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  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Thanks for sticking with me LoStCaUz3. Somebody has to ::::36::



  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154
    I am just kinda sad that someone has to be me. Hah!image

    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by LoStCaUz3
    I am just kinda sad that someone has to be me. Hah!image_______________________________
    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.

    We will see::::11:: ::::02::. I btw i looked up that stats for night elf and troll and the night elf is slightly better. So sorries i cant go that route with you. So it looks like the only alliance we have is pally.
    Awell i guess we will battle to death::::40::::::27::::::26::::::25::::::40::.



  • jubbincakejubbincake Member Posts: 134
    Ok frogman, first off. Why your post is a piece of crap, youd idn't even type that up. Next time try and typ eit up, and add your own opinions into it, that screenshot was ugly and horrible looking, i mena come on! "oh oh! you can see the veins!" does thta make it good, NO! If you are a loser, YES! In my opinion EQ2 hands down sucks more-so than WoW. And don't say i havnt done my research on EQ2, for about a month i was planning on EQ2, i spent countless hours reading and watching. But then, i got bored of the game before it even came, it will be very exceiting when it actually releases. Then soon after, I started reading into WoW, because im a huge Warcraft fan. I got intrigued and sucked in. Alot of people are mesmorized by the EQ2 graphics, i wa sta first but after a while they get very boring to look at. All of the EQ2 guys have on WoW are the comic graphics that WoW has, in my opinion, the graphics are an acquired taste if you will, that is why tons of WC3 fans love them. That's all I have to say.

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Jubbin in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol ya I agree with most of what you just said. I think that dude was trying to get us upset. But thats not what us WOW fans do::::39::.

    I belive the fun factor of WOW will surpass every other mmorpg.
    That you can quote me on::::28::.



  • HelixwolfHelixwolf Member Posts: 345

    I don't care how many EQ II fans say that, "OH, look at the graphics! Now that is so much more uber then WoW's poopy graphics!" To me, graphics go to a certain extent. I've had many games that had awesome graphics, but if the gameplay sucked, the game ate the concreteimage (sold actually). You can every detail on a person's body; even down a small hair on their (bleep), but that doesn't mean automatically I'm gonna drop everything and buy the game because of that. The graphics are only a part the recipe! I mean, come on! Guys......comn on!  Come on!

    All in all, I AM FOR WoW!image ROCK ON!!!!!image




  • ShawkShawk Member Posts: 122

    Your posting in a World of Warcraft forum.. the obvious answer will be WoW.

    I think they will both do good, and i think they will both have about the same amount of players, if EQ2 doesin't turn into something like AC2.


