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Democratic player cities?

zide56zide56 Member Posts: 356

Don't you find it strange that there are democratic cities in a galaxy that is oppressed by a tyrannical Empire?  Wouldn't the Emperor be sure who was elected in these cities so that a riot didn't break out?  Especially in a metropolis named, "rEBEL cITY"?

All sounds a little "off" to me.  Democracy doesn't work online, anyway (heck, it barely works in the real world).  I say the SWG universe shifts to communism.  Equal love for each profession and race, no matter how much the devs hate them.  Who's with me?!



  • Mr_ManMr_Man Member Posts: 77

    Actually, after the construction of the Death Star in Episode IV, Tarkin says that the governors have direct control over their planets because the Empire dissolved the Senate and "fear" would keep the planets in line.  So, each system has its own government, but they all answer to the Empire, who rules the big picture.

    But, enough of the Star Wars history, player cities are most definitely flawed.  I think the primary problem is that Politician is considered a separate class (when all players should have the ability to be politicians, as citizens), not to mention the new fad of griefing player houses that should be grandfathered in.

  • Originally posted by zide56

    Don't you find it strange that there are democratic cities in a galaxy that is oppressed by a tyrannical Empire?  Wouldn't the Emperor be sure who was elected in these cities so that a riot didn't break out?  Especially in a metropolis named, "rEBEL cITY"?

      You need to catch up on your Star Wars lore. The Emperor is about using whatever works to his advantage. The Dark Side of the force also controls him, guides him. He is about subterfuge, subtilty, working behind the scenes.

     Here are some major examples:

     1. Cloud City. It was not directly under the Emperor's control. BUT he could come in whenever he wanted to. Thus Cloud City is free and at the same time indirectly oppressed.

     2. The Roman Empire. They did not always rule by dictatorship. Many of their battles were won without killing a single enemy. They would send a messenger with a message saying "Join us or die." or "Pay us off and we'll let you continue governing yourself". Many kingdoms would pay off the Romans and remain free. BUT at the same time they were in a way not free.....

     3. Go watch the current movie "Troy". In one part Agamennom tells the King of Troy he will leave Troy alone, let Troy keep on ruling itself, continue being free - as long as in the future Troy will be at his beck and call.

     4. There IS no such thing as a Democracy LOL! Name me a single one, and I can show you how it is a dictatorship. image And proof too.

     5. The United States of America? Eh? *ahem* the last leader was voted against by the majority of voters. The majority of voters did NOT pick him. But he still got the office. There never were any Terrorists. The entire Bin Laden family lived and stayed at his ranch during the past 30+ years. Osama, supposivly the most wanted man in the world, co-owned variouis buisnesses DIRECTLY with the Bush family for 30+ years. They were friends, buisness partners, buddies, even family as George H. Bush called many of the Bin Ladens "son", and the current American President grew up with many of the Bin Landens who came and went and came again at his home for 30+ years. NICE book to go buy and read is "Dude, Where's My Country" by Michael Moore. Like him or Love him he also lists ALL his sources from the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and many more. Even Oprah Winfrey checked some of the sources and found a very intresting video with Paris Hilton... I mean with Donald Rumsfield. Every single thing the guy who forced his way into being president, has done, has all been done with dictatorship powers. Patriot Act I, II, the recent Supreame Court rulling that Police CAN subject you to unreasonable seaches at any time (show your ID or else get arrested, jailed, and fined.). All mock the constitution. All 100% go against the constitution. All are 100% illegal.

     Incidently, what is currently going on in America mirrors almost exactly what the Emperor in Star Wars did. Rise up the ranks. Gain connections. On purpose cause an emergency. Make himself look like the one to take care of the emergency (that he caused). Gain top office. Gradually strip the goverment, rights, etc... steer towards a Police State. Keep everyone's attention on the "other" aka the "boogyman" aka the emergency he really created and caused.

