I'm amazed that anyone would support Ron Paul. Not that it matters since he could never get elected and represents a viewpoint that has as much popularity as communism.
I would probably lose my job if Paul got elected because he wants to destroy almost every federal agency in the U.S. Most presidents try to create jobs, Paul wants to to hundreds of thousands out on the streets.
I cant figure out what he offers that's appealing to anyone except the super rich. All of his viewpoints are based on his faith based devotion to extreme right-wing laissez-faire capitalism. The man's also a religious nut.
I read through these posts, and I see so much hatred. I see people trying to 'escape' their reality. What is it you hate? Why are you trying to escape? (There is another group of people that try to escape reality: they're called addicts... usually hard drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc., but can be work, travel, or other concepts.) Until you can acknowledge those two facts truthfully, you will never see that there really isn't anything wrong with this. (It is against Blizzard TOS, though. I won't blame Blizzard for banning accounts. They are merely enforcing their rules and policies, even if I don't agree with them.)
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com And overall bitter old man.
I read through these posts, and I see so much hatred. I see people trying to 'escape' their reality. What is it you hate? Why are you trying to escape? (There is another group of people that try to escape reality: they're called addicts... usually hard drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc., but can be work, travel, or other concepts.) Until you can acknowledge those two facts truthfully, you will never see that there really isn't anything wrong with this. (It is against Blizzard TOS, though. I won't blame Blizzard for banning accounts. They are merely enforcing their rules and policies, even if I don't agree with them.)
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
I read through these posts, and I see so much hatred. I see people trying to 'escape' their reality. What is it you hate? Why are you trying to escape? (There is another group of people that try to escape reality: they're called addicts... usually hard drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc., but can be work, travel, or other concepts.) Until you can acknowledge those two facts truthfully, you will never see that there really isn't anything wrong with this. (It is against Blizzard TOS, though. I won't blame Blizzard for banning accounts. They are merely enforcing their rules and policies, even if I don't agree with them.)
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
Could not have said it better myself.
And it was said so much nicer and polite than I would have done.
I am a Ron Paul supporter - and I am glad to hear this in only the sense of it representing more Ron Paul supporters - but for the love of all that is good - Stop This Moronic idea, you are only giving the media fuel for mockery, derision and scorn For the Ron Paul campaign to be a success, he needs the respect and admiration of the mainstream media and populace - stunts like this will only chip away at his chances, because like it or not you will not be taken seriously prefacing any political opinion with, effectively, "I am a WoW player and I support.." I am not saying you can't play WoW and have well informed political standings so no flame war necessary- I am saying be practical, look from a bigger perspective, one of not how things should be in your mind but how things are. To beat the political good ol boy network and their following sheep at their game, we need to play the game their way and win - and the 'game' involved here is not an online MMO. Don't give them ammunition to belittle the movements for change, because mainstream media and candidates can and will do so. Swallow your pride and keep you political voices where they 'belong' (again, my use of this word is subjective, but factual at this time)
Its not that serious I assure you. Ron Paul will not fly or fall on the actions of a few on a server in a video game. If a person doesn't have enough sense to appreciate what Ron Paul has to say on his own merits then it is their own stupidity or spiritual blindness that is the issue. I have no issue with this display, I appreciate and applaud it, my problem comes from the mindless numbnutz that fear the destruction of their gameplay experience more than the destruction of their country. People like that don't deserve freedom. Our founding fathers are corkscrewing in their graves.
"In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we will further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people's palaces...Soon we shall begin with the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds; these interestswill finally distract their minds from questions in which we found ourselves compelled to oppose them."
- William Cooper from his book Behold a Pale Horse,cptr 15 Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion,pg 303
Reborn your the numbnutz. Just because someone doesnt want real world polotics in there game is no reason to assume they dont give a crap what happens to there country. Thinking that is simply idiotic. ITS A FREAKING GAME. Real world does not belong in GAMES. I play a fantasy GAME because I want to get away from the real world once in a while. Hell I even took issue seeing Christian guild spam in games. Like someone else said....what about thoes people that dont even live in the USA. Why should they have to deal with crap involving USA polotics?
Even more I laugh at your quote. With your (rather uninformed) logic and that quote why are you even on these forums? The people I worry about are people like you, who cant understand the diffrence between entertainment and religion/politics. People play games, Watch movies, Watch sports ect because they enjoy them and in most cases use them as stress relief from the real world. That is my issue with bringing the real world into games.
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself that are the bane of the not only of those that see the forest for the trees but for the cruel rulers of this world that will one day have you waiting in line for orderly disposal. Is it not possible that the ideas of which they speak, which encompass your arse's right to sit at a computer and say whatever YOU feel, the couple hours or so that a group in 1 zone on 1 of the seemingly hundreds of wow servers and the constitution that guarantees these freedoms supercede, for that brief surcease, your attempt to craft the +3 mithril backscratcher you were so hoping to pop? People like you are trained sheep being led by the myriad of judas goats to the slaughter. Maybe when its someone YOU care about sent off to die/kill for oil, when its YOUR freedom or property that is taken away based on suspiscion, maybe then you will actually formulate an opinion that isn't spoon fed to you on the local news and you will see the value of the freedoms that were once held so dear in this country. "Its a game" "Its my escape"...pathetic. If your house started to burn down while you were playing and someone tried to tell ya, would that interfere with your "escape" too? heh, you can always build another house, but can you rebuild the republic when its gone (see NAU)? I repeat, our forefathers are corkscrewing in their graves.
Now as far as being uninformed, here's a little test Ive posted previously, though I doubt you'll take it Xeno, to see if you are able to incorporate information into your thought processes that are not handed to you on a silver platter by govt sponsored schools.
1) In the above link appears a thousand year old piece of pottery depicting a man riding a triceratops. If a) man and dinosaurs are seperated by 65 million years and b) should therefore not know what a triceratops looks like. Why is it depicted as perfectly as it is?You can read the whole site here:http://www.bible.ca/tracks/peru-tomb-art.htm
The question now is, does anything you've seen in these videos cause you to question anything you thought you knew before? Does it make you question the way the world works? If so, and this is the world we live in, isn't it more intelligent to seek the truth and find it than to blindly accept what we are told and really never know? Could so few control so many while being 100% honest and things be as they are? Who told you that everything is based on coincidence? Even nature has laws that it follows like cause and effect, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the law of entropy, all things in the universe tend towards chaos, nothing falls together, everything falls apart. If these laws display themselves throughout the observable cosmos, why then are we taught that the universe is random and that order came from the chaos of a Big Bang? Why do they teach things just happen, nothing means anything and no matter what, conspiracies are relegated exclusively to the realm of theory?
I also doubt you bothered to check the link under "we" in the quote posted previously, because that would infer that you actually have an interest in gathering information to make fairly informed decisions and maybe even come to conclusions via your own thought processes, not those some marketing maven pushes upon you. Disagreement based on information is 100% cool, willful ignorance most definately is not.
