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Silly question some girl asked me today and I had to come out to and ask my fellow friends on the mmorpg forums on 'your' thoughts about it.
Some people consider it a tough question, some people answer with a mere few words.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
Obviously all is not fair in war, that's why there's such a thing as a "war criminal"
Obviously not all is fair in love, because love, and life, are both inherently unfair.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
False to the bone. Put it this way, do you think it's "fair" for me to KILL you to gain the "love" of your girlfriend?
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
By the way: true.
Some people think of it as a deep philosophical question, which I suppose it can be. I think it's pretty simple though.
If you have any sort of morals whatsoever, then it's false. Morals mean there is something out there which you think is "wrong" or "unfair", whether they're bad morals or good morals.
If you have no morals whatsoever, then it's true.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Of course its true.
I don't think all is fair in love and war.
Then again, life isn't fair.
until a friend is involved, especially a friend that can kick your a** or has friends that can kick your a** lol
By the way: true.
I can't say so, it depends....I mean if you have to resort to actually killing someone then damn. That's not necessary. I think it's false, because most don't think behind the fact of the quote or the situation by hand. Depending on the situation it can be true, but most likely I think it's false. If gaining love equals to war, war equaling to love, war becomes love or vice versa. It's all on the situation.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
All is fair only if it involves Riki's mom, a goat and a circus midget....otherwise, no, all is not fair.
Someone who says all is fair is looking for trouble or reassurance that their cheating (whether that is relationship wise or in the form of torture...wait sometimes one involves the other, now I am confused)is justified.
You know what forget about what Bill & Ted said: "Be exxxcelllent to one another."
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
of course not all! there is NEVER anything that has an absolute notion.
False, I think.
We must confess that li fe is not fair at all.
Fair is a concept that does not intrinscally exist.
There is nothing that is inherently fair or unfair, to make a statement of fairness is to derive a statement of what something should be by observing what is. And you can never derive an ought from an is.
Unless you define fair in a normative way, which stll doesn't imply an ought.
In short fair is an opinion, what is fair to one person is unfair to another, so I don't think anyone will say yes, all is fair in love and war. Unless they have a loose definition of fair.
I don't believe in fair, so I would say, it doesn't matter what you do really.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
fairness is a completely alien concept to anyone who has ever fought a war
Love , no idea since fairness isnt standard across the board that would be hard to answer except by the people directly involved.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
I like your answer.
War isn't fair and will never be as some of you smart ones already understand that by being involved in the recent one on terrorism and/or reading in your history books.
War isn't fair, the press conferences on C-Span will tell you differently that we are being civilized and all that non-sense while we are over there. Alright, yeah right.
We are to a certain degree, and so are they.
Before we became a little bit more humane about the war you guys saw all over the internet and soldiers getting their heads cut off with knives.
We react to that, the friends, and family nearby who are helping fight the war with him react to it differently.
So, War is unfair.
Love, Love is unfair because it gets into your head and actually manages all your emotions for you like some awesome Clive Barker's Jericho AI system. I've seen a lot of guys completely go crazy out here in Iraq so far. Just praying and wishing they could go back to their family. It messes with them just as much as this environment does.
Before I got the internet, I would walk down a street on patrol, and see a garbage can empty. Ok, seeing that means it was garbage day.
Two days later, the Garbage can is empty again. I sit and think about it for awhile and soon to realize a week has already passed by again.
But anyway, love messes with your emotions that may already be tore up and force you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
My answer is False.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
I like your answer.
War isn't fair and will never be as some of you smart ones already understand that by being involved in the recent one on terrorism and/or reading in your history books.
War isn't fair, the press conferences on C-Span will tell you differently that we are being civilized and all that non-sense while we are over there. Alright, yeah right.
We are to a certain degree, and so are they.
Before we became a little bit more humane about the war you guys saw all over the internet and soldiers getting their heads cut off with knives.
We react to that, the friends, and family nearby who are helping fight the war with him react to it differently.
So, War is unfair.
