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So I'm looking for a new MMO to play after taking a few months break. I was juggling between LotRO and Vanguard, and I think I'll try Vanguard, because I like giving every game it's fair shake.
My main question is, as the topic suggests, how inviting the community is towards new players. Are we talking a generally mature crowd willing to help new people find their footing? Or is the game filled with elitist EQ1 jerks who spam hate towards WoW in OOC and tell you to "go back to your easy mode MMO" whenever a question is asked?
Now I know there are both kinds of people in every MMO--I'm just wondering which type seems to be the most prevalent. The general community atmosphere of Vanguard, if you will.
If at all possible, try to answer the question from the perspective of someone who is not an MMO vet. Just a new player who has only seriously played maybe 1-2 other MMOs, starting with WoW.
I think it will depend on the server mate,I was on halgar a euro server and it wasnt to helpful at all and very quiet,A couple of people said when I questioned why no-one was helping people with question`s that alot of the high level players switch off the general chat,I dont know if it is true but was strange that 2 people said the samething at almost the sametime.
From what I hear i think the US server`s have alot more player`s so maybe it is better there.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
I play on Seradon and for the most part, people are helpful. Granted, any game is bound to have some asshats playing who generally get off on being a jerk but I haven't seen too much of it on my server in a long time. The community seemed to be far worse at release with the "go back to wow" crap than it is today. Which is really odd, considering the train wreck the game was at release.
For the most part however, the community is friendly, and more than willing to help new players with any questions they may have. If you do happen to run into an idiot, just ignore 'em because they aren't representative of the community. They just tend to be the loudest.
Xeth is very unfriendly and very under populated at least in the 10-30 range. I hear Seradon is the server to be on, but dont hold me to that..i havent tried Seradon. I do have a couple of my Xeth characters marked for transfer to Seradon, But Im unsure when it will happen.. The deadline is supposedly dec 30th
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I play on Seradon myself, and would say there is a mix of elitist asshats and helpful people. There's plenty of nice folks who'll help you out, but be prepared to cop a few 'go back to wow' comments in the process.
As with most MMO's, your best option is to find an active guild that is accepting noobs.
1. Make a seperate tab for tells
2. Ask your question in "world chat", followed by "PST", then change to your tell tab
3. Respond to any tells with a "Thank you"
These are three simple steps to help you avoid the nuisances that plague every MMO.