HAHA! I don't care whether it was true or not. It was funny and brightened my day....along with all the other MMO comments on survival. And congratulations to those that read this ages ago. It's official...you're cool.
Not to me. I knew for example that you could feign death with a grizzly (or was it a black bear) and they'll sniff you and leave you (again, I can't remember) but I didn't know if the same applied to moose (or is it meese? mice?)
HAHA! I don't care whether it was true or not. It was funny and brightened my day....along with all the other MMO comments on survival. And congratulations to those that read this ages ago. It's official...you're cool.
Not to me. I knew for example that you could feign death with a grizzly (or was it a black bear) and they'll sniff you and leave you (again, I can't remember) but I didn't know if the same applied to moose (or is it meese? mice?)
Well this is certainately a story I'd never thought I would of read. Guess when he gets old enough to have a gun he'll go "pwn some moose noobs ftw" ?
we have a winner!
Good thing he didn't play City of Heroes
(Taunt moose...Sprint to next moose and taunt...repeat until you aggro 30 moose then let them corner you in a phone booth.)
The only reason why kids these days need games to inspire their actions, is because they no longer read books. I blame bad parenting for that.