  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303

    Here is a list of reasons why Eq2 will be awsome and will blow WoW out of the water.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
    1.  Locked encounters:  When you engage a monster it becomes a locked encouter.  This prevents kitting, kill stealing, loot stealing, ect.  I think this is an awsome idea.
    WoW has that already
    2.  Combat:  The combat in Eq2 looks simply stunning.  If you have watched some of the vidoes than you would know what i mean.
    Ive seen some videos of EQ2 battles and im not that impressed really EQ and WoW both look the same battlewise
    3.  Guilds:  Guilds are much more important in Eq2 than they were in Eq1.  Guilds will compete with other guilds for prestige, honor, and favor with the rulers of their city.  They are much more involved than in Eq1 where they were just names on a list.  Guilds will be able to own guild houses too.
    When are guild not important? I dont think WoW has any "Honor" system for guilds but its not a guild vs guild game its a Faction vs Faction game all guilds on either side are equal =P
    4.  Families:  They will consist of people with the last name.  They will be important, just not as important as guilds.  You will beable to notice what family a person is in by observing their last name.
    Ummm and this is important why? OMG we have same last names can I have a cookie? Why not just join a guild?
    5.  Fellowships:  They will consist of a maximum of 6 people.  They will always share experiance with each other no matter where the other members are.
    Hmmm does that include offline members? If so that might be nice for people who dont play often other then that its kinda lame. I dunno about you but I dont want someone leeching off my exp if they arent helping me kill mobs with me thats what grouping is for!
    6.  Housing:  Players will beable to own their own housing.  From instanced appartment style housing, to massive guild mansions.  The appartment style will be easy to obtain, but the stand alone housing will mostly only be obtainable by the highest level guilds.
    Ok why would you want a house if youre off exploring/hunting all the time? I know I know for RPing purposes and actually owning property. But I had a house in SWG which I never really "Slept" in I just used it for storage. So whats so good about housing? Housing for guilds would be good for meetings n what not.
    7.  Races:  There will be 16 playable races.  From the shortest gnome, to the tallest ogre.
    Ok EQ2 beats WoW there we only have 8 races
    8.  Classes:  There will be a total of 46 classes.  Eq2 implements a branching style, where you choose what path to take as you advance.
    WoW has 9 "Classes" but each will be unique with Tradeskills/Talents and racial traits so the differences will be alot more.
    9.  Character customization:  Players will beable to customize their appearance with complete control.  Giving them even more options on how to make their character exactly the way they want them to be.
    WoW has enough options IMO (Hair/Face/Facial Hair/HairColor)....SWG had a TON of customization options and well... there were some less "Pleasant to the eye" chars running around which totally ruined the immersion.
    10.  Lore/history:  Eq2 will have an unimagianble amount of lore and history.  All of this will play an important role in gameplay and guests.
    Thing is only people from EQ will know the lore/history unless EQ2 somehow gets everyone up to speed on the lore I doubt anyone other then EQ vets will know it. WoW lore is well known even to people who havent play the Warcraft RTS...And WoW does a great job of getting people who dont know the warcraft story up to speed with the race intros they have.
    11.  NPCs with voices:  Every NPC in Eq2 will have their own voice.  NPCs will actually call out to you if they have a quest that you are capable of doing.
    I dunno about you but after awhile that would get annoying IMO. Can you imagine if a NPC were to talk everytime someone walks by them and lets say you had to stay in the area to craft or something... hearing the same message over and over would umm annoy the hell out of me so Id probabaly end up turning off NPC voices (if they have that option).... WoW doesnt have that but the NPCs do interact with PCs thru chat system
    12.  Artisan class:  The artisan can get experiance from using their skill.  They don't have to fight a single monster ever.  They live sort of "normal" lives, having a job, and getting money from it. 
    Thats why only people who are hardcore crafters play crafting classes. Crafting shouldnt be a "Job" its a game crafting should be fun and not tedious. The crafting in WoW is fun you get blacksmithing experience for making items so not really different from EQ2.... although crafting isnt a "Class" its a tradeskill.
    13.  Tradeskills:  Tradeskills are much more advanced and indepth in Eq2 than in any other.  Eq2 has a revolutionary system.  Instead of just click, click, click, WOOT!!! i made a sword.  You actually have to "engage" the furnace and craft your item.  You have to keep the tempreture at a right level, and you have to work with the metal to form the desired result.
    Again only appealing to people who want to play a game to do a "Job". From your description normal people trying to do that tradeskill would get frustrated if they couldnt keep the temp at the right lvl or if they didnt get the right form for the sword....sounds like more trouble then its worth IMO.
    14.  Two starting cities:  In Eq2 there will be only 2 starting cities, which is an awsome idea.  These will always be populated because there are only 2.  Each will have around 17 zones each, making them massive.  They will provide a hub for trading and traveling.  In most mmorpgs with many starting cities, you end up with only one or two actually being populated with people.  The others are compelety abondoned.  There are only 2 starting cities, but there are more than 2 cities, just they are alot smaller and less important.
    Ummm can you say LAG CITY? You seem to miss something that unless you have a super computer to play this game you are gonna be lagged to death from day one. The graphic requirement alone for EQ2 is immense if i remember correctly
    15.  Exploration:  Exporlation will be an important factor in Eq2.  With no one knowing what happened to the rest of Norath it will be your job to explore and learn.
    In WoW you gain xp for exploring just like you would do from getting quests or killing mobs. Exploration is important in any MMORPG. If you stayed in the starter towns your whole time youre missing out on all the neat dungeons/cities that are out there. Again what you said has to do with EQ stuff and non EQers have no idea what the world looked like from the beginning nevermind what it looks like now.
    16.  Boats:  Boats will be the primary mode of transportation in Eq2.  Players will beable to actually naviagte boats instead of them being on a set course.  There of course will be set routes for some boats.  But players can guide some boats.  Allowing them more freedom in where they want to go.
    Eh I dunno about boats...but WoW has mounts to speed up exploring the world. I bet WoW will implement boats in an expansion cuz theres a whole world to be explored near the maelstrom.
    17.  Graphics:  The graphics in Eq2 are simply amazing.  Just look at this picture:

    Graphics dont make a factor makes the game.... WoW actually has nice graphics and the graphics dont cause lag in lower computers specs like EQ2 probabaly will. I remember when I first saw Lineage 2's graphics... I drooled....but I ended up only playing that game for 2 months got to lvl 50 and did EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING there is to do in 2 months that game had zero fun factor/content . It was nothing but a grind fest.
    One thing i dont see EQ2 fans speak about is PvP or FvF aspect....EQ2 does have a PvP FvF system dont they? If not Id rather play a single player RPG game  if I wanna just kill NPCs =P
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi


  • HelixwolfHelixwolf Member Posts: 345

    My answer for WoW will be the same in all forums: WoW, EQII, CoH, and the many more game forums out there! So I say again, I AM FOR WoW!! image


  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    [quote]Originally posted by Vakktn

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303
    Here is a list of reasons why Eq2 will be awsome and will blow WoW out of the water.
    1.  Locked encounters:  When you engage a monster it becomes a locked encouter.  This prevents kitting, kill stealing, loot stealing, ect.  I think this is an awsome idea.
    WoW has that already
    2.  Combat:  The combat in Eq2 looks simply stunning.  If you have watched some of the vidoes than you would know what i mean.
    Ive seen some videos of EQ2 battles and im not that impressed really EQ and WoW both look the same battlewise
    3.  Guilds:  Guilds are much more important in Eq2 than they were in Eq1.  Guilds will compete with other guilds for prestige, honor, and favor with the rulers of their city.  They are much more involved than in Eq1 where they were just names on a list.  Guilds will be able to own guild houses too.
    When are guild not important? I dont think WoW has any "Honor" system for guilds but its not a guild vs guild game its a Faction vs Faction game all guilds on either side are equal =P
    4.  Families:  They will consist of people with the last name.  They will be important, just not as important as guilds.  You will beable to notice what family a person is in by observing their last name.
    Ummm and this is important why? OMG we have same last names can I have a cookie?
    Ok Vakktn, can I ask you why you posted that message again? That guy was full of it, cuz almost all the things EQ2 is doing WOW is also doing or even 1 up on EQ2. EQ2 fans think EQ2 is better than WOW b-cuz of the graphics. I would argue to the death on that one though. WOW has some of the best graphics I have ever seen.



  • LaneoLaneo Member Posts: 359

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Do you think WOW is gonna be more fun then EQ2? Or do you think EQ2 is gonna leap frog right over it?
    I left you decide for yourself, AND REMEBER THIS IS BASE ON OPINION, and not playing experience.

    Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flip

    Nobody is perfect...My name is Nobody

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by Laneo

    Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flip

    The question is why dont you post it? It looks like you only have 10 posts, getting a little lazy?



  • JBO1JBO1 Member Posts: 277

    Very impressive how this argument never ends, but says the same thing all the way through..."The wheels on the bus go round and round..."

  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680

    Originally posted by Laneo

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Do you think WOW is gonna be more fun then EQ2? Or do you think EQ2 is gonna leap frog right over it?
    I left you decide for yourself, AND REMEBER THIS IS BASE ON OPINION, and not playing experience.

    Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flip

    WoW people seem to think it is soooo amazing that WoW has more votes......IN THE WoW FORUMS!!!!  WoW people sure have complex brains.  Oh by the way, about my long post that i had copy, and pasted ALOT, that was listing reasons why i like Eq2 and features i like about it.  I never did say that those would all be new features not implemented before, nor did i say that WoW did not have any of those.

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303
    Originally posted by Laneo
    Originally posted by bethel9
    Do you think WOW is gonna be more fun then EQ2? Or do you think EQ2 is gonna leap frog right over it?
    I left you decide for yourself, AND REMEBER THIS IS BASE ON OPINION, and not playing experience.
    -----------Social{S.O.S}Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flipWoW people seem to think it is soooo amazing that WoW has more votes......IN THE WoW FORUMS!!!!  WoW people sure have complex brains.  Oh by the way, about my long post that i had copy, and pasted ALOT, that was listing reasons why i like Eq2 and features i like about it.  I never did say that those would all be new features not implemented before, nor did i say that WoW did not have any of those.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Exsactly!!! EQ2 is not all mighty game that you ar eclaiming it to be. Its no better from what i have seen then WOW. You can strap fancy graphics on the worst game and its still gonna be crappy. No matter how good the graphics are.

    BOB go home!!! This is my house.



  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303

    Originally posted by Laneo

    Originally posted by bethel9
    Do you think WOW is gonna be more fun then EQ2? Or do you think EQ2 is gonna leap frog right over it?
    I left you decide for yourself, AND REMEBER THIS IS BASE ON OPINION, and not playing experience.

    Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flip
    WoW people seem to think it is soooo amazing that WoW has more votes......IN THE WoW FORUMS!!!!  WoW people sure have complex brains.  Oh by the way, about my long post that i had copy, and pasted ALOT, that was listing reasons why i like Eq2 and features i like about it.  I never did say that those would all be new features not implemented before, nor did i say that WoW did not have any of those.
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Exsactly!!! EQ2 is not all mighty game that you ar eclaiming it to be. Its no better from what i have seen then WOW. You can strap fancy graphics on the worst game and its still gonna be crappy. No matter how good the graphics are.