...and finally regarding the non-american players playing, no game takes place in a vacuum, I find talking to people from other places about their issues and ideologies fascinating, including their political ones, I would hope that an active, precocious mind could appreciate people expressing their views and ideas from a grassroots level, considering that is the norm worldwide.
Even nature has laws that it follows like cause and effect, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the law of entropy, all things in the universe tend towards chaos, nothing falls together, everything falls apart. If these laws display themselves throughout the observable cosmos, why then are we taught that the universe is random and that order came from the chaos of a Big Bang? Why do they teach things just happen, nothing means anything and no matter what, conspiracies are relegated exclusively to the realm of theory?
No, it's "equal or opposite" reaction, not just "opposite". But that's essentially what you've done here, taken a little bit of truth, omitted the rest, and added your own interpretation.
The universe does not lend itself to chaos and disorder. We see stars forming all the time. No one teaches that the universe if random, it's quite the opposite in fact.
You need to learn how to make your points with fewer links and fewer words. And FYI, linking to a bunch of youtube videos and Christians wack-job websites isn't going to score your many points in believability.
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, a bunch of links, blah blah blah, wall of text crits you for seven thousand, blah , I don't have a thought worth expressing, blah blah.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com And overall bitter old man.
Even nature has laws that it follows like cause and effect, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the law of entropy, all things in the universe tend towards chaos, nothing falls together, everything falls apart. If these laws display themselves throughout the observable cosmos, why then are we taught that the universe is random and that order came from the chaos of a Big Bang? Why do they teach things just happen, nothing means anything and no matter what, conspiracies are relegated exclusively to the realm of theory?
No, it's "equal or opposite" reaction, not just "opposite". But that's essentially what you've done here, taken a little bit of truth, omitted the rest, and added your own interpretation. The universe does not lend itself to chaos and disorder. We see stars forming all the time. No one teaches that the universe if random, it's quite the opposite in fact. You need to learn how to make your points with fewer links and fewer words. And FYI, linking to a bunch of youtube videos and Christians wack-job websites isn't going to score your many points in believability.
Astonishing. Wrong and strong all day long. I'm not sure if I've ever had someone's ignorance prove my points so effectively.
Third Law Whenever a particle A exerts a force on another particle B, B simultaneously exerts a force on A with the same magnitude in the opposite direction. The strong form of the law further postulates that these two forces act along the same line. This law is often simplified into the sentence "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton's_laws_of_motion
As far as the universe "lending itself to chaos" I am SPECIFICALLY making the point that if all things in the universe "tend toward chaos" according to the universal law of ever increasing entropy then why in the same instance do we see order expressed time and time again? Order that could not exist from a "Big Bang" according to physics as we are taught it. I have studied astronomy and astrophysics and they DO teach that all these ordered occurences come from the chaos of a Big Bang in theory, which I guess is easy for them to accept because they reject the idea of a creator right off. My point is the science of the universe (of which we are a part) as they present it contradicts itself and we should therefore question it even if its scholars do not.
As far as making my points with fewer links and fewer words, doesn't seem to matter as you apparently didn't read it thoroughly or in full to begin with. Perhaps it is you that should learn to better read what is written and better follow the train of thought of the author before posting a response that is not only misguided, unresearched and flawed, but shows to all what the sheeple mindset is really all about, laziness and overemotionality. I mean, I figured having videos with compelling evidence might better serve our single serving attention span populace, but for some like yourself its seems even a few sentences are too daunting a task to wade thru to discuss a point. I mean I put 1 christian website showing a piece of pottery with a triceratops on it, and then a link to show where the picture came from and I'm a posting a "bunch of Christian wackjob websites"? If it were a Buddhist website would that make it any better? Or Jewish? Or Hindu?The picture is posted where its posted, it is its content, not location at issue here. 2 links to the same site = bunch of christian websites and I'm the wackjob? Do you even know WHY you believe what you believe or is this all just more PC thuggery? Ah nvm. I know you've probably stopped reading this about10 lines ago, but in the hopes you squeak thru life reading the first and last sentence of parapraphs to glean information, here's a little advice: Read a book.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
--Dresden James
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, a bunch of links, blah blah blah, wall of text crits you for seven thousand, blah , I don't have a thought worth expressing, blah blah.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs.
...and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, a bunch of links, blah blah blah, wall of text crits you for seven thousand, blah , I don't have a thought worth expressing, blah blah.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs.
...and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com And overall bitter old man.
All you've managed to prove to anyone is that you're an asshole and incapable of making points without looking down on others throughout the whole process.
The very notion that you would put together these sorts of arguments on a website devoted to MMORPGs doesn't speak well of your intentions. Did you get booted out of every forum on the internet devoted to discussing these topics so that you have to come to gaming websites to put forward your conspiracy nonsense?
Big Bang, Evolution, these are facts. If they weren't modern biology and astronomy simply wouldn't function. You're not smarter than the millions of scientists operating in every country on the planet who all arrive at the same conclusions. Think about it for just a minute.
Youtube videos and religious website aren't evidence. Any moron can post anything they want on the internet. Give me a peer reviewed source.
none of this discussion will change the fact that game masters will, without question or hesitation, action the account of any player, regardless of reason, political or religious affiliation, for any action that not only violates the terms of service agreement, but disrupts the play experience of any of blizzard's player's.
The policy enforcement in world of warcraft isnt taken lightly by any frame of the word. you break the rules and you will face the system. be you leroy jenkins, or ron paul, or any other popular figure. There are a lot more politicians playing world of warcraft than any of you might be aware of. they are not better than any of you in the high fantasy world of azeroth.
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at raphkoster.com
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, a bunch of links, blah blah blah, wall of text crits you for seven thousand, blah , I don't have a thought worth expressing, blah blah.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs.
...and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
I'm not sure what your having trouble following. My initial point was a few hundred people marching in a video game for a couple hours to support the ideals that will save this country in real life is no great cross to bear. My second point was referring primarily to people who felt something has to be done about it, in some cases including pking the marchers. The US is being looted and destroyed by a rogue govt and something has to be done about people trying to fight it on such an innocuos level? C'mon. As you can tell i don't subscribe to the theory that game issues supercede real life ones, especially ones as important as the fate of this country. I referred to these people as numbnutz.
Next post, after calling Xeno a jerk and lamenting the mindset that allow people to be perpetually led astray, people thus referred to as sheeple, I questioned if the ideas the marchers supported superceded the mild annoyance they posed to some onlookers. Ideas that support your right to say whatever you feel when you want, private property rights, honest govt, ideas that are the foundation of this republic. I then go on to say that maybe when Xeno has to deal with some of the ills of this current regime personally he will see the value in the expression of dissent against it, in any venue. I then made the analogy that its the equivalent of being interupted from playing to be told your house is burning down, except that your house after all is said and done can be rebuilt, our nation cannot be.
