other spheres. This was it. This is all there was to do. I struggled on and managed to get a few more levels in before I just so bored of doing the same thing.
This is why I stopped playing. Not because of the few bugs I ran into, or the lag issues (I did experience this some), but because there wasn't something else to do in the game. I would say that if the game was free, I'd probably still play. The game is different from your standard mmo in many aspects, but some of those aspects is what seperates a mmo from just being a multi-player game if that makes sense to anyone.
In all fairness, I will give performance a 10/10. This game is only a month old, but I can tell alot of time was spent in making sure that computers of all specs can run this game. This by itself is extremely impressive compared to most game releases.
Tabula Rasa needs to nail two things if it's to survive as an MMO.
1. Meaningful and accessable PVP
2. Meaningful and accesable endgame PVE.
Currently TR lacks both - meaning there's really only a level grind. I love the game, but it's going to need to get some worth while PVP and substantial PVE if it hopes to compete with any of the upcoming MMOs.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com
And overall bitter old man.
Yes, alot of things are missing from tabula rasa, like the need to use everything in your arsenal. It feels too simple, like an FPS, thats not necessarily a bad thing but at the same time it doesn't really immerse you in the world like some MMOs do. Its coming together slowly, new patches for new items, retouching old bugs etc etc. They are working really hard and the stream of useful patches is unrivaled.
Warhammer might end up reducing alot of people's play time on TR but most of them will still come back to it.
This is not a game.
It definetly got the potential to be a great mmorpg. Only time will tell, I am going to ride out the wave on this game for awhile and hope for the best! I have faith that TR wont let me down.
Nope Tabula Rasa will get run over by the new MMO's to soon come out, give Tabula Rasa a few months and im 100% sure you will not see anywhere near the same amount of players currently playing, and most if not all the low level areas will be empty! all post level 30'ish will look the same and will stand around talking about their gun's with nothing to do.
WRONG! this game will fail as it already has, when RG is making press releases and pointing the finger at others for its FAILURE its a clear indication that their stupid game is no where near being what they expected, (i bet they broke out a bottle of the bubbly!) too funny!
This game is going to get lost once all the new MMO's starting coming in 2008, TR will be forgotten and with good reason!
I think we're stuck with this phenomenon for quite some time. I played both VG and LoTRO this year and in both games local/global chats were constantly full of comparisons/flames of the current game to WOW. Open beta periods are the worst it seems, but even after launch you get folks praising WOW so much you keep wondering why those folks aren't still playing it.
TR doesn't seem to be starting out of the gate in a fashion that would imply its going to be a "major" MMO.
LotRO had to open new servers withing a few weeks of launch (but none since then I don't think) while TR doesn't share that same fate. Right now, I'd say the best model they could hope for is one of slow growth (a la EVE) as they appeal to an ever broadening niche market.
It's no-name Sci Fi (heck, its badly named Sci-Fi) which has limited appeal on the market. For Sci-Fi to really have a chance to work it will be with a big name IP like Star Trek, , Starcraft, Star Wars (or KOTOR) or Stargate. (maybe you have to have the word 'Star' in your title?)
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Only if it adds to the basic game .It needs serious crafting system including AH ......housing...... fully developed pvp/rvr .With some of these it has a chance to exist in two years....and become.
What is with people's obsession over player housing?
Just like those MMO's with Auction Houses need dye tubs, and a skill based system for advancement. Hey these concepts were around a long time ago too, but why hasn't anyone faulted these MMO's for missing key features that others may have felt were more valuable?
Tabula rasa looks like another lotr in the same relm as a crash and burn mmo