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How accurate does it depict the 17th century New World?
Does it have sailing?
Is there plenty of gear?
Does it feel like a real adventure?
I see dinosaurs in some screen shots? Why?
Are there Native Americans?
Although it is free, I do not have enough space on my laptop at the moment. Depending on what I learn I may just uninstall one of my games to play SotNW.
It is your typical point/click, XYZ questing, character grinding, no character customization F2P MMO with no historical accuracy. It's innovation lies in the ability to not only grind one character to the highest level in linear designed level-capped zones, but to grind a total of three different characters to the highest level in linear designed level-capped zones. K2 got greedy, made it P2P with an item mall and failed so they made it F2P with an item mall instead, screwing everyone who purchased the box game in less then five months of release. It's only redeeming feature is its graphics.