     The UN votes against the USA invading other countries. The USA does it anyway. Then what the heck is the UN good for? Disband the UN if it is sooo useless! LOL! Isn't that what dictatorships are known for doing? "You're either against us or with us!" aka WE are deciding what side you are on - not you!

     6. Star Wars before the Emperor gained power was never a democracy either. (In the days of the Old Republic.) The Jedi were the supeream, dictator enforcers, sent in as a last resort to convince those who needed convincing.

     7. The Empire was supposivly Xenophobic. But there are many, many, examples of the Empire employing non-humans. And of non-humans rising to the highest ranks in the Empire. Even 2nd and 3rd right under the Emperor himself. Lucas is on record saying if he were to make Episodes 7,8,9 he would model them after Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" trilolgy. And of course it was Lucas who OK'd Prince Xizor, and Thrawn in the first place.

    All sounds a little "off" to me.  Democracy doesn't work online, anyway (heck, it barely works in the real world).  I say the SWG universe shifts to communism.  Equal love for each profession and race, no matter how much the devs hate them.  Who's with me?!


     Democracy does not exist, and never has. Whenever someone, or some other power, goes against the will of a "democracy" then the "democracy" shows its true colors. Shows it is really a dictatorship. Ever hear the phrase "Manfest Destiny"?

     The guise of democracy does work online, and offline (in real life). And communism has 100% worked in real life. The Incas, Aztecs, and Tolmecs had 100% Communism. Everyone was fed, housed, and had work. There was no unemployment, starvation, crime, etc....

     Communism is not automatically = to a dictatorship.


     So back to the main subject and point:

     - The Emperor wanted power, control. He did whatever worked to gain his goals. The Dark Side helped him. And if allowing kingdoms, planets, systems, to think they are a democracy help his goals then he will do it. And has done it in the movies - Cloud City is an example.

     - So what if players, planets, kingdoms, systems, are democratic if the Emperor knows he can come in at any time and do whatever he wants? Heck, in A New Hope the guy Tarkin mentions how they would rule through fear after the Death Star is shown functional. It would keep planets, and systems in line. This means they would not always invade every single planet, and system. They would let them exist, have their own goverments, etc... But would be able to come in at any time and take over (or simply destroy them) if they got out of line aka went against the will of the Emperor aka got in the way of his power and control (like making a fleet of warships for example.)

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  • zide56zide56 Member Posts: 356
    Wow, xplororor.  You really need to get a life.

  • TookyGTookyG Warhammer Online CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,115

    Originally posted by zide56
    Wow, xplororor.  You really need to get a life.

    This from a guy who has nothing better to do than bash a game he doesn't like?

    Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.

  • HrnacHrnac Member Posts: 44

    Originally posted by zide56
    Wow, xplororor.  You really need to get a life.

    Boy, if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black. image


  • zide56zide56 Member Posts: 356

    image You guys don't lay off, do you?  FYI, my first post was, for the most part, a joke.  Even if it wasn't, xplororor doesn't need to launch off into a big-ass lecture about government, mythology, Star Wars history, and the UN.  I don't care.

    Second of all, if you guys enjoy SWG so damn much, then why aren't you playing it?  Can you answer me that question?  Why are you wasting your time here?  And if you feel that SWG is so impenetrably excellent and of good quality, then you would really have no reason to get snippy and pissy with me and others who bash it, would you?  No, because you would know, deep down, that SWG is a good game, and that my claims are unsubstantiated and without merit.  But considering the fact that you do get all pissy, then

    Why don't you SWG-Nazis just go log into your precious little virtual world, kill some identical looking mobs on some boringly repetitive planets, and leave me alone?  Because apparently, I'm just not worth your time.  Or am I?

  • Originally posted by zide56

    image You guys don't lay off, do you? 

     No we do not. Because we are about *in his Superman voice from the first Superman movie*

    Truth, Justice, Peace, and the American way!


    FYI, my first post was, for the most part, a joke. 

