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Amazon has the retail box for $8, so I'm just curious if you can buy 6 copies for example and just keep using the retail box codes each month you want to resubscribe?
By the way, last time I played was during the free preview week (or weekend?) before the game went live. Wasn't impressed enough at the time to fork over the monthly fee, but as cheap as it is now I'm willing to give it another go-around.
I suppose you could, but I think each time you do that you'd need a new account number, which means starting a new character.
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.
The code starts a new acct.
So if you wanted to start all over every month then yea you can do it.
I played for about 6 months and last I heard it is still really low on content
but as for game play it is fun I ran 1 of every class to max level and saw all
the content before I got bored.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
Edit: answered above,I'm too slow.
Wow, thanks for the quick responses. Guess my "discount plan" won't work if i want to keep my character.
Another question - is there a difference in the CD-ROM version ($8) and the DVD-ROM version ($10)? Do they both have high-res textures?
Both versions are the same from what I know. Just one is imaged on a DVD the other on a CD.
The version you get between dvd and cd are the same..just dvd installs faster. You'll still be downloading forever though since they've patched and added a ton of content since Launch. Every 2 to 3 months they had a new module which adds new quests, areas, skills, etc etc. No extra charge.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
If you want to save yourself some time buy either version for the retail Key and download the client direct from Turbine. the link I'm providing is for module 5 and contains high res texture.
This should save you alot of time patching.
and just in case here's a l ink to the standard res client
Excellent, thanks!