    BOB go home!!! This is my house.


    This question is out of pure curiousity:  What has lead people to belive that Eq2 will only have graphics and will suck in every other aspect.  I have no idea what so ever on where you get that info.

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

  • LaneoLaneo Member Posts: 359

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Originally posted by Laneo

    Why not put this Poll on the EQ2 boards? Watch the numbers flip

    The question is why dont you post it? It looks like you only have 10 posts, getting a little lazy?


    Lazy? First of all you dont know me. Second of all if I wanted to be a troll like you (116 posts in 6 days) since you registered, I could, BUT...Since I am not a troll (also defined as:"Someone who needs the boards to be noticed") I can let you keep that undermining task.

    Then again, as there are sooo many WoW vs EQ2 polls that came before yours (Mine included), you obviously have no clue as what the content of these boards hold to further your knowledge of all subject matters contained herein other than the blind ambition to let your own ego make a complete ass out of yourself! 

    Move along kiddie....

    Nobody is perfect...My name is Nobody

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303
    This question is out of pure curiousity:  What has lead people to belive that Eq2 will only have graphics and will suck in every other aspect.  I have no idea what so ever on where you get that info.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Well the place I got that from was your List of reasons EQ2 is better. THE ONLY THING I SAW ON THAT LIST that was better in YOUR EYES is the graphics. I dont see anything on that list that beats WOW.
    You can roll on the floor and throw shit on the walls, but thats not gonna impress me.



  • LaneoLaneo Member Posts: 359

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303

    This question is out of pure curiousity:  What has lead people to belive that Eq2 will only have graphics and will suck in every other aspect.  I have no idea what so ever on where you get that info.
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Well the place I got that from was your List of reasons EQ2 is better. THE ONLY THING I SAW ON THAT LIST that was better in YOUR EYES is the graphics. I dont see anything on that list that beats WOW.
    You can roll on the floor and throw shit on the walls, but thats not gonna impress me.


    What IS so special about WoW? 80% is Questing, 10% is fighting, 5% is socializing, the other 5% are the Disney Graphics (Boring after prob a month). That sure the hell doesn't impress me. I DID have the Diablo series and Blizzard did rock there, but Blizzard IS a newb in the MMORPG business.

    Nobody is perfect...My name is Nobody

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by Laneo

    What IS so special about WoW? 80% is Questing, 10% is fighting, 5% is socializing, the other 5% are the Disney Graphics (Boring after prob a month). That sure the hell doesn't impress me. I DID have the Diablo series and Blizzard did rock there, but Blizzard IS a newb in the MMORPG business.

    Dear Laneo,

    Everyone starts somewhere, do you think EQ and Sony were good when they where newbs? What makes you think Blizzard will be any different?



  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680
    Actually Laneo does have a valide point.  I give lists of reasons why <I> am going to choose Eq2 over WoW.  I have yet to see a single list of reasons supporting WoW.  So what does make WoW so special?  You proclaim it to be awsome and blow others away, but why is it awsome?  Blizzard makes it?  pah, that means absolutly NOTHING!

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303
    Actually Laneo does have a valide point.  I give lists of reasons why <I> am going to choose Eq2 over WoW.  I have yet to see a single list of reasons supporting WoW.  So what does make WoW so special?  You proclaim it to be awsome and blow others away, but why is it awsome?  Blizzard makes it?  pah, that means absolutly NOTHING!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Im sry to burst your bubble BOB, but some people have a life. And quite frankly i dont have the time to make a list a page long. I'm going to the beach peace out.::::28::::::02::::::24::



  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680

    Originally posted by bethel9

    Originally posted by Bobjones1303
    Actually Laneo does have a valide point.  I give lists of reasons why <I> am going to choose Eq2 over WoW.  I have yet to see a single list of reasons supporting WoW.  So what does make WoW so special?  You proclaim it to be awsome and blow others away, but why is it awsome?  Blizzard makes it?  pah, that means absolutly NOTHING!

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

    Im sry to burst your bubble BOB, but some people have a life. And quite frankly i dont have the time to make a list a page long. I'm going to the beach peace out.::::28::::::02::::::24::


    Yet you have the time to respond to all my posts here......i'm not asking for much, just give me a list plz.

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

  • Wolfs.RainWolfs.Rain Member Posts: 45

    Yes were all going to the beach BOB peace out::::02::::::24::::::28::

  • Bobjones1303Bobjones1303 Member Posts: 680

    Excusses, excusses.  You really should have posted a long list of reasons why you are choosing WoW a long time ago.  Without one it really supports the theory that you don't have any info and you can't say anything that makes the game better.

    -EQ1 character:Grotub, shaman of the Tribunal server

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