    Then why even post it? If you are posting just for yourself, then well, post on the "screen in your head". If you are going to post on a public message forum, then expect the public to read it. LOL! And if it's ment to be a joke, then specifically post that so you do not get missunderstood.

    Even if it wasn't, xplororor doesn't need to launch off into a big-ass lecture about government, mythology, Star Wars history, and the UN.  I don't care.

     YOU were the one who brought up Democracy in game. AND Democracy in Real Life. I continued what you started. You want to talk Democracy and Dictatorship in Star Wars? I showed how they did indeed co-exist in Star Wars. Again, Cloud City is a nice example. They were free, and at the same time never free.

     You want to talk Democracy in Real Life? Go read the new book Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore in which he lists ALL his sources. The proof is all listed how there never was a Terrorist attack. How the Bin Laden family lived on the Bush ranch. How Osama himself was a buisness partner (aka their money mixed) of the Bush family for over 3 decades. How the Bush family on purpose Built up Hitler, and the Nazi party. And still to this day have the profits they made with their joint ventures with Hitler. Heck, he even released a new movie based on some parts of his book. The movie is called Farenheite 9/11

     Some other books you should read which will give you a better understanding of democracy are: 1984 by George Orwell, Man and Superman, Birth of a Nation, All quotes and notes by Ben Franklin, Stupid White Men by Michael Moore (heck, everything by him heheh!) , and..... Sweet Poison by Janet Starr Hull (how the American goverment has allowed 60% of all American food to have a certain poison as an active ingrediant.)

     Funny that you say "I don't care". Because that is:

     A. What the Emperor in Star Wars (remember Lucas got all his ideas for SW from real life imageimage) counted on from the masses which made it easier for him to get power, keep power, and missuse his power, and gain even more power.

     B. What the masses in the ultra famous and classic book Michael Moore made a play on with the title of his new movie. The original book was by Ray Bradbury and called Farenheit 451. It is about how goverments, dictatorships, corruption, gets out of hand when people start saying "I don't care!". In Ray Bradbury's book one of the badguys ends up caring and becoming a good guy. But the masses around him still do not care.

     C. What the American goverment for the past 3 decades has been counting on. Half of all adults in the USA are registered to vote. Of those registered, only half of them actually vote! Roughly 1/4 of the voting population are even attempting to choose the goverment, leaders, politicians, president, senate, cabinate, legislators, serve Jury duty, aka care. 3/4 are like you "I don't care!".

      Just do not complain when the Emperor sends his Death Star to blow up your planet, or some Storm Troopers kill some of your friends, family members....... aka....... when the USA starts enforcing the fine print of Patriot Act I, Patriot Act II, makes it so you no longer will get paid for Overtime work, on purpose opens all borders to every single illegal immigrant in the entire world "come on it! we prefer illegals instead of legal immigrants!", reinstates the Draft officially, subjects you, your family, and friends to illegal, unreasonable stops (passed a few weeks ago by the Supreame Court), and much, much, worse and more.

     Again, it was YOU who brought up real life heheh.


    Second of all, if you guys enjoy SWG so damn much, then why aren't you playing it?  Can you answer me that question? 

      Sure. SWG is ment for casual players who HAVE A LIFE. It is not like EQ in which players MUST powerplay for 12, 16, 24, hours in marathon sessions in order to get anywere. We can play SWG for 1-3 hours and still have free time left to browse this here fun site image


    Why are you wasting your time here? 

      Engaging in mannerable debate is not a "waste of time". How about you try refuting my points with points, new ideas, sources, and evidence of your own? (I'd looove to see you refute Michale Moore's book and all the sources and points that are in it heheh.)

     I'd looove to see you refute the fact that  the USA fully supported and liberally exercised "Manifest Destiny".


    And if you feel that SWG is so impenetrably excellent and of good quality, then you would really have no reason to get snippy and pissy with me and others who bash it, would you? 