Love, Love is unfair because it gets into your head and actually manages all your emotions for you like some awesome Clive Barker's Jericho AI system. I've seen a lot of guys completely go crazy out here in Iraq so far. Just praying and wishing they could go back to their family. It messes with them just as much as this environment does.
Before I got the internet, I would walk down a street on patrol, and see a garbage can empty. Ok, seeing that means it was garbage day.
Two days later, the Garbage can is empty again. I sit and think about it for awhile and soon to realize a week has already passed by again.
But anyway, love messes with your emotions that may already be tore up and force you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
My answer is False.
well i wasnt really speaking about civility in war. Thats a seperate issue. Fairness would go towards things like .. our communications are better ( IVIS SYSTEMS) so do we go back to 1940's radios to be on same level? our medical support is better do we no longer send doctors to the front? do we no longer use stealth fighters since radar can not track them? do we no longer ambush or raid should we stop using artillery since it gives no warning until the first round lands. One of our carriers by itself is one of the worlds top airforces. since its not fair we can project with that ship should we no longer deply them ? thats the kind of thing i was leaning towards.
Fairness has nothing to do with civility towards your enemy.
I would like to think i was civil when i could be and ruthless when required , but not once did i ever even stop to consider if any action i planned or executed was fair to my enemy. Most of modern military planning is to make the battle as UNFAIR as possible for the enemy.
That does not mean i mistreated wounded , prisoners, or tried to be cruel. I tried to win , with as much of a safety net as i could design to keep my people alive.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
I'm curious what your answer was. My answer would be a negative. War isn't fair, and not everything is fair in love.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I like your answer.
War isn't fair and will never be as some of you smart ones already understand that by being involved in the recent one on terrorism and/or reading in your history books.
War isn't fair, the press conferences on C-Span will tell you differently that we are being civilized and all that non-sense while we are over there. Alright, yeah right.
We are to a certain degree, and so are they.
Before we became a little bit more humane about the war you guys saw all over the internet and soldiers getting their heads cut off with knives.
We react to that, the friends, and family nearby who are helping fight the war with him react to it differently.
So, War is unfair.
Love, Love is unfair because it gets into your head and actually manages all your emotions for you like some awesome Clive Barker's Jericho AI system. I've seen a lot of guys completely go crazy out here in Iraq so far. Just praying and wishing they could go back to their family. It messes with them just as much as this environment does.
Before I got the internet, I would walk down a street on patrol, and see a garbage can empty. Ok, seeing that means it was garbage day.
Two days later, the Garbage can is empty again. I sit and think about it for awhile and soon to realize a week has already passed by again.
But anyway, love messes with your emotions that may already be tore up and force you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
My answer is False.
Well, imagine that; you already made an answer... I'm guessing it's roughly the same one you gave the girl. I'm sure some of the terrorists believe they are fighting a war; at least we do - the war on terror. That implies that there is somebody to fight - namely the terrorists who are fighting us. So is it fair for a terrorist to blow up a bus-load of children in this war?
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
By the way: true.
I can't say so, it depends....I mean if you have to resort to actually killing someone then damn. That's not necessary. I think it's false, because most don't think behind the fact of the quote or the situation by hand. Depending on the situation it can be true, but most likely I think it's false. If gaining love equals to war, war equaling to love, war becomes love or vice versa. It's all on the situation.
I've been married. Love IS war.
By the way: true.
I can't say so, it depends....I mean if you have to resort to actually killing someone then damn. That's not necessary. I think it's false, because most don't think behind the fact of the quote or the situation by hand. Depending on the situation it can be true, but most likely I think it's false. If gaining love equals to war, war equaling to love, war becomes love or vice versa. It's all on the situation.
I've been married. Love IS war.
And that's why I'm not.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
All is fair in bumper sticker talk... that's about it. Reality rarely lends itself to a true or false answer. (see, I even gave a bumper sticker explanation)
- LC
its true because a woman can make you do whatever she wants to prove how much you care about them, if you bite or not is your choice.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
There are 2 rules and ONLY 2 rules to love and war my Uncle would say.
1. There are no rules.
2. If you don't believe rule number one, you lose.