Xeno also stated I was uninformed, so I placed a number of videos, pictures and articles that are not normally discussed on tv or in most schools to show that the things you think are facts aren't necessarily true because you are taught they are. For example, that "free energy" doesn't exist, or that man and dinosaurs are seperated by millions of years, techically speaking I made no assertion about evolution, just the timetable of man and dinosaurs existence. (I don't personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist if it were true don't, and the precursor forms of animals like the horse, for example, have fossils side by side in the same strata of earth indicating they all lived at the same time and could therefore be their own unique, complete species. Also they have found countless fossils of animals like the horseshoe crab and various frogs and spiders that they claim are as much as 300 million years old and still look identical to the species today. Variation? Yes. Adaptation? Yes. Evolution? No) Even evolutionists struggle to maintain the party line:
"Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of ‘seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of ‘gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them..." (David B. Kitts, Ph.D. -- Zoology, Head Curator, Department of Geology, Stoval Museum, and well-known evolutionary paleontologist. Evolution, Vol. 28, Sept. 1974.
...but that's for another day. To continue, I then stated I hoped that players in foreign countries could appreciate the expression of opinion on issues and ideologies from a grassroots level seeing as thats the norm worldwide.
I then in my third post addressed D732's misstatement about Newton's 3rd law of Motion by listing it and citing my source. I then clarified my point about what we are told about all this order coming from the chaos of a Big Bang which defies the law of entropy ( AND technically the Law of the conservation of matter which states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. In other words where did the initial explosive matter really come from?) Fact is the Big Bang theory is no fact and was somewhat "exploded" itself some time ago: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD173DF930A35752C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2
and thirdly addressed his point that my posts are too lengthy and filled with too many links. Thats an opinion, I don't dispute his opinion about my posts, I cite sources and put evidence in front of you to better illustrate what I'm saying and give the reader something to actually dissect and disprove if so inclined. I do however have a problem with the fact he clearly didn't look at the links to see what they contained before disparaging them. Real arguments I respect, rhetoric sounds like a post-hypnotic suggestion adhered to because its speaker is merely following its directive.
Finally my first post to you,Ten. "and of course the requisite parrot". First of all you misquote me for the amusement of some (actually not a problem aside from the misquoting part , I have no problem being made fun of) then make conclusions that in no way reflected anything I was saying and put me into some sort of preconceived cube that makes a good pinata for the majority opinion. This makes it appear as though you are attacking based on someone else's ire with me. "Parroting" their position without disputing mine on the merits of your own arguments. I then go on to state that I don't care what people say, its their mouth, its their opinion, I defend their right to express it.
You then reply with a post that at least displays some understanding of what Ron paul is about and expresses your position on what he has to say to some degree, but still clearly misses the mark in thinking that I think disagreeing with the display means your against Ron Paul since my first post was in response to a Ron paul Supporter who thought this would hurt his credibility. I believe a) it won't, b) its not that big a deal, and c) the free expression of ideas supercede any game. Besides wtfrig do I care who you support? That's your business, my problem comes with people who have a problem with those that exercise their rights, I don't care if its Bush supporters, Hillary supporters, whoever, if its not illegal activity, it should be protected.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
I read through these posts, and I see so much hatred. I see people trying to 'escape' their reality. What is it you hate? Why are you trying to escape? (There is another group of people that try to escape reality: they're called addicts... usually hard drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc., but can be work, travel, or other concepts.) Until you can acknowledge those two facts truthfully, you will never see that there really isn't anything wrong with this. (It is against Blizzard TOS, though. I won't blame Blizzard for banning accounts. They are merely enforcing their rules and policies, even if I don't agree with them.)
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
I didn't say anything about immersion. You're reading more into my post than I actually stated. Then again, maybe I stated more than I intended. They're just magnetic fluctuations on a peice of metal somewhere. <shrug>
There is a difference between immersion into a medium and suspension of disbelief. They may be intertwined, but there is a difference. In a movie, book, theatre, or other medium, it only requires work of the creator and the observer. An MMO has very little related to these mediums. Group mediums, such as MMOs, live action role-play, and others, require ALL participants to perform within the definition of the creator in order to create immersion. It also requires all participants to agree to what the vision of the creator is. Failure of one participant breaks the immersion of all participants. On non-role play servers, this is impossible, as many aren't there to do role play. (It's highly difficult on RP flagged servers outside of your group of guild.) (Oh, and by the way, we're not talking about a large portion of art and entertainment. We're talking about MMORPGs here.)
It comes down to picking and choosing in MMOs. I made an earlier post that expressed my opinion on the matter. I followed up that post because all I read was complaints. If my statements don't apply to you, then you should be safe to ignore them.
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself, blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, a bunch of links, blah blah blah, wall of text crits you for seven thousand, blah , I don't have a thought worth expressing, blah blah.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs.
...and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
I'm not sure what your having trouble following. My initial point was a few hundred people marching in a video game for a couple hours to support the ideals that will save this country in real life is no great cross to bear. My second point was referring primarily to people who felt something has to be done about it, in some cases including pking the marchers. The US is being looted and destroyed by a rogue govt and something has to be done about people trying to fight it on such an innocuos level? C'mon. As you can tell i don't subscribe to the theory that game issues supercede real life ones, especially ones as important as the fate of this country. I referred to these people as numbnutz.
Next post, after calling Xeno a jerk and lamenting the mindset that allow people to be perpetually led astray, people thus referred to as sheeple, I questioned if the ideas the marchers supported superceded the mild annoyance they posed to some onlookers. Ideas that support your right to say whatever you feel when you want, private property rights, honest govt, ideas that are the foundation of this republic. I then go on to say that maybe when Xeno has to deal with some of the ills of this current regime personally he will see the value in the expression of dissent against it, in any venue. I then made the analogy that its the equivalent of being interupted from playing to be told your house is burning down, except that your house after all is said and done can be rebuilt, our nation cannot be.
Xeno also stated I was uninformed, so I placed a number of videos, pictures and articles that are not normally discussed on tv or in most schools to show that the things you think are facts aren't necessarily true because you are taught they are. For example, that "free energy" doesn't exist, or that man and dinosaurs are seperated by millions of years, techically speaking I made no assertion about evolution, just the timetable of man and dinosaurs existence. (I don't personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist if it were true don't, and the precursor forms of animals like the horse, for example, have fossils side by side in the same strata of earth indicating they all lived at the same time and could therefore be their own unique, complete species. Also they have found countless fossils of animals like the horseshoe crab and various frogs and spiders that they claim are as much as 300 million years old and still look identical to the species today. Variation? Yes. Adaptation? Yes. Evolution? No) Even evolutionists struggle to maintain the party line:
"Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of ‘seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of ‘gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them..." (David B. Kitts, Ph.D. -- Zoology, Head Curator, Department of Geology, Stoval Museum, and well-known evolutionary paleontologist. Evolution, Vol. 28, Sept. 1974.