     AHA! So you now fully admit ALL that you are about is just Bashing SWG eh? Not constructive criticism, engaging in mannerable debates, listing sources, evidence, facts. But just bashing aka nothing construcitve. image

      *ahem* Also...No one called you any names. No one cussed at you. You first posted what you thought was a valid point. You choose to post it on a public forum. Your point got dissected, debated, and refuted with stronger points, evidence, and sources. Now you have 2 choices:

     1 - Find new points, sources, evidence, to refute the items that were mentioned which refuted your first post.

     2 - Admit you learned something new, and learn from it.


    No, because you would know, deep down, that SWG is a good game, and that my claims are unsubstantiated and without merit.  But considering the fact that you do get all pissy, then

      Your claims have already been disproven. Democracies did exist while the Emperor was in power. The Emperor was about whatever worked to help him get his goals. He was about using stealth, subterfuge, working behind the scenes. Even when he was at the height of his power he still stayed behind the scenes. It's not until the 3rd SW movie that he's really, fully, shown. Even though he's mentioned in the first one, it looks as if Vader is more of a threat than some little known, little seen, Emperor. He used a dictatorship to get what he wanted. And used democracies to get what he wanted. He used Humans to get what he wanted. And he used non-humans to help him get what he wanted.

    Why don't you SWG-Nazis just go log into your precious little virtual world, kill some identical looking mobs on some boringly repetitive planets, and leave me alone?  Because apparently, I'm just not worth your time.  Or am I?

    How come you are afraid to go play another MMORPG? That is why there are sooo many listed in the margin on the left side of this page. If you do not like one, then there are other choices for you to try and play! EQ is super-successful. Yet there are players who dislike it. Do they bash EQ on EQ sites? No, they go play other games. If you really do not like SWG, it is NOT the only MMORPG out there. LOL!

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  • zide56zide56 Member Posts: 356
    Ah, you're into Michael Moore (aka: "Moore-on").  That explains a lot.

    Boy, you just had to stick that anti-conservative BS in there, didn't ya?  I can't say anything to liberals these days without them just sputtering something along the lines of, "BUSH IS A MURDERER!" in response.  "Did you see Spider-Man 2?" I ask.  "Spider-Man 2 is just part of the vast right-wing agenda headed by that Nazi, George W. Bush," they childishly fume in response.  "It's meant only to silence the truth of Michael Moore's movie!  It's all evil!  Hitler!  Hitler!"  (The sad thing is that Moore actually said something similar to that.)

    It's as if the fact that conservatives are taking beginning to regain administrative control over the country that is rightly theirs just eats away at them every second of the day, and they just keep all of that hate pent up until--BOOM!  It's rather sad and pathetic, really.

    Xplororor, I am not going to be speaking to you anymore, because anyone who uses SWG as a platform to say that 9/11 was a hoax is just sad and not even worth being listened to.  Please go do something productive with your time instead of just spewing lies, hatred, and anti-American vitriol from that gloriously regal chair that your mother picked up at the flea market last week.

  • panachepanache Member UncommonPosts: 397

    Lighten up all guys.....leave the real world politics out of what is a gamer after all.

    I for one think star wars is just a mirror of a couple of old english fables stuck together

    King John.... Emperor hiding in the background even tho king

    Guy of Gisborne...ya Darth Vader type

    Sheriff of Nottingham.....Admiral Tarkin

    Knights of the round table.....Jedi knights


    Lukes mateys.....merry men

    Nottingham forest.....forest moon of Endor, heh

    only a joke.....but alarming similarities.....

    allegedly image



  • MarksmanKaneMarksmanKane Member Posts: 25

    Wouldn't be surprising. Lucas never hid the fact that he based the Star Wars Universe on historic and modern folklore, legends. Anyone who can't see the similarities between the Jedi and the Samurai are blind, just as an example. Force was based on the life force philosophy of Chi. So, I wouldn't doubt it. Though, Lucas has more than created his own unique legends as well.

