There really not gimped as bad as the forum people complain about. They are a solid race with great ships and good ships. Their capitals are some of the best ships in their class, The T1 and T2 ships are solid. Thier recons while removed from the solo I-win ships are still absolutely devastating as part of a small gang with a competent pilot. Their Battleships are some of the better PVP BSes in the game, though they do suffer in PVE a bit. Pretty much overall they are not nearly as bad as everyone makes out. On a one for one basis they may not be the best but they are usable.
Are they really that bad? How gimped would I be later in the game?
Well i like and flyamarr so illgive you a prosand cons based on my personall view for you.
- Look cool.
-Essentially unlimited ammo as the crystals you fit inpalce of ammo dont run out [unless its advanced ammo or faction].
- The BEST armour tankers ingame.
- Supposed to be the Capacitor warfare guys.
Cons -
- Slow ships.
- Lasers are cap Hungry meaning that with low skills you cant tank AND fire guns at same time very well.
- Only do EM and Thermal damage which is the most tanked armour damage types.
- Guns have a lot Optimal range.
- Tachyon guns use a LOT of powergrid and CPU to fit.
Overall Amarr are good but i find that its best to ensure you ahve some good capacitor skills to support your capacito as your ammo is basically your ships capacitor and as you use that to power your tank its a battle to keep powered up sometime. So far my best time with a sustained full tank is around 11 minuited witheout guns firing and 4-5 with guns firing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
They're a lot better now than they were, too. The new Khanid option gives half of their T2 ships rockets and missiles (complete with damage bonuses) they can use in addition to/instead of lasers. I have a bit of Amarr training (my character is Amarrian), though I switched to Gallente early in my career; I'm strongly considering finishing off my Amarr frigate training to get into a Malediction (which, by the way, look as good as they fly).
There really not gimped as bad as the forum people complain about. They are a solid race with great ships and good ships. Their capitals are some of the best ships in their class, The T1 and T2 ships are solid. Thier recons while removed from the solo I-win ships are still absolutely devastating as part of a small gang with a competent pilot. Their Battleships are some of the better PVP BSes in the game, though they do suffer in PVE a bit. Pretty much overall they are not nearly as bad as everyone makes out. On a one for one basis they may not be the best but they are usable.
- Look cool.
-Essentially unlimited ammo as the crystals you fit inpalce of ammo dont run out [unless its advanced ammo or faction].
- The BEST armour tankers ingame.
- Supposed to be the Capacitor warfare guys.
Cons -
- Slow ships.
- Lasers are cap Hungry meaning that with low skills you cant tank AND fire guns at same time very well.
- Only do EM and Thermal damage which is the most tanked armour damage types.
- Guns have a lot Optimal range.
- Tachyon guns use a LOT of powergrid and CPU to fit.
Overall Amarr are good but i find that its best to ensure you ahve some good capacitor skills to support your capacito as your ammo is basically your ships capacitor and as you use that to power your tank its a battle to keep powered up sometime. So far my best time with a sustained full tank is around 11 minuited witheout guns firing and 4-5 with guns firing.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
They're a lot better now than they were, too. The new Khanid option gives half of their T2 ships rockets and missiles (complete with damage bonuses) they can use in addition to/instead of lasers. I have a bit of Amarr training (my character is Amarrian), though I switched to Gallente early in my career; I'm strongly considering finishing off my Amarr frigate training to get into a Malediction (which, by the way, look as good as they fly).
As in: Better then two of the other races + one ship that gets a special cap bonus.
Even with good skills you have alot of problemsAmarr is sill ok but its really sad that they nerfed the Arbitrator/Curse/Pilgrim...