...but that's for another day. To continue, I then stated I hoped that players in foreign countries could appreciate the expression of opinion on issues and ideologies from a grassroots level seeing as thats the norm worldwide.
I then in my third post addressed D732's misstatement about Newton's 3rd law of Motion by listing it and citing my source. I then clarified my point about what we are told about all this order coming from the chaos of a Big Bang which defies the law of entropy ( AND technically the Law of the conservation of matter which states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. In other words where did the initial explosive matter really come from?) Fact is the Big Bang theory is no fact and was somewhat "exploded" itself some time ago: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD173DF930A35752C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2
and thirdly addressed his point that my posts are too lengthy and filled with too many links. Thats an opinion, I don't dispute his opinion about my posts, I cite sources and put evidence in front of you to better illustrate what I'm saying and give the reader something to actually dissect and disprove if so inclined. I do however have a problem with the fact he clearly didn't look at the links to see what they contained before disparaging them. Real arguments I respect, rhetoric sounds like a post-hypnotic suggestion adhered to because its speaker is merely following its directive.
Finally my first post to you,Ten. "and of course the requisite parrot". First of all you misquote me for the amusement of some (actually not a problem aside from the misquoting part , I have no problem being made fun of) then make conclusions that in no way reflected anything I was saying and put me into some sort of preconceived cube that makes a good pinata for the majority opinion. This makes it appear as though you are attacking based on someone else's ire with me. "Parroting" their position without disputing mine on the merits of your own arguments. I then go on to state that I don't care what people say, its their mouth, its their opinion, I defend their right to express it.
You then reply with a post that at least displays some understanding of what Ron paul is about and expresses your position on what he has to say to some degree, but still clearly misses the mark in thinking that I think disagreeing with the display means your against Ron Paul since my first post was in response to a Ron paul Supporter who thought this would hurt his credibility. I believe a) it won't, b) its not that big a deal, and c) the free expression of ideas supercede any game. Besides wtfrig do I care who you support? That's your business, my problem comes with people who have a problem with those that exercise their rights, I don't care if its Bush supporters, Hillary supporters, whoever, if its not illegal activity, it should be protected.
Imagine what your life would be like if someone like this gets serious political power.
__________________________ "Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it." --Arcken
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints." --Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls." --Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Blah blah blah Ron Paul is the second coming, blah blah blah... Xeno also stated I was uninformed, so I placed a number of videos, pictures and articles that are not normally discussed on tv or in most schools to show that the things you think are facts aren't necessarily true because you are taught they are. For example, that "free energy" doesn't exist, or that man and dinosaurs are seperated by millions of years, techically speaking I made no assertion about evolution, just the timetable of man and dinosaurs existence. You placed a number of annoying videos, etc. in order to swamp the argument, much as creationist before you have. It's a pitiful tactic. Even if someone took the time to dispute each point it would make no difference. You're working from a different set of rules for debate and they change by the minute. I've seen your type before, and truly, you are annoying. (I don't personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist if it were true don't, and the precursor forms of animals like the horse, for example, have fossils side by side in the same strata of earth indicating they all lived at the same time and could therefore be their own unique, complete species. Also they have found countless fossils of animals like the horseshoe crab and various frogs and spiders that they claim are as much as 300 million years old and still look identical to the species today. Variation? Yes. Adaptation? Yes. Evolution? No) Of course you don't believe in Evolution. Because you completely fail to grasp it. You've deluded yourself into thinking that you are an expert on the subject when you are a rank novice at best. And where do you go to get your information on the subject? Not from scientific, peer-reviewed sources, not those who actually work in the field, but instead you go to creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and have the answer, "God diddit" for everything. You accuse others of agendas, but you fail to see how you fit into the agenda of others. Yeah, you're so above it all, you super brain you. Even evolutionists struggle to maintain the party line: "Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of ‘seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of ‘gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them..." (David B. Kitts, Ph.D. -- Zoology, Head Curator, Department of Geology, Stoval Museum, and well-known evolutionary paleontologist. Evolution, Vol. 28, Sept. 1974. Hey look everyone, a quote mine! And it's only 30+ years old! How amazing. Hey, Brainiac, you do realize there are more recent papers on the subject than this, right? Start with dates with years that begin with a 2 (not the 3rd century, either), and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the right track. For those interested in this beautiful quote mine, go here for more information. This is a common and blatantly corrupt tactic of creationists. Honesty is not their forte. Another quote mine tactic would be like this (using Brainiacs own quote from above): I... personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist... were true Seriously, you fail at logic and your tactics suck.
I then in my third post addressed D732's misstatement about Newton's 3rd law of Motion by listing it and citing my source. I then clarified my point about what we are told about all this order coming from the chaos of a Big Bang which defies the law of entropy ( AND technically the Law of the conservation of matter which states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. In other words where did the initial explosive matter really come from?) Fact is the Big Bang theory is no fact and was somewhat "exploded" itself some time ago: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD173DF930A35752C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 All this order from chaos? hehe... Anyway, on to the fun part of this block of ignorance. First, the Big Bang Theory does not predict where the material came from, not even a little bit. Nope. You might as well call the Theory of Evolution a failure because it doesn't tell you why that sauce on a Big Mac is just so darn tasty. You see, again, you are a rank novice with only a degree in internet research and agendas. How dare you misuse science for your own ignorant agenda. Secondly, your article is from 1991. Again, there have been numerous papers on this subject of late. Dude, there have been major breakthroughs just LAST YEAR. Not to mention that this isn't even a scientific paper, it's a dumbed down version for the public. Seriously, read and stay current on the science. Don't read some old article and then swing it like a baseball bat at all new research. Science does NOT work like that. Oh, but it does if you have an agenda.... Finally my first post to you,Ten. "and of course the requisite parrot". First of all you misquote me for the amusement of some (actually not a problem aside from the misquoting part , I have no problem being made fun of) then make conclusions that in no way reflected anything I was saying and put me into some sort of preconceived cube that makes a good pinata for the majority opinion. This makes it appear as though you are attacking based on someone else's ire with me. "Parroting" their position without disputing mine on the merits of your own arguments. I then go on to state that I don't care what people say, its their mouth, its their opinion, I defend their right to express it. No, I think Parrot is the perfect word for you, how convenient that it is mentioned here. The things you list are obviously things that you really want to fit into your worldview so badly that you will ignore any opposing evidence... if only you were more honest.
Oh well, keep drinking the Koolaid Brainiac.. it's tasty!
It's not a roleplay server and it's no different than having to see people with names like "Allurbase" as members of guilds like "iCritUnot". You all talk about immersion like there's enough maturity on WoW servers to have immersion.
