...*shrugs* To each his own right. I see the OP lives right down the road from me. Gotta love this snow ya know.
<blah blah blah... too long to keep in here to repeat>
My suggestion to you is, find the cancel button and leave this game. Clearly you hate it, therefore why are you still playing it? Just to troll and try to make others not play this game? Or just to complain because you feel oh-so-important? Seriously, it seems like it's both.
If you are requesting "complexity" in your game, why don't you go back to one of the other games you have played. No one is forcing you to actually play TR. You would be happier in the games you listed (AO, AC, EQ). No one is telling you that you can't go back to them. Or, better yet, if you want something you haven't listed, why don't you go and play EvEO. It's complex game to which you might find enjoying. Either way, you need to let it go and stop posting baseless dribble and actually allow the others to enjoy TR.
If you are requesting "complexity" in your game, why don't you go back to one of the other games you have played. No one is forcing you to actually play TR. You would be happier in the games you listed (AO, AC, EQ). ... or Eve...
Somewhere in this communist nation, we have lost the idea that people should speak up and ask for better products and services i.e. Free Markets and Capitalism
In a free market people ask for a product and someone provides said product. There are hordsof little shooter kidiots running around in their mother's basement yelling about how they are ub3r l33t pnwz'n y00z.
There are a few of us that ask for a more indepth game that offers something for a more mature player. Perhaps a game that is exactly like what you suggested - Asheron's Call or Anarchy Online but built to today's standard of graphics and able to utilize our high end multithreading SLI computers
The people that are not finding what they desire in a game are some of the most important voices for the designers to hear. hey are the ones that bring inovations to an already produced product.
People that just fanboi whatever repetative, clone games the companies shovel at us do nothing to further the gaming industry. We would still be holding Pong paddles if not for the desenter voices.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
There seems to be an oversight with how Tabula Rasa has designed the characters OK, I have made & leveled two characters to 14th. One a Soldier - One a Specialist I clone them both and can now make 4 level 15's and each choose a careers path. Each heads off to become the next tier of their careers, everything seems good until... The Clone will ALWAYS be more powerful. My Clones don't have left over baggage (wasted skills) from previous levels that I no longer want. Say I made both into BioTechs... the Clone can instantly become a more powerful level-15 BioTech than my original character can This is only amplified as the levels and Tiers increase. By the upper levels an Original Character has become a worthless Bork-Gimp Looser. OK, so they have accolaids and have actually done the missions, but the new Clone at level 30 is SO FREAKING MUCH MORE POWERFUL that the Original Character is not worth playing anymore... ?? Am I missing something here?
Have Fun, Christine
It sounds like you think there should be a respec option because you assume you will make mistakes on your original character and through trial and error have come up with something better on a clone. Which in general practice is highly likely.
Is this an oversight? Personally yes I think so. I am all for respecs. I think experimentation is good when the system is well made with good tradeoffs etc.
But some people think you need to be punished for bad decisions because when you beat the crap out of people they will think about their decisions. Of course that is wrong, punishment generally causes the opposite of that, but some people are just masochists what are you gonna do?
If you are requesting "complexity" in your game, why don't you go back to one of the other games you have played. No one is forcing you to actually play TR. You would be happier in the games you listed (AO, AC, EQ). ... or Eve...
Somewhere in this communist nation, we have lost the idea that people should speak up and ask for better products and services i.e. Free Markets and Capitalism
In a free market people ask for a product and someone provides said product. There are hordsof little shooter kidiots running around in their mother's basement yelling about how they are ub3r l33t pnwz'n y00z.
There are a few of us that ask for a more indepth game that offers something for a more mature player. Perhaps a game that is exactly like what you suggested - Asheron's Call or Anarchy Online but built to today's standard of graphics and able to utilize our high end multithreading SLI computers
The people that are not finding what they desire in a game are some of the most important voices for the designers to hear. hey are the ones that bring inovations to an already produced product.
People that just fanboi whatever repetative, clone games the companies shovel at us do nothing to further the gaming industry. We would still be holding Pong paddles if not for the desenter voices.
I see... yet you continuously bash TR yet still continue to play the game. It's air apparent that you dislike this game through your rants that you have been posting. However, you are still continue to play the very game that you hate. Doesn't that go against your whole "Free Market" argument? Seriously, if you hate this game so much, then cancel your sub. Then you need to leave these forums as your arguments are baseless, hate-filled gibberish.
Also, I only mentioned those other games because you seem to want something "more complex." Yet, you come back with the argument that they are graphically outdated. Which lends me to believe that you are one of the eye candy people. Great graphics are more important than actual gameplay to you. Therefore, you would flock to a game, regardless if its good or not, just cause it looks pretty. I, on the other hand, view quality over graphics, and I find a lot of quality in TR. It's a bonus that the graphics on this game are superb IMO.