  • Originally posted by zide56
    Ah, you're into Michael Moore (aka: "Moore-on").  That explains a lot.

    Incorrect. I am not "Into Michael Moore". I am not a fan of his. He has his own agenda. But I did check up on his S-O-U-R-C-E-S.   He made it a big point to list all his sources in all his books. I AM into always keeping an open mind for new information, dissecting it, and comparing it with other information, and I am also into checking up on sources, evidence, and proof used by anyone to make their point.

     I am a fan of Ray Bradbury though. I automatically like everything written by him no matter how good, or slanted it is. BTW, a new movie based on many of his books is about to be released. The name of this new movie is I, Robot. I recommend reading the books it is based on - "I, Robot", and "Robots of Dawn". Exceptional books. I haven't (obviosly) seen the new movie which is due out very soon. So I cannot recommend anyone go see the movie.

     Another thing about Ray Bradbury - a certain Star Wars book author made a nod towards Ray Bradbury by naming one of the Star Wars books "I, Jedi". Heheh. The book "I,Jedi" is ok. Not bad, but not exceptional. Worth reading 1 time IMHO, and that's it.

    Boy, you just had to stick that anti-conservative BS in there, didn't ya?  I can't say anything to liberals these days without them just sputtering something along the lines of, "BUSH IS A MURDERER!" in response. 

      Dude, I'm not a "liberal" nor a "conservative". Conservatives are 100% responsible for all the Civil Rights laws getting passed, for giving American Women all their rights, for ending slavery, and much more. Liberals have balanced the deficit, until the current president blew it up again. BTW, in the end there is no such thing as "Liberal" and "Conservative". Both parties in the USA are made up of the exact same people. Super-Uber-Mega Rich "white" guys, who are after power. They ALL belong to the same secret socities (Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones Society).

     And again, Michael Moore listed his S-O-U-R-C-E-S.  No one has been able to refute any of his sources. Why not?


    "Did you see Spider-Man 2?" I ask.  "Spider-Man 2 is just part of the vast right-wing agenda headed by that Nazi, George W. Bush," they childishly fume in response.  "It's meant only to silence the truth of Michael Moore's movie!  It's all evil!  Hitler!  Hitler!"  (The sad thing is that Moore actually said something similar to that.)

    It's as if the fact that conservatives are taking beginning to regain administrative control over the country that is rightly theirs just eats away at them every second of the day, and they just keep all of that hate pent up until--BOOM!  It's rather sad and pathetic, really.

       OK, this is getting tooo far off subject. You first brought up the issue of Democracy in Star Wars and in Real Life. I showed how Democracy was allowed to exist in Star Wars, even while the Emperor was in power. I also showed how Democracy in real life is not always a democracy. Go ask your school history teacher about "Manfest Destiny" and how America excercised it at will.

    Xplororor, I am not going to be speaking to you anymore, because anyone who uses SWG as a platform to say that 9/11 was a hoax is just sad and not even worth being listened to. 

    Again, you are the one who first brought up democracy in Star Wars. You are the one who first brought up Democracy in Real life. And I responded showing Cloud City as the easiest example of Democracy/free rule existing in SW even while the Emperor was in power. And I listed Michael Moor's newest book Dude, Where's My Country as the easist example of how a Democracy shows its true colors when things start to not go according to the way those in power want it to. Get off your lazy butt and go read the book LOL! Heck you can even read it for free in Barnes and Noble if you dress nice, are by yourself, and do not cause a scene. Just take it off the self, find an out of the way area in the store, sit down, and read. Then put it back on the shelf when you are done. Bring a pen and paper to copy down all the sources he lists, then go to any major libary and check up on them using the MicroFiche Film machine in the periodicals section.

    go do something productive with your time instead of just spewing lies, hatred, and anti-American vitriol from that gloriously regal chair that your mother picked up at the flea market last week.