Someone even brought reading a book or other forms of entertainment. Hello, don't you have commercials when you're watching most television shows? Yes, you do. Sure, you have some on HBO/Cin/Sho, etc that are commercial free, but most popular shows have commercials.
And how often do you see Chuck Norris chat followed by "Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying" spam? Yes, now that's immersion.
Completely laughable. Yes, when I think of immersion, I think of WoW. pft
Well, I actually did take part in this, and it was really quite fun. Very peaceful and calm, no account bans, no hoopla. I believe the guild master even contacted a GM beforehand to get a thumbs up first. Which he must of, because soon after we were on the march.
Because RP has huge grass roots support, things like this will come up. People from many walks of life like him, and because he doesn't have a "top down" type campaign, the skies the limit. So people will want to include him on their interests.
I can understand the desire to keep "Real World Issues" out of a game however. But throughout MMORPG history, real life and gameworlds were never able to fully divorce themselves. Think of the many threads here that revolve around the ever popular "OMG -your really a guy playing a girl toon??".
Realistically, the impact was not big at all. Perhaps a bit of a longer queue time, but thats its really. There was no malicious behavior, no real lag, etc. Along the way, we had a bunch of people /cheer and /dance with us. Some even joined us... including horde!
Well, I actually did take part in this, and it was really quite fun. Very peaceful and calm, no account bans, no hoopla. I believe the guild master even contacted a GM beforehand to get a thumbs up first. Which he must of, because soon after we were on the march. Because RP has huge grass roots support, things like this will come up. People from many walks of life like him, and because he doesn't have a "top down" type campaign, the skies the limit. So people will want to include him on their interests. I can understand the desire to keep "Real World Issues" out of a game however. But throughout MMORPG history, real life and gameworlds were never able to fully divorce themselves. Think of the many threads here that revolve around the ever popular "OMG -your really a guy playing a girl toon??". Realistically, the impact was not big at all. Perhaps a bit of a longer queue time, but thats its really. There was no malicious behavior, no real lag, etc. Along the way, we had a bunch of people /cheer and /dance with us. Some even joined us... including horde! Someone fraps'd it and put a vid on youtube.. take a peek: http://youtube.com/watch?v=XDyheKhwWf8
Nice video. While not a supporter, I think it's great what you guys/gals did. IMO, it's a good thing to get involved in the process and support your candidate -- whether virtually or in the real world. Congratulations.
This was a great thing. I really dont get people that are whining about this. We live in a time when politicians are wanting to intrude into our privacy and are being influenced by big media more than by people. Games are being pressured to conform to some peoples social mores. Ron Paul is for small government and for government staying out of peoples lives. Gamers should support this type of candidate. I have switched my registration so I can vote for Paul and I have sent his campaign money. We get what we deserve and if you want government to say what you can or cant play then just stay uninvolved.
I'm amazed that anyone would support Ron Paul. Not that it matters since he could never get elected and represents a viewpoint that has as much popularity as communism.
I would probably lose my job if Paul got elected because he wants to destroy almost every federal agency in the U.S. Most presidents try to create jobs, Paul wants to to hundreds of thousands out on the streets.
I cant figure out what he offers that's appealing to anyone except the super rich. All of his viewpoints are based on his faith based devotion to extreme right-wing laissez-faire capitalism. The man's also a religious nut.
this 100 worse then gold sellers, and i bet they have blizzard permission and nothing gonna happen to that guys.
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com
And overall bitter old man.
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
Could not have said it better myself.
This is kind of like writing letters to NH or attending campaign events. Except for the part WHERE ITS IDIOTIC AND WON'T HELP AT ALL.
Get off your computer and start canvassing morons.
I support taking politics to the streets. Revolution for the win.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com
And overall bitter old man.
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
Could not have said it better myself.
/seconded.And it was said so much nicer and polite than I would have done.
time to train some big nasty into SW right about that point, let the death toll begin!
Its not that serious I assure you. Ron Paul will not fly or fall on the actions of a few on a server in a video game. If a person doesn't have enough sense to appreciate what Ron Paul has to say on his own merits then it is their own stupidity or spiritual blindness that is the issue. I have no issue with this display, I appreciate and applaud it, my problem comes from the mindless numbnutz that fear the destruction of their gameplay experience more than the destruction of their country. People like that don't deserve freedom. Our founding fathers are corkscrewing in their graves.
"In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we will further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people's palaces...Soon we shall begin with the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds; these interestswill finally distract their minds from questions in which we found ourselves compelled to oppose them."
- William Cooper from his book Behold a Pale Horse,cptr 15 Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion,pg 303
Reborn your the numbnutz. Just because someone doesnt want real world polotics in there game is no reason to assume they dont give a crap what happens to there country. Thinking that is simply idiotic. ITS A FREAKING GAME. Real world does not belong in GAMES. I play a fantasy GAME because I want to get away from the real world once in a while. Hell I even took issue seeing Christian guild spam in games. Like someone else said....what about thoes people that dont even live in the USA. Why should they have to deal with crap involving USA polotics?
Even more I laugh at your quote. With your (rather uninformed) logic and that quote why are you even on these forums? The people I worry about are people like you, who cant understand the diffrence between entertainment and religion/politics. People play games, Watch movies, Watch sports ect because they enjoy them and in most cases use them as stress relief from the real world. That is my issue with bringing the real world into games.
Xenojerk, I'm afraid it is the pathetically uninformed sheeple like yourself that are the bane of the not only of those that see the forest for the trees but for the cruel rulers of this world that will one day have you waiting in line for orderly disposal. Is it not possible that the ideas of which they speak, which encompass your arse's right to sit at a computer and say whatever YOU feel, the couple hours or so that a group in 1 zone on 1 of the seemingly hundreds of wow servers and the constitution that guarantees these freedoms supercede, for that brief surcease, your attempt to craft the +3 mithril backscratcher you were so hoping to pop? People like you are trained sheep being led by the myriad of judas goats to the slaughter. Maybe when its someone YOU care about sent off to die/kill for oil, when its YOUR freedom or property that is taken away based on suspiscion, maybe then you will actually formulate an opinion that isn't spoon fed to you on the local news and you will see the value of the freedoms that were once held so dear in this country. "Its a game" "Its my escape"...pathetic. If your house started to burn down while you were playing and someone tried to tell ya, would that interfere with your "escape" too? heh, you can always build another house, but can you rebuild the republic when its gone (see NAU)? I repeat, our forefathers are corkscrewing in their graves.
Now as far as being uninformed, here's a little test Ive posted previously, though I doubt you'll take it Xeno, to see if you are able to incorporate information into your thought processes that are not handed to you on a silver platter by govt sponsored schools.
-- Josef Stalin --
I also doubt you bothered to check the link under "we" in the quote posted previously, because that would infer that you actually have an interest in gathering information to make fairly informed decisions and maybe even come to conclusions via your own thought processes, not those some marketing maven pushes upon you. Disagreement based on information is 100% cool, willful ignorance most definately is not.