Anyways, I fail to see how this is a clone of any other game. It is nothing like the WoW genre of games. The gameplay is totally different from those type of games (thank goodness) and it's not a fantasy setting either. In fact, it's whole entire premise is based on a battle-field mentality, which has been seen in only one other game (Planetside), but I find it is done better in TR.
I see... yet you continuously bash TR yet still continue to play the game. It's air apparent that you dislike this game through your rants that you have been posting. However, you are still continue to play the very game that you hate. Doesn't that go against your whole "Free Market" argument? Seriously, if you hate this game so much, then cancel your sub. Then you need to leave these forums as your arguments are baseless, hate-filled gibberish.
I have already cancelled my subscription, but as it lasts through January I can do as I wish. Ownership over a product, even a subscription licensed product is as free market as one can get. (If you had any education aside from public schools, you would likely understand this concept a little more fully... but I digress.)
As for leaving some free forum because you, insignificant little you, happen to not like what I said about your uber-woober little computer toy? Umm, no. There, big powerful little boy, you don't have authority over me, neither here, nor in life, get over it. Next.
Also, I only mentioned those other games because you seem to want something "more complex." Yet, you come back with the argument that they are graphically outdated. Which lends me to believe that you are one of the eye candy people. Great graphics are more important than actual gameplay to you. Therefore, you would flock to a game, regardless if its good or not, just cause it looks pretty. I, on the other hand, view quality over graphics, and I find a lot of quality in TR. It's a bonus that the graphics on this game are superb IMO.
As for the games you mentioned, I think you are spot on correct with those games being exactly the kind of games that are missing from today's market. You likely enjoyed them just as I did. They have many of the aspects that are lacking in modern games. One problem is that the marketing people likely see the subscription numbers as being low. But they forget that those games were in a market that was not nearly as large as it is today. A game such as Asheron's Call or Anarchy Online, that had the complexity and the moderate-quality graphics of something like TR would sell. I might be completely wrong, but I think it would sell very very well.
Graphics are not the only important aspect to a game, hence why TR is not a good game even though it has mderately good graphics. But one must be honest that a game like Asheron's Call, which is now going on about a decade old, was designed and writen for computers that have about the same computer power as my cell phone. Bringing quality in game play together with quality graphics doesn't mean that a person fans wildly only for one or the other. They are both needed in today's games. AC has game - TR has graphics... but in today's market both fall short for lack of the other.
Anyways, I fail to see how this is a clone of any other game. It is nothing like the WoW genre of games. The gameplay is totally different from those type of games (thank goodness) and it's not a fantasy setting either. In fact, it's whole entire premise is based on a battle-field mentality, which has been seen in only one other game (Planetside), but I find it is done better in TR.
I am not sure I have said this was a clone of any other game? I call it a boring shooter, because it is, but it isn't a clone of some other boring shooter that I have seen. I never played WoW so I wouldn't know anything about its game play and from what I have heard, you are right, Planetside and this have very similar battlefield concepts. I actually like the... no, let me rephrase... I really enjoy that story line behind Tabula Rasa. I wouldn't mind seeing a book come out based on this background story... but like the game, if the book is going to be enjoyable to read, it had better have more depth of character than this shooter has.
This game is not very well marketed, yet I was drawn to it early on becauseI liked the story. The feel of the game when you first 'beam' down to the little base camp and run through the tutorial is neat. Now after umpteen levels I am ready for a mission which is different than one from the tutorial, but I don't see that happening for a little while yet. This is again not to say anything negative about TR itself. Sure, we would all have loved to see a little more variation than the Mission A to Kill X-number of toads with guns or deliver this pepperoni pizza to Sg. Dork at the Front Lines... but content comes with time for all games. What is lacking is the content in the characters themselves and after a decade of playing online games, I can say that character content missing at launch is content missing from a game forever. Nerfs tend to take away freedoms and abilities, they rarely add anything of depth and complexity to a character.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
There seems to be an oversight with how Tabula Rasa has designed the characters OK, I have made & leveled two characters to 14th. One a Soldier - One a Specialist I clone them both and can now make 4 level 15's and each choose a careers path. Each heads off to become the next tier of their careers, everything seems good until... The Clone will ALWAYS be more powerful. My Clones don't have left over baggage (wasted skills) from previous levels that I no longer want. Say I made both into BioTechs... the Clone can instantly become a more powerful level-15 BioTech than my original character can This is only amplified as the levels and Tiers increase. By the upper levels an Original Character has become a worthless Bork-Gimp Looser. OK, so they have accolaids and have actually done the missions, but the new Clone at level 30 is SO FREAKING MUCH MORE POWERFUL that the Original Character is not worth playing anymore... ?? Am I missing something here?