      Resorting to name calling again eh? People usually start name calling when they have no facts, proof, evidence, and sources to further support their point/points. If what I posted is "Lies, Hatred, and Anti-American", then Oprah Winfrey, every single American Newspaper (including the conservative ones which Michael Moore lists articles from), the entire Millitia movement, the ultra-conservative and ultra-pro Millitary/pro American magazine Soldier of Fortune,.... are ALL "Anti-American, full of Hatred, and are all liars."

      You claim you dislike liars, yet you post a lie about where I got this chair I'm sitting on. (I'm at work. It is a $1,000.oo chair paid for by the company LOL, not my mother.) You claim you dislike liars, but you refuse to get off your lazy bum and go check out the books (sources) I list about American Democracy.

     But like you posted before "You do not care.".

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  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by xplororor
    Originally posted by zide56
    Don't you find it strange that there are democratic cities in a galaxy that is oppressed by a tyrannical Empire?  Wouldn't the Emperor be sure who was elected in these cities so that a riot didn't break out?  Especially in a metropolis named, "rEBEL cITY"?
      You need to catch up on your Star Wars lore. The Emperor is about using whatever works to his advantage. The Dark Side of the force also controls him, guides him. He is about subterfuge, subtilty, working behind the scenes.
     Here are some major examples:
     1. Cloud City. It was not directly under the Emperor's control. BUT he could come in whenever he wanted to. Thus Cloud City is free and at the same time indirectly oppressed.
     2. The Roman Empire. They did not always rule by dictatorship. Many of their battles were won without killing a single enemy. They would send a messenger with a message saying "Join us or die." or "Pay us off and we'll let you continue governing yourself". Many kingdoms would pay off the Romans and remain free. BUT at the same time they were in a way not free.....
     3. Go watch the current movie "Troy". In one part Agamennom tells the King of Troy he will leave Troy alone, let Troy keep on ruling itself, continue being free - as long as in the future Troy will be at his beck and call.
     4. There IS no such thing as a Democracy LOL! Name me a single one, and I can show you how it is a dictatorship. image And proof too.
     5. The United States of America? Eh? *ahem* the last leader was voted against by the majority of voters. The majority of voters did NOT pick him. But he still got the office. There never were any Terrorists. The entire Bin Laden family lived and stayed at his ranch during the past 30+ years. Osama, supposivly the most wanted man in the world, co-owned variouis buisnesses DIRECTLY with the Bush family for 30+ years. They were friends, buisness partners, buddies, even family as George H. Bush called many of the Bin Ladens "son", and the current American President grew up with many of the Bin Landens who came and went and came again at his home for 30+ years. NICE book to go buy and read is "Dude, Where's My Country" by Michael Moore. Like him or Love him he also lists ALL his sources from the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and many more. Even Oprah Winfrey checked some of the sources and found a very intresting video with Paris Hilton... I mean with Donald Rumsfield. Every single thing the guy who forced his way into being president, has done, has all been done with dictatorship powers. Patriot Act I, II, the recent Supreame Court rulling that Police CAN subject you to unreasonable seaches at any time (show your ID or else get arrested, jailed, and fined.). All mock the constitution. All 100% go against the constitution. All are 100% illegal.
     Incidently, what is currently going on in America mirrors almost exactly what the Emperor in Star Wars did. Rise up the ranks. Gain connections. On purpose cause an emergency. Make himself look like the one to take care of the emergency (that he caused). Gain top office. Gradually strip the goverment, rights, etc... steer towards a Police State. Keep everyone's attention on the "other" aka the "boogyman" aka the emergency he really created and caused.
     The UN votes against the USA invading other countries. The USA does it anyway. Then what the heck is the UN good for? Disband the UN if it is sooo useless! LOL! Isn't that what dictatorships are known for doing? "You're either against us or with us!" aka WE are deciding what side you are on - not you!
     6. Star Wars before the Emperor gained power was never a democracy either. (In the days of the Old Republic.) The Jedi were the supeream, dictator enforcers, sent in as a last resort to convince those who needed convincing.