...and finally regarding the non-american players playing, no game takes place in a vacuum, I find talking to people from other places about their issues and ideologies fascinating, including their political ones, I would hope that an active, precocious mind could appreciate people expressing their views and ideas from a grassroots level, considering that is the norm worldwide.
Unplug and seek for yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dib2-HBsF08
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
Even nature has laws that it follows like cause and effect, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the law of entropy, all things in the universe tend towards chaos, nothing falls together, everything falls apart. If these laws display themselves throughout the observable cosmos, why then are we taught that the universe is random and that order came from the chaos of a Big Bang? Why do they teach things just happen, nothing means anything and no matter what, conspiracies are relegated exclusively to the realm of theory?
No, it's "equal or opposite" reaction, not just "opposite". But that's essentially what you've done here, taken a little bit of truth, omitted the rest, and added your own interpretation.
The universe does not lend itself to chaos and disorder. We see stars forming all the time. No one teaches that the universe if random, it's quite the opposite in fact.
You need to learn how to make your points with fewer links and fewer words. And FYI, linking to a bunch of youtube videos and Christians wack-job websites isn't going to score your many points in believability.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com
And overall bitter old man.
As far as the universe "lending itself to chaos" I am SPECIFICALLY making the point that if all things in the universe "tend toward chaos" according to the universal law of ever increasing entropy then why in the same instance do we see order expressed time and time again? Order that could not exist from a "Big Bang" according to physics as we are taught it. I have studied astronomy and astrophysics and they DO teach that all these ordered occurences come from the chaos of a Big Bang in theory, which I guess is easy for them to accept because they reject the idea of a creator right off. My point is the science of the universe (of which we are a part) as they present it contradicts itself and we should therefore question it even if its scholars do not.
As far as making my points with fewer links and fewer words, doesn't seem to matter as you apparently didn't read it thoroughly or in full to begin with. Perhaps it is you that should learn to better read what is written and better follow the train of thought of the author before posting a response that is not only misguided, unresearched and flawed, but shows to all what the sheeple mindset is really all about, laziness and overemotionality. I mean, I figured having videos with compelling evidence might better serve our single serving attention span populace, but for some like yourself its seems even a few sentences are too daunting a task to wade thru to discuss a point. I mean I put 1 christian website showing a piece of pottery with a triceratops on it, and then a link to show where the picture came from and I'm a posting a "bunch of Christian wackjob websites"? If it were a Buddhist website would that make it any better? Or Jewish? Or Hindu?The picture is posted where its posted, it is its content, not location at issue here. 2 links to the same site = bunch of christian websites and I'm the wackjob? Do you even know WHY you believe what you believe or is this all just more PC thuggery? Ah nvm. I know you've probably stopped reading this about10 lines ago, but in the hopes you squeak thru life reading the first and last sentence of parapraphs to glean information, here's a little advice: Read a book.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
--Dresden James
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs....and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs....and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
Content Writer for RTSGuru.com
And overall bitter old man.
All you've managed to prove to anyone is that you're an asshole and incapable of making points without looking down on others throughout the whole process.
The very notion that you would put together these sorts of arguments on a website devoted to MMORPGs doesn't speak well of your intentions. Did you get booted out of every forum on the internet devoted to discussing these topics so that you have to come to gaming websites to put forward your conspiracy nonsense?
Big Bang, Evolution, these are facts. If they weren't modern biology and astronomy simply wouldn't function. You're not smarter than the millions of scientists operating in every country on the planet who all arrive at the same conclusions. Think about it for just a minute.
Youtube videos and religious website aren't evidence. Any moron can post anything they want on the internet. Give me a peer reviewed source.
Yeah, I'm a real PC thug who doesn't read books.
Take your stuff back to www.godhatesfags.com
I think they're about at your level.
none of this discussion will change the fact that game masters will, without question or hesitation, action the account of any player, regardless of reason, political or religious affiliation, for any action that not only violates the terms of service agreement, but disrupts the play experience of any of blizzard's player's.
The policy enforcement in world of warcraft isnt taken lightly by any frame of the word. you break the rules and you will face the system. be you leroy jenkins, or ron paul, or any other popular figure. There are a lot more politicians playing world of warcraft than any of you might be aware of. they are not better than any of you in the high fantasy world of azeroth.
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at raphkoster.com
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs....and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
I'm not sure what your having trouble following. My initial point was a few hundred people marching in a video game for a couple hours to support the ideals that will save this country in real life is no great cross to bear. My second point was referring primarily to people who felt something has to be done about it, in some cases including pking the marchers. The US is being looted and destroyed by a rogue govt and something has to be done about people trying to fight it on such an innocuos level? C'mon. As you can tell i don't subscribe to the theory that game issues supercede real life ones, especially ones as important as the fate of this country. I referred to these people as numbnutz.
Next post, after calling Xeno a jerk and lamenting the mindset that allow people to be perpetually led astray, people thus referred to as sheeple, I questioned if the ideas the marchers supported superceded the mild annoyance they posed to some onlookers. Ideas that support your right to say whatever you feel when you want, private property rights, honest govt, ideas that are the foundation of this republic. I then go on to say that maybe when Xeno has to deal with some of the ills of this current regime personally he will see the value in the expression of dissent against it, in any venue. I then made the analogy that its the equivalent of being interupted from playing to be told your house is burning down, except that your house after all is said and done can be rebuilt, our nation cannot be.
Xeno also stated I was uninformed, so I placed a number of videos, pictures and articles that are not normally discussed on tv or in most schools to show that the things you think are facts aren't necessarily true because you are taught they are. For example, that "free energy" doesn't exist, or that man and dinosaurs are seperated by millions of years, techically speaking I made no assertion about evolution, just the timetable of man and dinosaurs existence. (I don't personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist if it were true don't, and the precursor forms of animals like the horse, for example, have fossils side by side in the same strata of earth indicating they all lived at the same time and could therefore be their own unique, complete species. Also they have found countless fossils of animals like the horseshoe crab and various frogs and spiders that they claim are as much as 300 million years old and still look identical to the species today. Variation? Yes. Adaptation? Yes. Evolution? No) Even evolutionists struggle to maintain the party line:
"Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of ‘seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of ‘gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them..." (David B. Kitts, Ph.D. -- Zoology, Head Curator, Department of Geology, Stoval Museum, and well-known evolutionary paleontologist. Evolution, Vol. 28, Sept. 1974.
...but that's for another day. To continue, I then stated I hoped that players in foreign countries could appreciate the expression of opinion on issues and ideologies from a grassroots level seeing as thats the norm worldwide.