Have Fun, Christine
So you are pissed off at the game design because as you play you actually learn what is better for your play style?
What are you asking for? The ability to respec a character at any time?
Guys please respect that other posters will have other opinions. Just because someone doesn't like a feature doesn't make them a "hater"; just because someone calls you a hater doesn't make them a troll. If you feel someone is trolling or otherwise breaking our Rules of Conduct, please notify the moderators via the "report" tool. Arguing it out in the Tabula Rasa forum is not appropriate.
Laura "Taera" Genender Community Manager MMORPG.com
<blah blah blah... too long to keep in here to repeat>
My suggestion to you is, find the cancel button and leave this game. Clearly you hate it, therefore why are you still playing it? Just to troll and try to make others not play this game? Or just to complain because you feel oh-so-important? Seriously, it seems like it's both.
If you are requesting "complexity" in your game, why don't you go back to one of the other games you have played. No one is forcing you to actually play TR. You would be happier in the games you listed (AO, AC, EQ). No one is telling you that you can't go back to them. Or, better yet, if you want something you haven't listed, why don't you go and play EvEO. It's complex game to which you might find enjoying. Either way, you need to let it go and stop posting baseless dribble and actually allow the others to enjoy TR.
Somewhere in this communist nation, we have lost the idea that people should speak up and ask for better products and services i.e. Free Markets and Capitalism
In a free market people ask for a product and someone provides said product. There are hordsof little shooter kidiots running around in their mother's basement yelling about how they are ub3r l33t pnwz'n y00z.
There are a few of us that ask for a more indepth game that offers something for a more mature player. Perhaps a game that is exactly like what you suggested - Asheron's Call or Anarchy Online but built to today's standard of graphics and able to utilize our high end multithreading SLI computers
The people that are not finding what they desire in a game are some of the most important voices for the designers to hear. hey are the ones that bring inovations to an already produced product.
People that just fanboi whatever repetative, clone games the companies shovel at us do nothing to further the gaming industry. We would still be holding Pong paddles if not for the desenter voices.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
Is this an oversight? Personally yes I think so. I am all for respecs. I think experimentation is good when the system is well made with good tradeoffs etc.
But some people think you need to be punished for bad decisions because when you beat the crap out of people they will think about their decisions. Of course that is wrong, punishment generally causes the opposite of that, but some people are just masochists what are you gonna do?
Somewhere in this communist nation, we have lost the idea that people should speak up and ask for better products and services i.e. Free Markets and Capitalism
In a free market people ask for a product and someone provides said product. There are hordsof little shooter kidiots running around in their mother's basement yelling about how they are ub3r l33t pnwz'n y00z.
There are a few of us that ask for a more indepth game that offers something for a more mature player. Perhaps a game that is exactly like what you suggested - Asheron's Call or Anarchy Online but built to today's standard of graphics and able to utilize our high end multithreading SLI computers
The people that are not finding what they desire in a game are some of the most important voices for the designers to hear. hey are the ones that bring inovations to an already produced product.
People that just fanboi whatever repetative, clone games the companies shovel at us do nothing to further the gaming industry. We would still be holding Pong paddles if not for the desenter voices.
I see... yet you continuously bash TR yet still continue to play the game. It's air apparent that you dislike this game through your rants that you have been posting. However, you are still continue to play the very game that you hate. Doesn't that go against your whole "Free Market" argument? Seriously, if you hate this game so much, then cancel your sub. Then you need to leave these forums as your arguments are baseless, hate-filled gibberish.
Also, I only mentioned those other games because you seem to want something "more complex." Yet, you come back with the argument that they are graphically outdated. Which lends me to believe that you are one of the eye candy people. Great graphics are more important than actual gameplay to you. Therefore, you would flock to a game, regardless if its good or not, just cause it looks pretty. I, on the other hand, view quality over graphics, and I find a lot of quality in TR. It's a bonus that the graphics on this game are superb IMO.
Anyways, I fail to see how this is a clone of any other game. It is nothing like the WoW genre of games. The gameplay is totally different from those type of games (thank goodness) and it's not a fantasy setting either. In fact, it's whole entire premise is based on a battle-field mentality, which has been seen in only one other game (Planetside), but I find it is done better in TR.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
So you are pissed off at the game design because as you play you actually learn what is better for your play style?
What are you asking for? The ability to respec a character at any time?
Guys please respect that other posters will have other opinions. Just because someone doesn't like a feature doesn't make them a "hater"; just because someone calls you a hater doesn't make them a troll. If you feel someone is trolling or otherwise breaking our Rules of Conduct, please notify the moderators via the "report" tool. Arguing it out in the Tabula Rasa forum is not appropriate.
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager