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Well, Conquer online was made a very very long time ago! I was one of the first players to start playing this mmorpg being the age of 12 or 13 at the time, (now 18).
Conquer is a very addictive game, probably the MOST addictive game ive played in my life. Although i HATE it , at the same time u always find new people who just make u stay because u want to talk to them. Unlike any other game Conquer allows players to cause great deals of damage which in my opinion gives people some sort of pleasure hahaha. I have played conquer until around 6 months ago, when i finally quit because of its radical changes made by TQ.
Anyways, Conquer is really fun and great to play specially when you are a noob, but for myself i have made characters all over the place and everytime i made a new character it felt like i had a whole new expirience once again(i believe its due to the different people on the servers). Guild War is a great way to enjoy yourself (although you have to be uber pro) , leveling until 120 is pretty easy (120 is the level for Reborn), pots are cheap, Labyrinth rules, PVP is very addictive AND FUNFUN!! specially in Ape City XD.
BUT the down sides of the game are that the amount of Hackers is way out of Control e.g. Speed Hack/Bots/teleport hack/Metzone cheats etc etc. Also Servers with BR players (no fence) are completely ruined as they somehow manage to get the ultimate items in the game and just PWN everyone. People in this game can be seen as a "bullies" For example, KOS (kill on site) can be set by a Guild or just a very powerful player onto ANYONE, and they will truly Exterminate you anywhere they find you, this sometimes leads to people changing Servers or even Quitting the game.
Leveling can be very lonely, slow (specially if you are tao), unless you know someone who cant Powerlevel you.
In the past this game was reasonably Leveled throughout the servers i.e. no one was too much stronger than each other, but Recently, TQ has been making many so called 'improvements' to the game and have completely ruined it. 4 years ago we waited for online shop, Mounts, Background Music. But TQ never delivered always delaying their add-ons. And NOW they have released everything you could imagine BUT theres one catch, you MUST buy Dragonballs with Paypal in order to even be a NOOB in this game. All the prices have risen in the past 6months ... Dragonballs one year ago were around 6 million in game, and now they are over 50 million..
Quests Are Terrible in this game and the one that kills everyone is Moon Box.
To be honest, i believe they are quickly draining all the juice from the game because they fear that players are leaving (when in actual fact they weren't) and now they have ruined the game i and other players once loved to play.
i recommend this game ONLY for a few months as i believe they could be closing down in the near future. For me although a poor graphic game, it was probably the best game expirience i have ever had, i made good Online-Friends, and certainly enjoyed myself killing the server XD but Conquer is just not what it used to be...
I came i saw, I conquer'ed'...
2002-2007 R.I.P
Battousai_X Kylin Server/Emerald Server.115-110 Water
KonSai Faith Server.122 Warrior/Archer (got hacked)
Konsai Venus Server. 130 Warrior Warrior
Clare Venus Server. 123 My Last Warrior
Big ups to:
133th4x0r, GrandfatherOlo, Sanguisastra, TheBest, Marshall, Dominatrix, Mogdog, Flash!, Kingah,
Brappa, MsLilly, Muff, Koevu, SaiYuki, JooB (best bud).
And the almighty Warrior of 2002....
Yeah, I've been playing conquer for almost 2 years now, and have decided to move on to Perfect World. Simply because it is now totally about buying dragon balls, making an already broken game useless.
Also, totally agree with you that conquers going to be shutting down in the near future and all these latest patches are an effort to get the last few twitches out of a dying horse.
As much as conquer was good to begin with, with other games like Archlord and Perfect World, no place on the net for what this game has become.
Mazty on PSN
yes i am now playing Perfect World, 2Moons and other random games haha
Yeah, heard about those classes that they're going to release. One of them is an assassin as you said and I think the other one is monk. Not sure, but heard it from friends.
Wonder, how would it effect the game when they release those new classes?
REPLY TO KONSAI Dude u rock....finally some1 who thinks like me ....i also been playing CO since the early versions of CO1.0 .....i loved it man
THEY RUINED SUCH A COOL GAME FOR MONEY.....and im talking about lottery and online dbs
every idiot can buy dbs and get imba.......NOT FAIR!!!!! why dont we play the game like in the old days ? I WOULD LOVE TO START OVER .....BUT IN A CO LIKE THE ONE BACK THEN ......this CO is sick .....its nothing .....its destroyed (((((((
Does a version of CO like the old one still exists somewhere ? PLS help if u know
Yep I agree, I quit, tried Knight Online, botters all over the place, tried Cabal online, botters all over the place, tried Rappelz, and found a clean game, so I stayed and play it for a year and a half...
Yeah I hated playing conquer too lol. I stayed because my friends played. Its a great game for chatting and stuff with buddies, but to me its very boring and leveling is a nuisance.
Same with other people. They hated playing conquer, but stayed because of the community.
People actually play this still? If your computer is from the early 1990s and its all you can run sure go for it. Otherwise there are far far superior games out there. Also, it is spelled "experience."
Well this news is like a year old or so, but I heard the cheaters (well former cheaters after the new patches) had found some way to play CO using one of the old clients, but little cheats worked on it cause it still had some patches on it that voided them.
So you could try that, but its problably using a whole new server and infested with cheaters unless they found a way to trick CO's version checker into thinking they're running a new version of CO.
Lol people still troll forums? If you are a retard born in 1996 or later it explains it. There are so many better things for you to be doing, like getting a girlfriend. Its one word get over it, of the 600 words he wrote, one was spelled wrong. Its idiots like you who give nerds a bad name, noobs pretending to be grammar nazis.
Btw CO went to crap over the past few months