I then in my third post addressed D732's misstatement about Newton's 3rd law of Motion by listing it and citing my source. I then clarified my point about what we are told about all this order coming from the chaos of a Big Bang which defies the law of entropy ( AND technically the Law of the conservation of matter which states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. In other words where did the initial explosive matter really come from?) Fact is the Big Bang theory is no fact and was somewhat "exploded" itself some time ago: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD173DF930A35752C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2
and thirdly addressed his point that my posts are too lengthy and filled with too many links. Thats an opinion, I don't dispute his opinion about my posts, I cite sources and put evidence in front of you to better illustrate what I'm saying and give the reader something to actually dissect and disprove if so inclined. I do however have a problem with the fact he clearly didn't look at the links to see what they contained before disparaging them. Real arguments I respect, rhetoric sounds like a post-hypnotic suggestion adhered to because its speaker is merely following its directive.
Finally my first post to you,Ten. "and of course the requisite parrot". First of all you misquote me for the amusement of some (actually not a problem aside from the misquoting part , I have no problem being made fun of) then make conclusions that in no way reflected anything I was saying and put me into some sort of preconceived cube that makes a good pinata for the majority opinion. This makes it appear as though you are attacking based on someone else's ire with me. "Parroting" their position without disputing mine on the merits of your own arguments. I then go on to state that I don't care what people say, its their mouth, its their opinion, I defend their right to express it.
You then reply with a post that at least displays some understanding of what Ron paul is about and expresses your position on what he has to say to some degree, but still clearly misses the mark in thinking that I think disagreeing with the display means your against Ron Paul since my first post was in response to a Ron paul Supporter who thought this would hurt his credibility. I believe a) it won't, b) its not that big a deal, and c) the free expression of ideas supercede any game. Besides wtfrig do I care who you support? That's your business, my problem comes with people who have a problem with those that exercise their rights, I don't care if its Bush supporters, Hillary supporters, whoever, if its not illegal activity, it should be protected.
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -Edmund Burke
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
(Psalm 94:16)
Clearly you're a person that has limited experience with people who read books, watch movies, play videogames, participate in a table top games, watch live theatre, enjoy live orchestra, go to amusement parks, or watch TV shows, because professionals and fans alike, in each one of the above hobies, know of the word "immersion". It's a word that's generally used to describe whether or not a particular experience is captivating enough to help you escape your reality, and get sucked into the entertainment you've come to enjoy. Put simply, it's a term used to describe whether or not an experience is any good. That's not a simptom of addiction, that's a simptom of entertainment.
Here's a news flash - a large portion of art and entertainment revolves solely around the suspension of disbelief, otherwise known as escaping reality, or being immersed. This is the fundamental building block of fiction, and is required for the entertainment that billions of human beings have enjoyed through out history. Please, next time you decide to take it upon yourself to judge, atleast educate yourself a little on the topic you have at hand, or atleast the phenomenon (in this case, escapism) that you choose to publicly condemn.
I didn't say anything about immersion. You're reading more into my post than I actually stated. Then again, maybe I stated more than I intended. They're just magnetic fluctuations on a peice of metal somewhere. <shrug>
There is a difference between immersion into a medium and suspension of disbelief. They may be intertwined, but there is a difference. In a movie, book, theatre, or other medium, it only requires work of the creator and the observer. An MMO has very little related to these mediums. Group mediums, such as MMOs, live action role-play, and others, require ALL participants to perform within the definition of the creator in order to create immersion. It also requires all participants to agree to what the vision of the creator is. Failure of one participant breaks the immersion of all participants. On non-role play servers, this is impossible, as many aren't there to do role play. (It's highly difficult on RP flagged servers outside of your group of guild.) (Oh, and by the way, we're not talking about a large portion of art and entertainment. We're talking about MMORPGs here.)
It comes down to picking and choosing in MMOs. I made an earlier post that expressed my opinion on the matter. I followed up that post because all I read was complaints. If my statements don't apply to you, then you should be safe to ignore them.
All I got out of all of that was that Science is bad, fossils are the bones of Jesus, and that it's perfectly acceptable to cram American Politics down the throat of a global community that's attempting to enjoy a little medieval fantasy. The great thing is, people like you wouldn't be tooting their horns and going on about how "great" this public expression is if the thing that was being publicly expressed were, let's say, Nazi rights, Pedophilia, racism, Muslim fanatacism, anti American sentiments, anti abortion / pro abortion opinions, a man's right to beat his wife, the death of God, etc. No, the only reason you happen to even support this bull hockey is because you support the bull hockey behind it.
.... and yet you call Xeno a sheeple? If you really want to point fingers at "what's ruining America", and accuse people of not thinking logically, maybe you should go find yourself a mirror, and point at that instead? Maybe that person might even give a crap about your finger pointing, or the ill-formed opinions behind them.
and of course the requisite parrot. You got science is bad? uh huh. Was it from the free energy links or the NASA press conference on mars? Bones of Jesus? mm hmm. I support "bull hockey" like...? Do you even know what their platform is? You don't think the destruction of our economy, constitution and sovereignty is really destroying America? If I'm so "ill-informed" make an effort, refute my points with something. Its so easy to write off what I have to say without disproving any of it or placing anything concrete on the table of your own. My point is, if you are in fact correct in any point of view, show me the error of mine. Where does it say a video game abridges our right to free speech? Fact is I don't care what anyone says, Its their mouth, its their opinion, what do I care? If they make good points I listen and make a decision to agree/disagree or interject, but you, or anyone else, can say anything they want, thats the point. If I'm in a game and don't like something someone has to say, we either argue, part ways or exchange /ignores, but i would never want to stop him/her from actually exercising their freedom to call me x, y or z. That is their right, as it is mine to disagree, but it is not my right to stop them from using theirs....and remember, when they offer you vaccines? Take em. When they take away your liberty for security? Applaud them and when they lock you up for being unpatriotic? Thank em for maintaining the integrity of the freest nation on earth. So help you God.
I'm going to put this bluntly, but I don't say it to be mean - a rambling and raving lunatic could likely have composed a more coherent post than the one you've subjected the readers of this forum to. Now, honest to God, I'm not saying this to be insulting, I'm saying it to make a point - you've lost touch with stability, and need to take a few steps back and think about the things that you say before you say them. Truth be told, I'd love to respond to your post, but the thought process behind it is just so utterly unfollowable and out of touch with reality that I just don't know where to begin, and as such, can't. Sane adults don't preface the things that they have to say by pointing fingers at others and calling people tired, childish names such as "sheeple", or "parrot". They order their thoughts into an easy to understand manner, and present them without subjecting the people around them to some kind of irrational tirade.
But, I will say this, since it seems that you assume that all people who are against this are somehow against Ron Paul, Liberty, America, and God - I know all about Ron Paul, and consider him to be one of the best presidential candidates that America has going for it right now. I don't agree with a few of his stances , such as his interest in increasing taxes on products made in America, his stance on Abortion, or his stance on gays in the Military - but as a whole, I think he's got alot of great opinions. Just to name a few - He's anti war, anti income tax, pro tighter borders, anti patriot act, anti war on drugs, anti defecit spending, pro lower & middle class, and pro internet freedom.
Even though I support Ron Paul, I STILL think that the fact that people plan to campaign for him in a global medieval MMORPG is an insane, infuriating thing to do. It simply shows utter disregard for a product that people pay to enjoy, and more importantly, utter disregard for other human beings.
I'm not sure what your having trouble following. My initial point was a few hundred people marching in a video game for a couple hours to support the ideals that will save this country in real life is no great cross to bear. My second point was referring primarily to people who felt something has to be done about it, in some cases including pking the marchers. The US is being looted and destroyed by a rogue govt and something has to be done about people trying to fight it on such an innocuos level? C'mon. As you can tell i don't subscribe to the theory that game issues supercede real life ones, especially ones as important as the fate of this country. I referred to these people as numbnutz.
Next post, after calling Xeno a jerk and lamenting the mindset that allow people to be perpetually led astray, people thus referred to as sheeple, I questioned if the ideas the marchers supported superceded the mild annoyance they posed to some onlookers. Ideas that support your right to say whatever you feel when you want, private property rights, honest govt, ideas that are the foundation of this republic. I then go on to say that maybe when Xeno has to deal with some of the ills of this current regime personally he will see the value in the expression of dissent against it, in any venue. I then made the analogy that its the equivalent of being interupted from playing to be told your house is burning down, except that your house after all is said and done can be rebuilt, our nation cannot be.
Xeno also stated I was uninformed, so I placed a number of videos, pictures and articles that are not normally discussed on tv or in most schools to show that the things you think are facts aren't necessarily true because you are taught they are. For example, that "free energy" doesn't exist, or that man and dinosaurs are seperated by millions of years, techically speaking I made no assertion about evolution, just the timetable of man and dinosaurs existence. (I don't personally believe in evolution since the countless intermediate forms Darwin claimed would exist if it were true don't, and the precursor forms of animals like the horse, for example, have fossils side by side in the same strata of earth indicating they all lived at the same time and could therefore be their own unique, complete species. Also they have found countless fossils of animals like the horseshoe crab and various frogs and spiders that they claim are as much as 300 million years old and still look identical to the species today. Variation? Yes. Adaptation? Yes. Evolution? No) Even evolutionists struggle to maintain the party line:
"Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of ‘seeing' evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of ‘gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them..." (David B. Kitts, Ph.D. -- Zoology, Head Curator, Department of Geology, Stoval Museum, and well-known evolutionary paleontologist. Evolution, Vol. 28, Sept. 1974.
...but that's for another day. To continue, I then stated I hoped that players in foreign countries could appreciate the expression of opinion on issues and ideologies from a grassroots level seeing as thats the norm worldwide.
I then in my third post addressed D732's misstatement about Newton's 3rd law of Motion by listing it and citing my source. I then clarified my point about what we are told about all this order coming from the chaos of a Big Bang which defies the law of entropy ( AND technically the Law of the conservation of matter which states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. In other words where did the initial explosive matter really come from?) Fact is the Big Bang theory is no fact and was somewhat "exploded" itself some time ago: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CEFDD173DF930A35752C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2
and thirdly addressed his point that my posts are too lengthy and filled with too many links. Thats an opinion, I don't dispute his opinion about my posts, I cite sources and put evidence in front of you to better illustrate what I'm saying and give the reader something to actually dissect and disprove if so inclined. I do however have a problem with the fact he clearly didn't look at the links to see what they contained before disparaging them. Real arguments I respect, rhetoric sounds like a post-hypnotic suggestion adhered to because its speaker is merely following its directive.
Finally my first post to you,Ten. "and of course the requisite parrot". First of all you misquote me for the amusement of some (actually not a problem aside from the misquoting part , I have no problem being made fun of) then make conclusions that in no way reflected anything I was saying and put me into some sort of preconceived cube that makes a good pinata for the majority opinion. This makes it appear as though you are attacking based on someone else's ire with me. "Parroting" their position without disputing mine on the merits of your own arguments. I then go on to state that I don't care what people say, its their mouth, its their opinion, I defend their right to express it.
You then reply with a post that at least displays some understanding of what Ron paul is about and expresses your position on what he has to say to some degree, but still clearly misses the mark in thinking that I think disagreeing with the display means your against Ron Paul since my first post was in response to a Ron paul Supporter who thought this would hurt his credibility. I believe a) it won't, b) its not that big a deal, and c) the free expression of ideas supercede any game. Besides wtfrig do I care who you support? That's your business, my problem comes with people who have a problem with those that exercise their rights, I don't care if its Bush supporters, Hillary supporters, whoever, if its not illegal activity, it should be protected.
Imagine what your life would be like if someone like this gets serious political power.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Oh well, keep drinking the Koolaid Brainiac.. it's tasty!
- LC
It's not a roleplay server and it's no different than having to see people with names like "Allurbase" as members of guilds like "iCritUnot". You all talk about immersion like there's enough maturity on WoW servers to have immersion.
Someone even brought reading a book or other forms of entertainment. Hello, don't you have commercials when you're watching most television shows? Yes, you do. Sure, you have some on HBO/Cin/Sho, etc that are commercial free, but most popular shows have commercials.
And how often do you see Chuck Norris chat followed by "Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying" spam? Yes, now that's immersion.
Completely laughable. Yes, when I think of immersion, I think of WoW. pft
Well, I actually did take part in this, and it was really quite fun. Very peaceful and calm, no account bans, no hoopla. I believe the guild master even contacted a GM beforehand to get a thumbs up first. Which he must of, because soon after we were on the march.
Because RP has huge grass roots support, things like this will come up. People from many walks of life like him, and because he doesn't have a "top down" type campaign, the skies the limit. So people will want to include him on their interests.
I can understand the desire to keep "Real World Issues" out of a game however. But throughout MMORPG history, real life and gameworlds were never able to fully divorce themselves. Think of the many threads here that revolve around the ever popular "OMG -your really a guy playing a girl toon??".
Realistically, the impact was not big at all. Perhaps a bit of a longer queue time, but thats its really. There was no malicious behavior, no real lag, etc. Along the way, we had a bunch of people /cheer and /dance with us. Some even joined us... including horde!
Someone fraps'd it and put a vid on youtube.. take a peek: http://youtube.com/watch?v=XDyheKhwWf8
"...and with that cryptic comment, I'm off to bed!"
- LC
This was a great thing. I really dont get people that are whining about this. We live in a time when politicians are wanting to intrude into our privacy and are being influenced by big media more than by people. Games are being pressured to conform to some peoples social mores. Ron Paul is for small government and for government staying out of peoples lives. Gamers should support this type of candidate. I have switched my registration so I can vote for Paul and I have sent his campaign money. We get what we deserve and if you want government to say what you can or cant play then just stay uninvolved.