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Summoning. Good or Bad?

K33n0K33n0 Member Posts: 80

Just wonderin what everyone thinks Summoning is gnna be like. I personally don't think its worth giving all the kiddies a chance to have cute Pokemon pets running  around after them. Havng read Development Diaries etc., I think it'll only get good when u hit 50+.


  • AkaJetsonAkaJetson Member Posts: 1,167

    Not too sure yet but I have some supposed pictures of what the animals will be...

    got it from


  • mike480mike480 Member Posts: 75

    I think that summoning was made just to keep people around for a little while, to get there minds off all the updates that they recently made.  Now I dont think this will go very well, since summoning is mems only, and raises combat lvl.  So for bounty hunter (which is terible) your stats will be lower than any1 elses lvl if they do not train summoning. 

    Example-  Pretend im lvl 70.  umm... 60 atk 60str.  Then there is another lvl 70, who has 50 summoning.  Now they will have a lower str lvl, since summoning gained them several lvls.

    Summoning will make the combat system more screwed up then it is already.



  • K33n0K33n0 Member Posts: 80

    Yup, maybe as a distracion from the recent controversy surrounding the game, a new skill would be a great idea. Im not saying that they came up with the whole skills to take all eyes away from their battl on RWT, just that the release has come at a good time.

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