     7. The Empire was supposivly Xenophobic. But there are many, many, examples of the Empire employing non-humans. And of non-humans rising to the highest ranks in the Empire. Even 2nd and 3rd right under the Emperor himself. Lucas is on record saying if he were to make Episodes 7,8,9 he would model them after Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" trilolgy. And of course it was Lucas who OK'd Prince Xizor, and Thrawn in the first place.
    All sounds a little "off" to me.  Democracy doesn't work online, anyway (heck, it barely works in the real world).  I say the SWG universe shifts to communism.  Equal love for each profession and race, no matter how much the devs hate them.  Who's with me?!
    image Democracy does not exist, and never has. Whenever someone, or some other power, goes against the will of a "democracy" then the "democracy" shows its true colors. Shows it is really a dictatorship. Ever hear the phrase "Manfest Destiny"?
     The guise of democracy does work online, and offline (in real life). And communism has 100% worked in real life. The Incas, Aztecs, and Tolmecs had 100% Communism. Everyone was fed, housed, and had work. There was no unemployment, starvation, crime, etc....
     Communism is not automatically = to a dictatorship.
     So back to the main subject and point:
     - The Emperor wanted power, control. He did whatever worked to gain his goals. The Dark Side helped him. And if allowing kingdoms, planets, systems, to think they are a democracy help his goals then he will do it. And has done it in the movies - Cloud City is an example.
     - So what if players, planets, kingdoms, systems, are democratic if the Emperor knows he can come in at any time and do whatever he wants? Heck, in A New Hope the guy Tarkin mentions how they would rule through fear after the Death Star is shown functional. It would keep planets, and systems in line. This means they would not always invade every single planet, and system. They would let them exist, have their own goverments, etc... But would be able to come in at any time and take over (or simply destroy them) if they got out of line aka went against the will of the Emperor aka got in the way of his power and control (like making a fleet of warships for example.)================================ SIGNATURE ==================================MMORPG games I've played:-------------------------
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    Next time keep your incorrect and extremely jaded political views on a political forum. And do NOT confuse fact with opinion. You aren't even close to factual in just about everything that you have spewed from your mouth. I am not even going to humor sitting and bickering with you over data. Have you actually done ANY research other then catching every Moore "documentary"? If you actually beleive half of what you say I suggest you move to Canada and get away from this horrible dictatorship. And next time check your dam poll data for yourself on the facts. Since you are a communist, which you have quite clearly stated you are, I might suggest China or Cuba to you.

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Sorry everyone, I came hear to hear how SWG was doing, but I quite frankly am not gonna return to this thread, I don't even want to be part of what xplorer is spewing out.

    Goodluck with this one.

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • MerodocMerodoc Member Posts: 227

    Zide, I read your post and laughed thanks I was having a bad day :D You moron! You are so blatantly left winged that you are right. It is sad when someone says that there is no such thing as a real democracy, because we are not a democracy you idiot. Middle schools dont teach you that so you are out of luck. It is a republic with democratic traditions! Everyone knows that, sans you. That is what the government classifies itself to be image You are so dumb that it made me laugh so thank you. You repeated everything you said from Moores book "Stupid White Men" ROFL so are so dumb. As for SWG it sucks ditch it you pathetic people SOE is down the crapper and so is the game.


    "Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."
    - Edward R. Murrow

  • AdminAdmin Administrator RarePosts: 5,623

    Sigh...another topic ruined and de-railed.  Note to all - we are going to start enforcing topic de-railing at this site.  Furthermore we will be amending our rules banning all discussion of politics and/or religion in our boards.

    Please refrain from posting just to bash peoples games or to make political points.

    - MMORPG.COM Staff -

    - MMORPG.COM Staff -

    The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

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